Best Time of the Year! from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch
Seasonal Cross Stitch Treats from The Silver Needle
Christmas and Winter

6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    
There are so many wonderful designs available that celebrate every season and occasion under the sun... so we thought it'd be fun to collect a few of them, and organize them for you on a set of Holiday/Seasonal Pages. I'm a "seasons nut..." so we'll be adding to these all the time! We have so many other projects and ideas in the shop, and elsewhere on the site, but this is a fun way to show you just a few ..... ENJOY!

Autumn Cross Stitch Designs
Spring and Easter Designs
Christmas and Winter
Patriotic and Summer

Joy to the World from Tiny Modernist - click to see more Santa and Mrs Claus from Tiny Modernist - click to see more Woodland Christmas Ornament Series #'s 9 through 12 from Tiny Modernist - click to see more Woodland Christmas Ornament Series Complete Set from Tiny Modernist - click to see more
A Trio of Christmas Designs from The Tiny Modernist
  • Joy to the World - This is a bright and fun piece. Stitched with DMC on something close to/or white, on 18/35ct it measures about 5-1/2 inches in size. The individual ornaments might be fun stitched just by themselves too - you could put them on a wreath or swag of greenery, making a fun, smaller project with just as much stitched personality! Presented as a full color chart.
  • Santa and Mrs Claus - At first, I thought these were door-stop-sized projects... but each finishes a mere 3-1/2 x 6 on 16/32ct! Stitch the Mr and Mrs to perch where-ever you like - right into your tree, on a window sill, decorating a wreath... they'll go anywhere! Coded for DMC, the chart is a full-sized leaflet and is printed in full color.
  • Woodland Christmas Ornament Series #'s 9 through 12 The third and final leaflet in this set of 12 ornament designs, these are charming! All 12 designs feature the same 7 DMC colors, Cheryl has a few hand-dyed conversions included, in case you want a little more variation in your colors. 4 Designs in each leaflet, just fresh, cute, and super easy to stitch!

LOVE Bauble from Wildflower Stitching - click to see more PEACE Bauble from Wildflower Stitching - click to see more Cardinal's NOEL Bauble from Wildflower Stitching - click to see more HOPE Bauble from Wildflower Stitching - click to see more
The Baubles
from Wildflower Stitching
LOVE is the newest in this pretty set of classic designs by Wildflower Stitching. Each is presented in its own single full-sized chart, and all are the same size at 71 x 71 in stitch count.

As you can see, you can choose whatever fabric you like best... and then choose a single color of any hand-dyed you like for your bauble. Peace, Noel and Hope are darker thread on light background, Love is the reverse... you can do it in a deep red thread against a white background. Really pretty, it's a nice set of desings.

Sleigh Bells Ring from Wildflower Stitching - click to see more
Sleigh Bells Ring
from Wildflower Stitching
This is kind of a cool design. You get that single big jingle bell, but you also get the verse with greenery row that you see finished into a drum shape - with that bell on top! Choose your fabric - on 36ct this finishes about 5 inches across, and 3 inches high.

Coded for hand-dyed or DMC, what I think is interesting is the DIRECTION of the stitching on the bell. She actually has the bell charted at a slant, so when you turn it with the bow facing up - you get that variation line. It's awesome, and makes it look REALLY GOOD. You're getting the effect of hand-dyed thread, but not an artificial row of color going straight from left to right. Anyway, it's a really pretty design, very unique and timeless! Presented as a chart with drum assembly instructions.

Kitty Garland from Annie Beez Folk Art - click to see more Santa's Helpurrs from Annie Beez Folk Art - click to see more

Kitty Garland and Santa's Helpurrs from The Stitchin Kitten
Here are two fun Holiday designs by The Stitchin Kitten for someone who loves cats. Both are presented as charts.
  • Kitty Garland - A row of kitties that are playing in the stockings, finish them individually as ornaments or make them into a little pillow. Choose any neutral fabric - one that lets the white show up on the boots. She has called for Rainbow Gallery's White Fuzzy Stuff for the fur stocking cuffs, and we'd use Arctic Rays for the garland. Gentle Art does have simply Wool - and that would be awesome for the little cats. Stitch count is 192 x 85, so finishes approx 12 x 5 on 32ct.
  • Santa's Helpurrs is also coded for DMC, and adds Rainbow Gallery's Petite Treasure Braid in red, black and gold. Measures 202 x 92, and will finish approx 14 x 6 on 32ct.

Little Town from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more First Noel from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more Heaven & Nature from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more No Crib for a Bed from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more Adore Him from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more
Little Town, First Noel, Heaven & Nature, No Crib for a Bed, Adore Him from KiraLyns Needlearts
Here's a charming set of classic Christmas designs - 4 ornaments and a single banner. By Kira Lyns, all are presented in single chart packs, and all are stitched with the same color palette of DMC floss. Little Town finishes about 3 x 8 on 18/36, while the ornaments - which are 55 in stitch count will measure about 3 inches each.

I love the tan, brown, aqua and mossy colors, I love how simple they are, and how 'retro' in personlity they are. They feel like something my Mom would have decorated with 60 years ago... and something you want to stitch now - for your grandkids!

Holy Night Ornaments Set Two from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more Holy Night Ornaments Set One from KiraLyns Needlearts - click for more
Holy Night Ornaments Set One and Two
from KiraLyns Needlearts
6 Small ornament designs - each measuring about 40 stitches in size, Set one features the Holy Family, Jesus and the stable sheep. Set two has a wise man, the village of Bethlehen, and an angel on holly sprigs.

Coded for DMC, all use the same color palette, and each of these will finish approx 3 inches in size. Three designs in each set.

Ready for Takeoff by ModCross Patterns - click for more Ready for Landing by ModCross Patterns - click for more Spooky Skyline by ModCross Patterns - click for more
Three Cute Aviation Ornaments from ModCross Patterns
  • Ready for Takeoff and Ready for Landing - Aren't these cute? Rudolph is ready to fly through a starry night in classic aviator fashion! He's on navy fabric (we have several different counts), and stitched with 9 DMC shades and a bit of glossy rayon thread. Every pilot needs a ground crew, so his little bear friend is holding the light wands and wearing his safety vest... ready to guide the flight perfectly! Again DMC floss. The chart description mentions Etoile thread - we don't have that - but I think Rainbow Gallery's Petite Treasure Braid would fit the bill to add the needed glitz. Each comes in their own separate chart and a DEFINITE for the airplane lover in your life!
  • Spooky Skyline - Ghosts and bats join a dapper black cat in a late night hot air balloon ride through the city! Measuring 82 x 118, it finishes approx 4-1/2 x 6-1/2 on 18/36ct. DMC flosses, choose a pretty sky color background.

New 2024 Holiday Stamps Kits from Mill Hill - click for more
From Left: Christmas Tree, Rudolph, Gifts, Ornament, Snowman, Candy Cane
New 2024 Holiday Stamps Kits from Mill Hill
Here's a new set of 6 cute little paper stamp ornaments by Mill Hill! Worked on 14ct brown perf paper with DMC floss and smattered with Mill Hill glass seed beads and a snowflake or other little brass charm, they measure about 2-1/4 x 3-1/4 when finished and cut out. Cute, quick and easy, colorful, and a little glisteny... you could even mount them to card stock and send them as Christmas Cards - to people you *really* like!

Jolly Snowman by Sew Emma - click to see more Santa Baby by Sew Emma - click to see more Lady Claus by Sew Emma - click to see more

Jolly Snowman, Santa Baby and Lady Claus from Sew Emma
Jolly Snowman is new and joins Santa Baby and Mrs Claus! By Sew Emma, this Holiday trio is retro in personality, and should remind you of Santa as you remember him when you were little.

All three are presented as separate charts - each is done on a light blue background - so the white shows up. Worked with DMC, they all finish approx 5 x 5 on 14ct. Simple and cute, they'd be fun finished onto three sides of a standing cube, or individually as well.

Merry Stitches by Samperbird Stitchery - click for more
Pin Cushions and Ornaments by Samperbird Stitchery
Merry Stitches - This is CUTE! Measuring just 45 in stitch count, it is done on Country Vintage Mocha colored fabric - which we carry in several different counts. For some reason that little stitched hoop and the scissors and tomato cushion on there make it so charming... it's a perfect ornament for a stitcher's ornament exchange! Presented as a chart.

Be sure to visit Spring and Easter Designs and Patriotic and Summer to see her other two new designs.

Cardinals's Promise from Stitchy Prose - click to see more
Something fun to stitch from Stitchy Prose
Cardinals's Promise - I had never heard this verse before, but several designers did things with this sentiment this season. This one is one of the prettiest, measuring a generous 160 x 160 and finishing 10 x 10 on 32ct.

Coded for DMC, it's worked on a winter-y gray background, so the snowflakes can show up. Very organized, easy to read, pleasing to the eye, it's presented as a full-sized chart.

Olde Town Winter Wonders by Ardith Designs - click for more Oh Deer by Ardith Designs - click for more
Winter Designs by Ardth Designs
I picked up 4 cute designs by Ardith Designs at the recent Market, lots of variety in them! (The other two are on our Summer Seasonal page.)
  • Oh Deer - This is a big stitched gingerbread cookie ornament. Choose your favorite gingerbread-colored fabric - aida or linen - our little deer measures 57 x 67, and finishes 3-1/2 x 4 on 32ct. Stitched with brown and creme DMC floss, you garnish with cream glass beads and a little metallic green for his wreath/scarf. Once he's stitched, you can applique him onto a piece of felt... so now he looks like a frosted cookie. We offer our Weeks Dye Works felted wool in little 8 x 8 'Schnigglet Cuts' that are perfect for this. You'll want to choose your fabric and wool together, so they coordinate. Cute finishing idea for a really sweet design. Presented as a chart.
  • Olde Town Winter Wonders - This is a miniature tree - it stands only 4-1/2 inches high! The colors in this are really fun - it is worked on 32ct Riviera Olive Green Linen (we have it in 28 and 32) and is garnished with Mill Hill's larger size 8 glass beads. Makes a fun teeny stand-up decoration with a burst of bright green.

Christmas Gnome Littles from Waxing Moon
Christmas Gnome Littles
from Waxing Moon Designs
Here's the next set of Littles by WM! Super-cute sets of 6 small designs, along with Halloween Monsters and Forest Animals, this time we have Gnomes getting ready for Christmas.

3 x 3, they make cute pin cushions to nestle together in a basket. This is the 8th in the set. Chart includes all six designs which are coded for DMC.

Quaint Rose Needlearts Stitch and Be Merry - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Peppermint Urn - click for more A Trio of Christmas Cheer
from Quaint Rose Needlearts
  • Peppermint Urn - This is a pretty design - you'll notice that it is done on two different fabrics that are joined together to make the 7 x 7 cushion. The little X's across the seam are there for decoration... and QR directs you to a YouTube video for that joining process. Coded for Gentle Art or DMC floss, it's a festive little pot of peppermints!
  • Stitch and Be Merry - Another piece that features two different fabrics joined together. QR sends you to instructions for that if you want to take a look, but you can do this on one single cut as well. What makes this one fun, though, is that the tree is a THIRD cut of fabric appliqued on there! Could be wool if you wanted, rather than linen. Coded for silks of DMC, this finishes approx 6 x 11 on 36ct.

Merry Christmas Cupcakes from Les Petites Croix De Lucie - click for more
Merry Christmas Cupcakes
from Les Petites Croix de Lucie
Wow, this enchanting set of cupcakes came through our shop doors - 'on paper only!' What a yummy collection of stitched cupcakes... each measures about 40 x 45 in stitch count so will finish about 3 inches on 32ct!

The whole design measures 160 x 170 - 10-ish inches. We liked the idea of stitching just one of two of these - that way you get the charm of the piece in 25% of the stitching time! Presented as a beautfully large colored chart and coded for DMC - I lost count at 60 different colors in this!

White Pine Felt Ornaments Kit Contents from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more White Pine Felt Ornaments from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more
White Pine Felt Ornaments
from Rachel's of Greenfield
Rachels of Greenfield has a new set of charming retro-flavored felt applique ornaments. We have several other fun sets, Gnomes and Forest Critters pictured here... and this set of birds and a deer join them. Offered as complete kits, you get the wool pieces and actual sized cutting templates for them to cut your individual pieces, and necessary flosses.

Follow the colored diagrams inside the kit for placement... each mitten or stocking ornament can be finished leaving the 'top' open to hold money or gift cards from Santa! Straight or Blanket Stitches - you decide - either way these are fun to make and make you feel good!

Let it Snow Music Sewing Set from Mani di Donna - click for more Let it Snow Music Sewing Set from Mani di Donna - click for more Let it Snow Music Sewing Set from Mani di Donna
Mani di Donna's charming Christmas music box sewing set is in the shop. We have the stitched piece, and it plays 'Let it Snow' while the green tree topper rotates and enchants! Her companion to the Ghostly Music Box Set, which plays 'The Addams Family,' this set includes the charts to stitch the box, and matching needle and scissor cases, along with the stiff finishing pieces, templates for topper pieces, and the actual music movement.

Let it Snow features Santa in his sleigh flying through a snowy sky. Like the Ghostly one, the stitching on this is about 30 x 130 - so just 2 x 8. You construct the drum base shape, put the music box inside (little crank pokes through the bottom so you can wind it), and then construct the topper felt cushion. Absolutely too stinkin' cute for words - this is exactly the kind of thing your grand-kids will remember seeing every year... and wanting to wind it! Over-the-top cool and fun. You'll need a 13 x 18 cut of 32ct Cocoa linen, a few flosses, a few beads, and wool schnigglet cuts for the toppings.

12 Cats of Christmas from The Blue Flower - click for more 12 Dogs of Christmas from The Blue Flower - click for more Language of Flowers - Peace from The Blue Flower - click for more Holiday Card 2023 from The Blue Flower - click for more
Christmas 2023 from The Blue Flower
  • 12 Dogs and Cats of Christmas - Presented in two different books - enjoy all these little fur babies doing things they are supposed and NOT supposed to do at Christmas! Jeannine has cats in one book, dogs in the other... she's mixed up the dog varieties, and given all those cats different colors of fur coats, so you can find your favorites and adapt if need be. Cats are worked on a steel blue color (close to DMC 415), dogs are on a tan (DMC 613/453 background.), and coded for DMC and hand-dyeds. Both are full of cuteness and color!
  • Language of Flowers - Peace - Just a very pretty piece - so very relevant in the world this year. Jeannine chose holly and hellebore as her flowers. We had a Google lesson in hellebore as I am writing this description - they are Christmas Roses, and have a lonnnngggggg and fascinating history. Anyway, this finishes approx 9-1/2 x 3 on 40ct, and is coded for DMC.
  • Holiday Card 2023 - This year we are treated to Merry Meerkats - who are all bundled up for their unseasonably cool weather. 4 x 2-1/2 On 40ct, the are done in DMC and hand-dyeds - but since they are so tiny - you don't need much thread, or even a big piece of fabric! Presented as a chart.

Santa Claws from Dirty Annie's - click for more Santa Paws from Dirty Annie's - click for more Country Christmas from Dirty Annie's - click for more
Santa Claws, Santa Paws and Country Christmas from Dirty Annie's
A trio of fun little Christmas ornaments by Dirty Annie's will help you decorate for the holidays in style! Goodness knows those little furry creatures we love need recognition on the tree! Each Paws and Claws measure about 4 x 4 when finished... coded for DMC. Each of the single charts comes with a charm (Paws has a bone, and Claws has a fish skeleton and mouse.)

Country Christmas is just cute for anyone who wears/loves boots! Tone down the stripes if need be... or stitch 'em to match that favorite pair of boots. Each comes as its own single chart.

Advent Season Ornament Set from Heartstring Samplery - click for more Joyous All Together from Heartstring Samplery
A Few New Offerings by Heartstring Samplery
Beth Twist has some fun the designs arriving in the shop the first week of November...
  • Advent Season Ornament Set is a contemporary-flavored 4-part design. JOY, PEACE, LOVE and HOPE are the words that correlate with the lighting of weekly Advent candles. She's stitched these 41 x 68 pieces on Fibre on a Whim's 36ct Dusk hand-dyed linen - which is just the most gorgeous deep, rich blue color. (We have it in several counts... 36 makes them about 2 x 3-1/2) She's trimmed these with red and white striped butcher's twine that looks like peppermint!
  • Joyous All Together - a companion to Love & Joy, these lyrics are from 'Deck the Halls.' Choose a simple fabric, and one single hand-dyed thread color, this finishes approx 3-1/2 x 7 on 36ct.

The Night Before Christmas Part 2 from Tiny Modernist - click to see more
The Night Before Christmas
This has been an ongoing set of 4 designs that's FINALLY ALL HERE and together as the set! Presented in 4 full color charts, each square can be stitched by itself and look cute, but also joined inside the pretty border.

I also think it'd be cute constructed into a cube, with the border surrounding the top section.The main piece finishes approx 10 x 10... littles about 4 x 4. Coded for DMC, super colorful and fun. LOTS of places some Rainbow Gallery Petite Treasure metallic braid would look great - especially in the snowflakes!

Wee Santa 2023 from Heart in Hand - click for more
Wee Santa 2023
Cecilia's annual small Santa design... this year she writes, Peering through the poinsettia patch, this dapper gent certainly has no match. His socks, tho' striped, are such a delight! He enjoys the Holiday season without a gripe. (Of course, he's Santa!)

Click to see more in this neat set.

Gingerly Spiced Teapot from Blackberry Lane Gingerly Spiced Teapot from Blackberry Lane Gingerly Spiced Teapot from Blackberry Lane Designs
Marie D has a cute new pair of designs - both are offered in the same chart pack! Mrs Gingerly is worked on Gingerbread hand-dyed linen with 18 different shades of DMC floss. She measures about 6 x 7 on 32ct and is worked over two threads.
Her companion tea party ornament is a little smaller - about 4-1/2 inches in size. The charts are big and clear.

There are finishing materials of green ribbon, white ball trim, and darling sugar-y gum drop beads you see on the ornament hanger, along with finishing instructions included in the chart.
Mrs Gingerly is dressed in a rich red dress and surrounded by her border of greenery. The clay JABCO buttons shown in the 4 corners of her design are offered separately, and optional to the design. Very festive... we have a little time to get this done before next Christmas!

Meowmas from Stitchy Prose - click to see more Meowster Mash from Stitchy Prose - click to see more
Meowster Mash and Merry Meowmas! For you Cat Lovers!
from Stitchy Prose
A Pair of Cute Biscornu Designs by Stitchy Prose... Work these on any fabric you like - they measure 60 x 60 in stitch count - so will finish about 4 inches on 14ct. Coded for DMC, they feature little kitties all dressed up for the seasons, and they are CUTE!
  • Meowster Mash has a Ghost cat, a Frankenstein cat, and one wearing a cape.
  • Meowmas is even cuter... it has a snowman cat, a reindeer cat, and even a Santa Cat! Real different, each is presented in chart format.

Dash Away All from Stoney Creek - click for more Dash Away All from Stoney Creek
Stoney Creek's Santa in his sleigh is a charming stocking option! Generally, this kind of design comes in a kit, but this one is offered in leaflet format because it is a reprint from an old 2013 out-of-print Stoney Creek Magazine! Stitch it on something dark - to simulate the night-time sky - we have gunmetal and deep blue colors that are easier to see than this striking black.

Coded for DMC (like 50 of them) and a few metallics, it'll finish a generous 11 x 17 on 14/28ct. (A decent Santa-size!) Not a lot of backstitch... even though this is quite an involved design... we think it's more 'Do-Able' than a lot of others!

Nuts 4 Christmas & A Type of Christmas - Really nice Christmas pieces from Erin Eiizabeth
A Type of Christmas from Erin Elizabeth Designs - click to see more Nuts 4 Christmas from Erin Elizabeth Designs - click to see more
  • Nuts 4 Christmas features 4 Crackers ready to defend the family presents! Measuring 128 x 81... 8 x 5 on 32ct, each single Cracker runs about 20 x 60 - which is a fantastic size to be done individually! 2 x 5, You could make a whole little Army!
  • A Type of Christmas features lots of great words-of-the-season done in all different fonts. Measuring 162 x 189 - it'll be 10 x 12 on 32ct. Coded for DMC, this one has lots of potential for special threads, beads, metallics, whatever you want. It has a lovely old-fashioned feel to it, and dusty retro colors.
HO, HO, HO! from Fern Ridge - click to see more HO, HO, HO! from Fern Ridge - click to see more HO, HO, HO! Beaded Fob from Fern Ridge - click to see more
HO, HO, HO! from Fern Ridge Collections
Here's a fun, last minute set of designs to dress up your holiday stitching. The ladies at Fern Ridge have a new small Peyote beaded scissor fob - a darling little Santa face - that companions a 2 x 2 needlecase. All red and white, both kits are complete and contain lots of unique beads and embellishments.

Each of the projects should take you 3 to 6 hours to complete. Cute for a stocking stuffer or stitch group gift - nothing says you have to be the over-achieving friend and make it before you give it away! Anyway, each kit contains all the threads, beads, embellishemnts, fabric, just everything each kit needs.

Christmas Mini Moon from Plum Street Samplers Yuletide Delivery from Plum Street Samplers My Heart's Welcome from Plum Street Samplers This Happy Morning from Plum Street Samplers
New Things Coming from Plum Street Samplers
  • Christmas Mini Moon - Isn't this little guy the cutest? Paulette is designing a set of 'Moon Rabbits' to be released this coming March, at Market. Spring, Summer and Mini Moon are coming... but she threw in a Christmas version and he's ready NOW! She does say that if you don't want Christmas in the design, just leave off the candy canes and holly. Anyway, I don't know much about 'Moon Rabbits' but this one is cute. Various hand-dyeds and DMC, on 36ct it finishes approx 4-1/2 inches in size.
  • Yuletide Delivery - This companions Harvest, Halloween, Summer and Spring Delivery. It features Mrs. Claus riding in her sleigh on what appears to be a windy day. Her hat is billowing behind, yet her noble deer is standing still. A little artistic license? Well, it's a happy scene, pretty winter flowers and that deer is really neat. Stitched on 36ct Country Vintage Mocha, she's called for varied hand-dyeds and DMC. It finishes approx 10 x 4, so it'd be cute as a wedge stand-up on a deep windowsill.
  • My Heart's Welcome - A small yuletide design - Paulette suggests finishing it into a cushion to nestle inside a welcome wreath. The lady pictured is holding pineapple - a universal symbol of hospitality. Various hand-dyeds, lots of neutral fabrics will work as well.
  • This Happy Morning - This is a pretty piece that can be stitched on light or dark fabric! Although they look the same in the pics, there really are a lot of color variances between the two. Stitched on either Hogbristle or Black Swan linen, it's a pretty piece that finishes approx 14 inches square. I am thinking there is a LOT of stitching on here - I love the lacy greenery and the border, but the patterns in the barn and the yard steal the show.

Made With Love from Erin Elizabeth Designs - click to see more Ho Ho Ho from Erin Elizabeth Designs - click to see more
Ho Ho Ho and Made With Love from Erin Elizabeth Designs
A pair of Christmassy Quickies by Erin Wasilieff, who we suspect is related to Shannon W of Shannon Christine Designs!

Very cute, they both measure just 58 x 60 in stitch count - so 4 x 4 on 14ct. The backgrounds on these are a gunmetal or black color - and each is coded for DMC floss. Ho Ho uses a whopping 23 shades, and the darling Made With Love has 15! Nice shading on these!

Serenita di Campagna The Night of Christmas - click to see more Serenita di Campagna Merry Christmas - click to see more
The Night of Christmas and Merry Christmas
from Serenita di Campagna
This is a pair of Christmas designs with classic appeal. By Italian designer Cecilia Votta, each is offered as a chart and coded to DMC floss. Just simple and really pretty.
  • Merry Christmas measures a generous 12 x 7 on 18/36ct. If you do it on 25 or 28, it oculd be 9 x 15 - perfect for that large elegant pillow on the chart cover.
  • The Night of Christmas features Santa in his sleigh - the reindeer look like they could lose a little weight - so looks like tonight is their night to do it! Add a little sparkle to the snow on the trees below... I just love this one!

Sweet Christmas from Madame Chantilly
Christmas Stamps
This doesn't happen very often, but TWO different-but-similar designs floated through our doors in the same week! Both 'stamps'... see which one you like best, or get 'em both! The individual stamp designs would be darling stitched on perforated paper and finished with just a felt backing - more like a paper stamp than a piece of fabric with stitching... we like both of these!
Sweet Christmas by Madame Chantilly -This chart companion's her Halloween and Christmas Pops pieces - it features another holiday sucker. We get more little stamps too! These little stamps are smaller than the Artmishka's... these are 23 x 23 in size.

Again, pull these out of the design, do them on paper and make darling little gift tags or stamps for your tree! Entire design measures 131 x 122, and is coded for 11 shades of DMC.

#215 - A Merry Mini Surprise from  Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
#215 - A Merry Mini Surprise
from The Prairie Schooler!
The Prairie Schooler Girls (who retired 3 or 4 years ago) just can't seem to stop creating! This collection of darling little Santas has just been printed and has already arrived.

Book #215, it's full of 8 small Santas waving, skating, and delivering. All following the same color palette as the annual Santas, these are ornament sized. Coded for DMC.

Peaceful Christmas Smalls - click for more Peaceful Christmas Smalls from Jan Hicks
A pair of graceful pin cushion designs... Jan writes that these catch the feelings of Christmas and combine them with cool, wintery colors to give you a non-traditional pillow or ornament that you can leave out all season.

Believe used 5 colors of overdyed cottons, while Merry uses those 5 plus another. Absolutely gorgeous, you CAN switch to traditional reds or greens... but I love that blue option! Both designs are included in the chart.

Good Shepherd Sampler from Annie Beez Folk Art - click to see more Welcome to our Patch from Annie Beez Folk Art - click to see more You Melt My heart from Annie Beez Folk Art - click to see more
New Arrivals from Annie Beez Folk Art
  • Good Shepherd Sampler - This is a pretty little sampler - very neat and tidy, balanced and organized. The trees and the house are patterned, and then more 'lines for your eye to follow' are the rows of sheep and the fence. Measuring 145 x 141, it will finish approx 8 x 8 on 36ct. Coded for DMC or silks, this would make a really nice housewarming gift, and it would look good in an entry area.
  • Welcome to our Patch - Here's a bright pile of quilted pumpkins. I might leave off the 1821, because I want my greeting to you to be more recent than 1821... but that's easy to fix! Needs to be stitched for the addicted quilter friend who doesn't have time to stitch this herself! OR... you could stitch all the pumpkin part, and give her that... because she can sew and she'd make a sewing pouch out of it! Coded for DMC, it finishes about 5 x 6 on 18/36ct.
  • You Melt My heart - OH... find a pretty frosty blue, or deep dark night sky fabric for this - get all the white to really pop on this. I think I'd even add opalescent thread! A cute little design for Winter - display it after Christmas and going into Valentine's Day, because as we know, there still can be lots of snow around on Valentine's Day! Coded for DMC, measures 80 x 106.

Hoot in a Boot from The Needles Notion - click for more Elf Land from The Needles Notion - click for more Elf Land and Hoot in a Boot from The Needle's Notion
Lettie Eckberg has two new designs that are over-the-top cute! She has really outdone herself. Presented in leaflet format, she has great instructions in these... pages and pages of them... (which should NOT scare you away!)
  • Elf Land includes the chart for the Mushroom Cottage scene as well as the 3-dimensional standing elf. The Cottage scene - 8 x 9-1/2 - is on 28ct natural coded for DMC, all the snow is stitched in opalescent metallic. The elf stands 7-1/2 inches tall. Also on 28ct Natural, he has dimensional arms, a removable hat, and a mini heart-shaped pouch. She has all his pieces and parts laid out in chart format, and actual-sized templates for assembling.
  • Hoot in a Boot is super-cute too! Stitched on darker linen, the finished boot measures 10-1/2 x 13 inches. The little owl on top adds another 3-1/2 x 5! Lettie has actual-sized cutting templates in here for these little guys, and mentions that her edges are button-hole stitched no NO SEWING MACHINE IS REQUIRED for finishing! This makes a very festive stuffed holiday door hanging! Coded for DMC and some hand-dyed flosses... again great and very comprehensive assembly instructions included!

Mrs. Sampler Santa from The Needles Notion - click for more Lets Jump Into Some Other Seasons for a Minute! We have some cute new arrivals.
  • Mrs. Sampler Santa from The Needle's Notion
    This is a delightful Santa... stitched and stuffed into darling Christmas decorations!
    This is an interesting little guy - he's worked on 28ct linen, and finishes into a 5 x 11-1/2 inch stand-up. 158 x 166 In stitch count... there ARE a lot of stitches on him, but he's so cute! His arms are moveable, and you can adjust them to hold a little tree if you want. You'll need 5 skeins of GAST Cranberry - it calls for only 2 skeins of DMC white floss - but I think Simply Wool or Wisper for this beard would be stunning.

    Lettie says: Mrs Sampler Santa is holding a Christmas Sampler which measures 45 x 60 in stitch count, and she finishes about the same size as Santa. Each comes in their own chart.

Deck the Halls Reprint from Blackbird Designs - click for more Deck the Halls Reprint-open from Blackbird Designs - click for more
Deck the Halls from Blackbird Designs has been reprinted!
This is a funky-little-sized book - 6 x 4 inches in size. It features 6 pin cushion-sized designs that can be framed or finished into strawberry-shaped cushions or ornaments. The actual-sized finishing template is included in the book - and sized for 36ct linen.

Just pretty little things, I think Christmas Cactus is my favorite! All 6 were designed by Barb, and the book was originally published in 2018. So... if you stash doesn't have a copy - it needs one!

Pomegranate House #7 from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Needleworker House #8 from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Christmas House #9 from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Christmas House #9 from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more
Partially done combo of The Houses on Peppermint Lane from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more The Houses on Peppermint Lane from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery are Finished!
This charming set of 9 gingerbread houses by Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery has finished with these last three houses: Pomegranate, Needleworker and Christmas Houses. All basically the same size with lovely flower pots, a reindeer and snowman in all the yards, they all feature a different holiday house.

The cool sampler borders along their top row, great colors, and all those bitty dividing motifs, there is a lot happening with this set. Stitch each house individually, or join them together with Lori's freebie border chart which is available on her website. The whole thing measures 347 x 277 - so an impressive 19 x 15 on 36ct! Each house is presented in its own chart... so stitch away!

Holly Jolly Buffalo from Open Road Abode - click to see more Winter Littles from Waxing Moon - click to see more Dreaming of Miss Claus from Barbara Ana - click to see more Christmas Claws from Salty Stitcher - click to see more
Christmas Designs in April!
It's never too early to think about Christmas Stitching... and I didn't want these three to swept underneath the carpet during Spring Cleaning... so here they are!
  • Holly Jolly Buffalo - by Open Road Abode. This was Melody's annual ornament in the Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue last year. He's perfect for anyone who loves 'where the buffalo roam!' Stitched on white 14/28 (or anything else you like better), he finishes 3-1/2 inches. Presented as a single small card chart - the cover picture is nice enough to cut out and hang on the tree! (But stitch him instead!)
  • Winter Littles by Waxing Moon - This is a set of six small animals playing in the cold weather. Penguin skating, owl bundled against the wind, bird on a carrot nose, a fox that looks like a granny, a skiing lamb and finally a brown bear taking a break from shoveling. They all finish about 3-1/2 inches on 14/28.
  • Dreaming of Miss Claus - Another charming Dream-Girl by Barbara Ana! The 7th one! Miss Claus has gingerbread earrings, and on her white-as-snow billowing hair are mountains of chocolate and a peaceful, sleepy village. The stars are done with metallic gold. Her hair is worked with 3743 and 3865. Both colors look white, but contrast each other - they make that gorgeous geometric pattern in her hair. It looks so 3-dimensional. The chart is huge, and printed in full color... very easy to see and follow, and Miss Claus finishes a mere 4-1/2 x 6-1/2 on 32ct!
  • Christmas Claws by Salty Stitcher - Designer Kristi says: *Christmas Island's mass red crab migration is one of the mist incredible natural processes on Earth. Every year, millions of crabs merge from the forest on Christmas Island off the coast of Australia and Indonesia and make their way to the ocean to breed, swarming across roads, streams, rocks and beaches. The migration actually starts with the first rainfall of the wet season, usually in October or November.* What a fun thing to stitch! Measuring 100 x 100, it'll finish 5-1/2 inches on 18/36ct. Charted for 11 colors of DMC or Sulky thread - you can use some hand-dyeds in your water if you want to... and they suggest petite seed beads for all those crab eyes - if you aren't into French Knots!
Val's Favorite Snowmen from Val's Stuff
Snowman Favorites
from Val's Stuff
Val's Stuff has been busy designing Halloween and Wintery things... giving us plenty of stitching time before we're ready for scares and snow again!
Val's Favorite Snowmen - Bright red, yellow, green, blue, black and white... these are all different but they go together! The limited edition kit contains the 14ct perf paper, the black backing felt and a small smattering of buttons. Lots you could add to these - a little opalescent in the snowmen and flakes in the sky. Cute for January decorations - because 4 of these at NOT Christmas at all!

Christmas Eve Couriers Rudolph from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Prancer from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Comet from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Donner from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Dancer from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Blitzen from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Cupid from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Dasher from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Vixen from Mirabilia -- click to see more Christmas Eve Couriers Santa's Sleigh from Mirabilia -- click to see more
Christmas Eve Couriers
May we present a most charming set of Santa's Reindeer??? By Mirabilia's Nora Corbett, this is an exquisite set of charts -- each of one of Santa's devoted reindeer -- dressed and ready for Christmas Eve's Special Deliveries!!! 'On Dasher, On Dancer, On Prancer and Vixen... On Comet, On Cupid, On Donner and Blitzen...' Comet, Prancer finish the set!

Nora has designed this lovely set of reindeer, that each share the same stitch count, so therefore, the same finished size of approx 5 x 6-1/4 on 32ct. Beautiful DMC colors, each features some Rainbow Gallery Wisper thread -- for deer tails, bits of metallic, and Mill Hill glass beads and treasure embellishments for some extra sparkle! Choose Twilight Blue as your fabric... we have it in several counts.

The little reindeer are colorful and charming... very festive! In my minds eye, I see Dasher and Donner as a set, Dancer and Blitzen as a pair -- because of their trees, and Vixen and Cupid together. Of course, you can choose any that you want, and certainly all 8! They are elegant... wouldn't they be pretty pillows on your chairs this year? Offered as charts with embellishments (intact packages of the beads and treasures) offered separately. Just put your cursor over each image to see its name.

Tree Topper, Mitten Kitten, Holiday Horse and Turtle Doves by Satsuma Street - click for more
Tree Topper, Mitten Kitten, Holiday Horse and Turtle Doves, New Paper Ornaments for 2021-2022 by Satsuma Street.
Jodi has 4 new Christmas designs to adorn your tree! Presented in kit format with 14ct perforated paper, DMC flosses a smidge of beads and sequins for sparkle... they are bright and colorful.

Each measures about 3-1/2 x 4 in size, and are great to hang on a real tree because they weigh literally nothing, and won't make your branches sag. Fun to stitch, simply cut the paper around the edges to shape, and you're finished!

Oh! from Shakespeare's Peddler - click to see more
from Shakespeare's Peddler
*There's no place like home for the Holidays* New from Shakespeare's Peddler, just a fun thing to stitch and hang in the family room. Of course, this is in anticipation of family coming... lets re-visit when they're gone and you are finding socks, phone chargers, mystery food in the frig, and plastic dinosaurs in the end table drawers! All that proves this verse is right!

Stitched on anything neutral tan/brown you like, Theresa has used Weeks Dye Works hand-dyed flosses but included DMC conversions. On 36ct, this lovely reminder will finish approx 6 x 9.

Kind & Gentle Woodland Holiday Sampler from Artful Offerings - click for more
Kind & Gentle Woodland Holiday Sampler from Artful Offerings
*As the snow gently falls in a not-so-far-away place, a group of kind and gentle woodland animals gather to help each other decorate a feather tree in the forest - for A Christmas holiday celebration.* By Artful Offerings, the alphabet and tiny dots of stitches fill the sky with the falling snow, while everyone in attendance is here wearing their Christmas Jammies! Only two more ornaments to hang on the tree. Once again, Karina's artwork is full of wonderful balance. The horizontal lines in the border, deer jammies and feather tree let your eye travel across the design, while the letters and flakes softly interrupt - like little snowflakes!

Stitched on 36ct Seraphim Antique Lace hand-dyed linen, the chart calls for a mixture of Gentle Art Sampler Threads and DMC, and it finishes approx 11 x 7-1/2. A darker linen would be pretty for this - stitch the letters and flakes in a lighter color... or go for a lighter dusty winter-colored grey background... this is a pretty piece! Presented as a chart.

Fleece on Earth from Luminous Fiber Arts -- click to see more Catty-Cane from Luminous Fiber Arts -- click to see more Gathering Snowflakes from Luminous Fiber Arts -- click to see more
Fleece on Earth, Catty Cane, and Gathering Snowflakes from Luminous Fiberarts
Luminous has three new designs that we like... all three are presented as beautifully done charts with fantastic, clear pictures on their cover.
  • Fleece on Earth measures 62 x 62 in stitch count, so it'd make a perfect pin cushion for a knitter or someone who tends sheep! Cute as can be, it's charted for DMCs and a few hand-dyeds.
  • Catty-Cane is for a kitty cat lover. It measures 70 x 70 - and coded for DMC and hand-dyeds. This one would be cute with fuzzy thread for the scarf and hat trim, or metallics in the candy cane.
  • Gathering Snowflakes - This is another of Misty's monochromatic seasonal pieces - it companions several others she has so far. Choose ONE hand-dyed color of your choice and stitch away. Count on his one is 76 x 76... so 4-ish inches on 36ct.

St Nikolas by Jennie Lane - click to see more
St Nikolas By Jennie Lane
*Hand made stitch works by Jennie Lane* is the colorful designer name logo on these new designs (we have another on our Autumn Page)... and they are delightful!

St Nikolas is darling! He's stitched on 36ct Summer Khaki linen with an assortment of hand-dyed threads. Smyrna Crosses and Satin stitches all over in here, that glorious beard is all French Knots! BUTTTTTTT.... she tells you that you CAN do crosses if you want. (or Colonial Knots, or Rice, or whatever... this is a fun place to add something fun.)

Beautifully presented in a nice large full color chart, even the regular-sized leaflet itself is a treat to hold! St Nikolas finishes 5 x 8... a must have!

Christmas Delivery from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more
Christmas Delivery
from Cottage Garden Samplings
Boy, this sleigh is so full, I'm not reindeer can fly with it! Santa is doing some fancy footwork to get his deliveries done... this is stitched on Picture This Plus's Alchemy hand-dyed linen. A yummy gray color... the chart is coded for regular DMC floss, and will finish about 8 x 12 on 32ct.

This might be a fun design to add some gold metallic into, or some beads, black metallics for boots, Simply Wool for fur or bear... see what you have hiding in your stash!

Jim Shore JS2014-2016 Santa Set - click for more
Presenting Jim Shore's 2021 Annual Santas and Snowmen!
Always super fun to stitch... Mill Hill is bringing us this year's 6 cute Santa and Snowmen by artist Jim Shore. Finishing about 3 x 4, each is stitched on 14ct perforated paper with lots of flosses and just a few glass beads. Cute faces, pretty colors and shading on the snowmen, they really look nice on your Christmas tree!

Christmas Rules from Primrose Cottage Stitches - click for more
Christmas Rules
from Primrose Cottage Stitches
This is rather tall and skinny design stitched with just a few DMC and hand-dyed flosses, on a light gray background. With a stitch count of 59 x 300, you have lots of chances to jazz this up a bit with some beads and metallics, some specialty frizzy threads, and then add a few buttons if you like.

Designed by Lindsey Weight, it is reminiscent of Lizzie Kate's Rules, who knew that there would be EVEN MORE RULES to follow... but here they are! Presented in a leaflet.
Elf On The Shelf from Fairy Wool in the Wood - click to see more
Elf On The Shelf
from Fairy Wool in the Wood
We're a little 'off-season' right now for this little guy - but ARE WE? Hmmmm.... by Fairy Wool in the Wood, this cute little design should remind you all year long of what Santa is seeing!

9 x 100 In stitch count, it is presented as a chart with a key charm and two little jingle bells, and coded for 10 shades of DMC floss. Don't know how long this little guy will be around!

Gingerbread Valley Peppermint Candy front from Blackberry Lane - click to see more Gingerbread Valley Peppermint Candy back from Blackberry Lane - click to see more Peppermint Candy button pack from Blackberry Lane - click to see more Peppermint Candy included gumdrops from Blackberry Lane - click to see more      Sugared Gumdrops from Blackberry Lane - click to see more
Gingerbread Valley Series from Blackberry Lane Designs
Marie Driskill has been busy designing gingerbread house ornaments! You see several pics here... Peppermint Candy is both the front and back of the same house! Sugared Gumdrops is her second house-in-progress - and you are seeing only the front of it so far.
So... Peppermint Candy is stitched on 32ct Gingerbread Linen by Picture This Plus. It measures approx 4 x 4, and is FULL of charming design detail! The chimney is a cupcake... and can you see the elf climbing on the roof? On the front side, you can see him just to the right of the cupcake - I think he's sneaking a snack. The front is decorated with a clay wreath on the door, tiny gingerbread cookies, and snowy evergreen tree buttons - all are made by Just Another Button Company and Puntini. Now, look at the back of the house... there's the little guy on the roof again!

We have the set of hand-made clay buttons featured on both the front and back of this house all gathered together. A peppermint, wreath, 2 gingerbread cookies, 2 evergreen trees and two hand-made gifts - they are lovingly made by Just Another Button Company and Puntini Puntini!
The cutest miniature gumdrop beads are included with the chart - Marie has used them on her hanger - they are cute enough to eat - so keep them away from little fingers and mouths!

Sugared Gumdrops' house is an A-Frame gingerbread house. Marie is still working on the backside of that house... so it's still a surprise. BOTH front and back of this house will also be in this chart! Buttons are available separately... and we have them. (Not enough info about Sugared Gumdrops selection yet.)

Candy Claus Kit by Satsuma Street - click for more Partridge & Pear Kit by Satsuma Street - click for more Snow Buddy Kit by Satsuma Street - click for more Deer Santa Kit by Satsuma Street - click for more
Colorful Paper Ornaments from Satsuma Street
New this first week of December, Jodi Rice has 4 new designs to grace your Christmas Tree! Each is stitched with DMC floss and garnished with old fashioned sequins. Bright, fun colors, they are presented as complete kits of the 14ct perforated paper, the threads and sequins, with a few glass beads tossed in for glitz. They finish about 3-1/2 inches high... and need a home by Christmas!

Satsuma has an entire set of The Nutcracker Ballet ornaments, as well as almost 15 scary Halloween ornament designs - they are all pictured on our Satsuma Street page - click the pic to see them all.

Moo-dolf from Petal Pusher - click to see more Heavenly Hog Chart from Petal Pusher - click to see more Oh Chickmas Tree from Petal Pusher - click to see more Frosty the Snow Ram from Petal Pusher - click to see more Whinny the Elf from Petal Pusher - click to see more
The Holiday Hoedown from Petal Pusher - click to see more The Holiday Hoedown from Petal Pusher
Remember Halloween Hoedown, our little set of barnyard animals all dressed up for Trick or Treat? Petal Pusher's Barbie Tingley has released her Barnyard Party for Christmas - here they are! Moo-dolf is a cow, Heavenly Hog is an angel-pig! The tree in the center has a little chicken there... it's O Chickmas Tree. Frosty the Snow Ram is the sheep that comes next, and finally Whinny the Elf is the little horse.

Each animal is available separately to stitch as individual ornaments - they measure about 4 x 5 with all the background and picket fence borders, but smaller just by themselves. You can join the barnyard together into the main hoedown piece - it finishes about 5 x 16. The Holiday Hoedown border is presented across the 5 charts. Coded for DMC, they are just darling!

Best Time of the Year! from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Best Time of the Year! from With Thy Needle & thread
Here's a little something coming from With Thy Needle's Brenda Gervais... Snow, Snowmen and Santa! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas is coming as a chart, with an optional packet of 7 tiny white flake buttons from Just Another Button Company! (price on that is coming... but shouldn't be too expensive.)

JOLLY is stitched on (your choice of material) 40ct in the pic, and finishes almost 7 x 3-1/2. Grab your DMCs and a few hand-dyeds of Whitewash, Oilcloth, Louisana Hot Sauce and Black Coffee - to get ready for *the Best Time of the Year!

Blackbird's Early Christmas Morning - click for more

Early Christmas Morning
from Blackbird Designs
Blackbird has released a darling round mattress pin cushion! Stitched on 36ct hand-dyed, it measures approx 5-1/2 inches in diameter. The stitched band wrapping all around wishes Merry Christmas and is just 1-1/2 inches high.

Stitched with a medley of hand-dyed flosses, the entire little round mattress will finish approx 6 inches round by about 2 inches high! Just beautiful... You CAN get this done in time for Christmas!
Holiday Home Berries from Erica Michaels - click for more Hearthside Christmas from Erica Michaels - click for more Reindeer Games from Erica Michaels - click for more
A trio of new Arrivals from Erica Michaels
  • Holiday Home Berries - What a cute pair of stitched cushions that you could actually hang on your Christmas Tree! Worked on 32ct Polka Dot Belfast Linen, one says Home for the Holidays and the other features that little gingerbread house. Each is topped with Weeks Dye Works felted wool decoration... and garnished with a set of JABCO hand-made clay pins. Bright and colorful, they are charming! You'll need Snow Cream, Candy Apple, Meadow and Collards wool schnigglets - a set of those will top half a dozen berries!
  • Hearthside Christmas - A simple welcoming sampler to stitch - it won't take a lifetime to complete - even though it's 10 x 12 on 36ct. The smaller pin cushion design is a take-out from the larger - it reads Friends for you fireside, good times, good cheer.
  • Reindeer Games - This one is kind of fun, especially if you are a 'crossword puzzle' family! What I LOVE, though, about the pattern are the two smaller projects pictured on the cover - a tiny reindeer berry and and the little drum stand-up. Just really fun decorations to perch around during the holidays!

Christmas Sampler II from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Halloween Sampler II from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Halloween Sampler II and Christmas Sampler II
from Cottage Garden Samplings
This is a pair of seasonal alphabet pieces that are neat in their own ways!
  • Presented as chart, Halloween Sampler II is worked on Picture This Plus's Murky linen - which the coolest, mangy color - it's just muddy and a MESS! So many things look REALLY good on it! You get all the letters plus some fun words for all of them with a few motifs tucked in here and there. LOTS of possibilities for beads, metallics and maybe a couple of charms or an old skeleton key!
  • Christmas Sampler II is much more subdued. Stitched on Ancient linen from Picture This Plus, the letters chart is huge - printed on one huge sheet of glossy paper - the motifs are super-cute, it finishes about 8 or 9 inches square depending on your fabric count choice. We like them both!

The Gnome Quartet Kits from Mill Hill - click for more
New Christmas Kits from Mill Hill
The Gnome Quartet
Oh my gosh... these are SO CUTE! Just in time for '100-degree-outsides-so-stay-inside-stitching' weather, come these 4 little gnome designs! Presented as complete kits of 28ct linen with floss, needles, chart and a few Mill Hill glass beads, these little guys finish approx 6 x 6 each. We have a skiing, sledding, fishing and hiking gnome - my favorite though is that little bunny riding in the sled!

(As a added feature you COULD use Rainbow Gallery's Wisper thread for the beards. It is a very thin and very furry thread, 70% kid mohair and 30% nylon.... it is NOT included in the kits. Totally just a suggestion of mine - it comes on 20 yd cards, white, cream and grays... check you stash to see if you have any!) Anyway, super cute designs, since they are on linen you have the option of framing them or making pillows!

The Mouse Trilogy Kits from Mill Hill - click for more
The Mouse Trilogy Aren't these little things darling? Three new stitched and beaded designs by Mill HIll, each finishes about 5 x 5. They are stitched on 14ct perforated paper with DMC floss and garnished with Mill Hill glass beads. Super-cute for tree ornaments, they are a bit on the larger side, but because they are worked on the paper, they are flat and lightweight - so PERFECT for tree ornaments! Patsy Pine's feet are poking out from the wreath, and how can you not love that Mac Cheese guy? Complete kits of paper, beads, floss, chart and needles.

Kringles from Little House Needleworks - click to see more
from Little House Needleworks
Little House Needleworks has designed this CHARMING Department Store all decorated for Christmas Holiday Sales! It is absolutely enchanting... stitched with gold metallic and everything!

Finishing about 13 x 15 on 30ct Parisian Gray linen, it uses 8 skeins of 7 different DMC colors along with 20 skeins of 8 different Classic Colorworks hand-dyed shades. We get shop windows of a train, the Nutcracker Prince and Clara, the toy department, the stuffed animals and even the bakery. Love it, love it!

Christmas Pets by Laurel Burch for Mill Hill! - click for more
Christmas Pets by Laurel Burch for Mill Hill
Mill Hill has sent 5 new designs by Laurel Burch - dogs, cats and birds all decked out in their Christmas finery!

Complete kits of 28ct linen, Mill Hill beads and DMC flosses,each finishes approx 5-1/2 inches square. Lots of gorgeous color... you have plenty of time to finish them before NEXT Christmas!

Dash Away All from Stoney Creek - click for more Dash Away All from Stoney Creek
Stoney Creek's Santa in his sleigh is a charming stocking option! Generally, this kind of design comes in a kit, but this one is offered in leaflet format because it is a reprint from an old 2013 out-of-print Stoney Creek Magazine! Stitch it on something dark - to simulate the night-time sky - we have gunmetal and deep blue colors that are easier to see than this striking black.

Coded for DMC (like 50 of them) and a few metallics, it'll finish a generous 11 x 17 on 14/28ct. (A decent Santa-size!) Not a lot of backstitch... even though this is quite an involved design... we think it's more 'Do-Able' than a lot of others!

Winter Sampler from Imaginating - click for more
Winter Sampler from Imaginating
Winter Sampler is colorful and fun. Pretty large actually, it's about 12 x 13 on 14ct!

Here's another one to add to! Opalescent thread in the snow, beads for the flakes in the sky. Hand-dyed green for the pines, Simply Wool thread for the scarves and mittens - or some wild hand-dyed something, and white angora or something fuzzy for the bear. Fresh and fun!

Peace on Earth from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Peace on Earth
from Cottage Garden Samplings
Another Songbird design by Cottage Garden Samplings! We actually thought it was #9 of her Garden Songbird Series... and even sent it to our Auto-Stitchers by accident! (#9 is still on the way!) However, the other birds in this series of designs are really very classic, and they are a little larger.

Peace on Earth is stitched on Weeks Dye Works Dove hand-dyed linen and measures only 125 in stitch count. We love it, and know you have time to finish it before next Christmas!

Frosty's Night Out from Blackbird - click for more
Frosty's Night Out from Blackbird Designs
Barb and Alma's latest leaflet features Barb's charming vision of a cheerful Frosty Snowman! He is stitched on Murky hand-dyed linen by Picture This Plus, and measures just 4-1/2 inches in size. You can make him into a perky drum shape, or a flatter pin cushion shape, nothing is set in stone.

The book includes, though, a super cute paper mache' HAT BOX finishing treatment. The box comes from Hobby Lobby (# given in the book), and Blackbird supplies pictures and finishing details to make that cute finish. We love the colors of Weeks hand-dyeds in here, we love that little Frosty face... just all of this!

A Merry Christmas Sampler from La-D-Da -- click to see a larger view A Merry Christmas Sampler from La-D-Da
Lori Markovic's newest design finishes into a Christmassy pincushion or pillow... depending on your fabric decisions. You could choose a cream and distress it, or something closer to a natural color.

On 40ct this finishes 5-1/2 x 6; on 28ct it finishes about 8 x 9. Stitched with just 5 shades of regular 'ol DMC floss, this is a sweet little piece! Might be kind of fun to toss in special stitches somewhere!

#86 #47 Santa Rides from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
Newest Reprints by Prairie Schooler
  • #47 - Santa Rides is an oldie-but-goodie! You know, Santa does have his sleigh, but sometimes other means of transport are called for... and here he is! Since this was book #47, it would have been originally published in the early 90's... DMC floss.
  • #86 - Home for Christmas - Circa mid-90's... this book has LOTS of companion designs... Pam and Nancy did all the seasons in pieces of these exact sizes. We have several old shop models over one thread on 25ct Lugana... they finished about 4 x 7.

Cuore d' Angelo from Cuore e Batticuore - click for more
Cuore d' Angelo
from Cuore e Batticuore
Look at this precious group of little angels! 5 Girls and 1 boy, each one has different hair, different wings, and a different outfit, but they all have the same charming face, size and shape.

Stitched on 36ct Natural with only 8 different shades of DMC floss... each finishes a little under 3 x 4.

The actual-sized heart-shaped finishing template is included... and I think that the striped cord that is shown is available at Hobby Lobby!

Seven New Designs from Brenda Gervais offrom With Thy Needle!

Holiday Hoopla - Christmas from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Santa's Tree Farm from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Souvenir Autumn in Amana from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Souvenir Home for Christmas from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more
  • Holiday Hoopla - Christmas - This fun series of 3-inch designs continues with a Santa Snowman! Joining Easter, 4th of July, Halloween and Thanksgiving, here's another small design that can fit in a 3-inch hoop for a cute finish. He needs to be stitched on 36ct to fit that little hoop - and we have plenty of those!
  • Santa's Tree Farm - This festive little guy finishes into an oval shape - 3-1/2 x 5-1/4, so he'd make a nice cushion, and maybe even an ornament if you leave off the trees on the right! Vintage Country Mocha Linen, it uses Weeks, GAST and CC hand-dyed flosses.
  • Souvenirs of the Heart - Autumn in Amana and Home For Christmas - These designs are the first two in a new series by Brenda. NO SPECIFIC release dates or definite schedule, she's going to design more smalls stitched over one thread like these. Stitch counts are 67 x 87, both are worked over one thread on 28ct Mushroom Lugana using hand-dyed flosses, and finish a petite 2-3/8 x 3. Presented as separate charts.

Candy Cane Lane from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Merry Old Soul from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more Peppermint Pals from With Thy Needle -- click to see lots more
  • Candy Cane Lane - Here's a very organized and festive holiday piece! With a stitch count of 83 x 191, it finishes 4 x 9-1/2 on 40ct, or 5 x 12 on 32ct. Flax Linen, I think the bitty cardinal holding the candy cane in there is darling!
  • Merry Old Soul - This one measures 80 x 110 in size - 5 x 7 on 32ct. I don't know if you can tell from the pic, but Santa is holding a snowman stocking full of candy canes! There are tiny stick arms on him and a little stitched nose... just the cutest!
  • Peppermint Pals - Mr Snowman is sporting classy trousers to help keep warm, I imagine. He's carrying a snowman 'bucket' - I think he's serving candy canes to the birds! Stitched on 32ct - choose any light blue fabric you like to make all the white show up, he measures 78 x 106 so will finish almost 5 x 7 on 32ct. There is a snowflake shown in the finishing treatment... not in the chart, it's a cute finishing idea.

Christmas Critters from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more
Christmas Critters from Rachel's of Greenfield
The 2019 set Felt Embroidery Ornaments by Rachel's of Greenfield are here! This year's set features forest animals on small 'woolfelt' mittens and stockings. Each ornament measures about 3 x 4, and is done with small pieces of the felt that you buttonhole stitch together. The complete kit contains the actual sized cutting templates, cutting layout info, threads and embroidery instructions to make all 6 ornaments in the pic.

You can finish them as open mittens and stockings if you wish - that way Santa has more things to fill! We have lots of other cute ornaments sets available - make sure to check them out. Always favorites for an old-fashioned Christmas tree!

Annual 2019 Santa from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
Presenting Annual 2019 Santa
from The Prairie Schooler
Even though Pam and Nancy have stopped designing their leaflets, they do design our favored Santas every year! This marks the 36th year! Same format, size colors and size... after 36 years, you know the drill.

MOST of the other Santas have been re-printed into leaflets of 4 assorted years... we have everything available that is currently in print... it is all pictured on our PS page and organized for you!

Happy Christmas - Reprint of book #190 from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
Happy Christmas - Reprint of book #190
from The Prairie Schooler
Here's a chart - originally published in 2013 - that features a sleepy little village on Christmas Eve. Happy Christmas - Santa's greeting trailing behind his sleigh - choose a black or dark gunmetal gray fabric to accent the evening.

I like the fact that all the windows are dark... everyone is fast asleep... and the smoke is gently curling up from all the chimneys... very cozy. Anyway, stitch the ornaments or just the top row of the piece... whatever you have time for!

Bygone Stitches Yes Virginia - click to see more
Yes, Virginia
from ByGone Stitches

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus... Thank God! He lives and he lives forever, a thousand years from now, Virginia, nay ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

The famous quote by Francis Pharcellus Church of the New York City Sun Editorial, September 21st, 1897... brings us warm, fuzzy feelings!

Published by friends of ByGone Stitches' Gail... left behind in her stash... the ladies at Stitching Pretty have given Gail's creativity a new life. Stitched on red linen with white thread, the lettering is worked in gold metallic. Stitch count is 160 x 180; isn't he gorgeous?

#198 Christmas Tree Farm from  Prairie Schooler -- click to see more #59 Nutcrackers from  Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
New Reprints from The Prairie Schooler
  • #59 Nutcrackers was originally published in 1996. These make cute stand-ups if you put them on 18ct linen and use fun threads, because they stand about 8 inches tall!
  • #198 Christmas Tree Farm - This was one of the final leaflets Pam and Nancy published before they retired. (Their original collection reached 202 titles.) Just all reds, greens, brown, black and FUN!

Winter Snow Owl from Blackberry Lane Winter Snow Owl
from Blackberry Lane
Marie Driskill has a new dramatic design - this little owl face just makes you stare right back at it!!!! Winter Snow Owl - only 55 stitches round - is stitched on 32ct Storm hand-dyed linen by Picture This Plus.

Regular DMC flosses - 20 different shades - this finishes less than 3-1/2 inches in size! All the stitching around the eyes and beak are over-one, and Marie has added petite glass seed beads to the snowflakes to make them glisten! What a charming little thing! Presented as a chart.

#143 Button Up from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more #73 Christmas Samplers II from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more Christmas Reprints from The Prairie Schooler
  • #73 Christmas Samplers II - Originally published in 1998, this one features three samplers with three different takes on Christmas - Holly and Greenery, Religious Angels and Santa! Several take-out designs in here for ornaments - you can see that in the cover pic!
  • #143 Button Up - Originally published in 2007, this is a cute medley of bitty designs you could make into ornaments or the wintery 9-patch as shown! Only #147 Old McDonald had this similar design format.

Merry Mugs from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more
Merry Mugs from Rachel's of Greenfield
Rachels of Greenfield - (our little felt ornament kit lady) has a new set of 6 ornaments ready! Presented in complete kit format, each opens at the top for candy-cane or gift-card storage! A mug of steaming coffee, creamy hot chocolate or spicy tea... those treats warm your soul like these little guys can!

Kit includes the wool felt, floss, gold hanging strings, patterns and instructions to make the darling little blue, red, green, gold and white mugs! Easy stitching - no sequins!

A Visit From St Nick Kits MH171831 thru MH171834 from Mill Hill - click for more
A Visit From St Nick Kits from Mill Hill
Mill Hill is debuting a quartet of designs all stitched on 16ct Aida and garnished with their beads!
Describing each design.
  • The Stockings Were Hung on the chimney with care...
  • as The Children Were Nestled in their beds.
  • A Jolly Old Elf appeared and left gifts for all the good girls and boys.
  • Then as quick as St Nick appeared, he could be seen flying away saying To All a Good Night!
You can follow the favorite poem with each of these! Offered as complete kits of the 16ct Aida and Mill Hill beads, each finishes approx 5-1/2 inches square -- the same size as the regular Mill Hill Button & Bead Kits. They are due in the shop the end of July... we can't wait to get them!!!

Christmas in the Woods from Le Temps Une Croix - click to see more Christmas in the Woods and Paradise Street!
from Le Temps Une Croix
Christmas in the Woods - This is a chart of a lovely evergreen tree decorated for Christmas. It is tipped in snow, and there are snowflake stitches scattered in the background, and snow under the gifts, so I think this is a little tree in the woods! Coded for DMC, it measures 145 x 133 in stitch count, so will finish approx 8 x 9 on 16/32ct.

The little bits of instructions are printed in French, so I cannot read a word of it... but I can tell it's charming! Presented as a chart.

Woodland Fox from Shannon Christine Designs - click to see more Woodland Deer from Shannon Christine Designs - click to see more
Woodland Deer and Fox
from Shannon Christine Designs

A pair of wintery friends, these measure 71 x 71 stitches each -- so almost 4 inches in size on 18/36ct.  11 Shades of regular DMC along with gold and opalescent metallics, choose a blue or gray background -- the pattern does not specify a choice.

Three More Past Favorites Have Returned!
from The Prairie Schooler
88 Old World Santas II from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more 80 Old World Santas from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more 133 Winter Wind from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more
  • Winter Wind - #133
  • published in 2006, this is one of the seasonal samplers that follows the same format as 132, 140, 141 and 148 -- all main pieces with a small 'panel' that features 4 OTHER designs to interchange into your sampler - or just make in to ornaments!
    Everything in these leaflets is the same size, so you could even take the smaller ornament designs from each book and make a composite of THOSE!  Winter Wind reads: The birds are gone, the ground is white, the winds are wild they chill and bite! Such a favorite from 12 years ago!
  • Old World Santas I and II - Books 80 and 88 from 1999 and 2000. All are about 35 x 60 in stitch count, this is a set of 16 different Santas. On 36ct they are only 2 x 3 - small enough to group onto a wreath, make into a table runner, stitch on paper for ornaments, stitch as a long and skinny hanging... you figure it out!

Search the Sky from Waxing Moon Search the Sky
from Waxing Moon Designs
*May you never be too grown up to search the sky on Christmas Eve* is the verse on this holiday design! Stitched on 28ct Blue Spruce Linen in shades of DMC or Gentle Art hand-dyed flosses, this finishes approx 10-1/2 x 7-1/2.

Since it is on darker fabric, it might be fun to add metallic to the moon, opalescent to the snowflakes or even beads for the reindeer eyes and a little Wisper thread to Santa and his hat pom. I'm picturing this finished as a small pillow just perched somewhere as 'quiet advice!'
Christmas Pounds from Waxing Moon
Christmas Pounds
from Waxing Moon Designs
*When what to my wondering eyes did appear, but 10 extra pounds on my thighs and my rear.*(Ho Ho Ho... Merry Christmas!!!)

Waxing Moon has sent this fun design... it finishes about 7 x 10 on 14/28ct, and is stitched with DMC floss or Gentle Art Sampler Threads. Stitch it for your work-out club or the lunch room at work!

Christmas for The Stitcher from Sue Hillis -- click to see more New Mini-Sled Patterns for Christmas Ornaments
from Sue Hillis Designs
Sue Hillis has 2 new leaflets that feature small ornament-sized designs that you can finish ANY WAY you like.  She's shown these on those darling little wooden sleds we have!  

By Foxwood Crossings, the bitty 1-1/2 x 3 inch sleds come in natural brown wood with metal blades and handles.  You can paint them any color you like -- Sue's are all white.  Sleds are available separately -- $4.50 each, but we have a Baker's Dozen offering that helps when you are making a lot of these. 
Patriots and Stitcher join Sweets, Ride, Friends, and Red Sleds... so Sue's collection of designs is up to 38!

Christmas for The Stitcher -- A Sewing Bird, spools of thread, stork scissors and a tomato pin cushion... the are cute for us 'seamstresses.'
Presented in leaflet format, you get the actual sized template for sled finishing as well as really nice finishing process photos.

Deck The Halls from The Drawn Thread -- click to see more
Deck The Halls from The Drawn Thread
The Drawn Thread's 2017 Christmas designs are due in the shop this week! Deck the Halls is just 68 x 68 stitches in size - so it finishes about 4 x 4 on 32ct. Just a quiet little piece, it uses only 5 colors of thread (our charts will come with Cynthia's Dinky Dyes silks for a limited time.)

Charted for the 5 shades of silk, it'll be easy to convert to hand-dyed cottons - her pictures are really nice on the chart. There is also a small 'take-out' from this - a small bird - that would make a cute ornament or scissor fob! Very Nice!

Welcome Halloween from The Drawn Thread -- click to see more Welcome Christmas from The Drawn Thread -- click to see more
Welcome Halloween and Welcome Christmas from The Drawn Thread
Two more designs in this cute series of greetings... these join Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter... they are all really fun! Stitch JUST the motifs -- some of them can stand alone -- or add the word, each finishes approx 2 x 14 on 30ct Antique Lambswool Linen. As with the others in this series, all are coded for Dinky Dyes and Needlepoint Inc Silks and feature a few small button or bead embellishments.

For a limited time, our charts will include Cynthia's silk packs. After those sell out, hand-dyed flosses will be the way to go. They are really cute stitched up - lots to look at and catch your eye. Cynthia likes special stitches - so there are a few of those scattered all over in these! If you don't have a horizontal space, think about positioning these vertically!

Kringle & Woolard from Plum Street Samplers 1831 Christmas from Plum Street Samplers Jacks's Sweet Shoppe Merry Friends from Plum Street Samplers Pomegranate Santa from Plum Street Samplers
Four Sneak Peeks from Plum Street Samplers -- due in the shop November 15th-ish!
Paulette has 4 new things... all Christmassy in theme... and Cute! Chart packs of all of them.
  • Kringle & Woolard -- Santa and his little sheepy, 79 x 114 stitch count, various hand-dyed or DMC flosses... lots of angles everywhere on this one!
  • 1831 Christmas -- This is sweet -- dusty poinsettias, that cute swirly sheep, this makes a nice 3 x 4-ish pin cushion, and is trimmed with Lady Dot Mini Ball fringe.
  • Jacks's Sweet Shoppe Merry Friends -- Another of Paulette's tart tin designs, I think Santa is skating with a bitty snowman in his mittens, and the little guy is trimming the tree!
  • Pomegranate Santa -- An Olde Worlde Santa with an elaborate bag and walking stick! The eight reindeer have Rudolph in the lead -- this finishes approx 8-1/2 x 7!

Sweet Treats for Santa from Blackberry Lane Sweet Treats for Santa
from Blackberry Lane Designs
Another charming Blackberry Lane design, this is a collection of 8 designs that all finish LESS THAN two inches in size. (stitch count for each is only 28 x 28.) Worked on Picture This Plus' 32ct Gingerbread Linen, each is stitched with DMC floss -- over two. You can finish them into small ornaments, pin cushions, or mount them in the little fluted metal tart tins -- still for cushions or ornaments! The cover pic on the chart shows them strung together as a garland as well.

Peppermints (2 of them -- they are my favorites!), Santa and Mrs Claus, Christmas Puddings and Popcorn, it's a delightful set of ornaments (and none of them will take you long to stitch!) Presented in a chart, fabric (get enough pieces) and tins (sets of 8) separately.

Presenting the 2016 Prairie Schooler Santa -- click to see more
Presenting the 2016 Prairie Schooler Annual Santa!

What a SURPRISE! We had no idea we are being treated to a new Santa!!!

Get him fast before he heads up to the North Pole to get ready for Christmas!!!

Mini Sticks Stockings for Christmas! from Mill Hill - click for more
Mini Sticks Stockings for Christmas! from Mill Hill
Mill Hill has 12 new small ornament designs created by artist -- Sticks. Presented as their small kits, each contains TWO mini-stocking designs that can be stitched and attached back-to-back -- so when they twirl on your Christmas tree, you can still see pretty stitching.

Stitched on 14ct perforated paper, each contains the flosses and a few beads for glitz. Whimsical designs... you can see snowmen, trees, hearts and holly, SUPER Colorful and festive... each kit is $8.00 -- but you get everything for TWO designs!

Mr Owl's Wintergreen Gala and Penny Penguin's Heart of Christmas from Artful Offerings - click for more Mr Owl and Penny Penguin
from Artful Offerings
Artful Offerings has a pair of new charts that caught my eye! Two wintery-souls, each is surrounded by a bit of greenery -- like a little wreath.

Stitched on neutral fabrics, they call for either Gentle Art Sampler Threads or DMC floss, and finish into generous-sized 4 x 5 ornaments. No special stitches or anything... just super-cute designs!

Jingle My Bells Ornament from Val's Stuff Santa's Watching Ornament from Val's Stuff More Ornaments from Val's Stuff
The latest pair of paper ornaments has arrived to go with Val's other cute designs. Presented as charts with the cut of 14ct brown perforated paper, black mounting felt and one or two eyes by JABCO... Jingle My Bells includes the bell as well.

ALL of these are fun, and the paper makes them super easy to stitch. You will need to supply the flosses from your stash.

Charcoal Mittens from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more Charcoal Mittens from Rachel's of Greenfield
Oh we love the felt ornament kits we carry by Rachel's of Greenfield! Primitive stitched felt ornaments... this is the 8th set that contains 6 designs... so there are TONS to choose from! Small 3 x 3-ish old-fashioned felt pieces, all you do is cut the shapes from the included wool, blanket stitch them together, and beautiful little creations are the result.

Remember the wool ornaments that used to hang on your family Christmas Tree? Here they are (minus the plastic sequins!) Gold string to hang them, full-sized cutting templates and all the correct sizes and colors of the wools, and flosses to add the small embroidery touches, these complete kits are good to go!

VERY cute, this new set features a charcoal gray background on mittens with red cuffs. They join *Warm Hands* (more mittens), *Warm Feet* -- which are mini-stockings, *Snow Folks* --which are snowmen (even a snow kitty and a snow puppy!) and the set of gift bag ornaments!

A Churchyard Christmas from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more A Churchyard Christmas from Praiseworthy Stitches
Praiseworthy Stitches has released their annual Christmas Scene, and this year, it is the chaos that surrounds the annual Children's Churchyard Nativity. All is not well! Halos are crooked, crowns are bent, and some of the camels have escaped!

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Teachers Pam and Susan have lots of personal experience with these school events, and decided it was time to share them!!! Their endearing picture measures approx 19 x 12, is stitched on 32ct Picture This Plus Mirage Linen and calls for no less than 39 different hand-dyed or DMC shades!!!!! (you'll need 10 skeins of Snowflake!!!)

Yet another charming scene... it joins Going to Grandma's, Carols on the Square and Santa's Midnight Flight. Presented as a chart, we have the gorgeous deep gray hand-dyed 32ct Mirage linen cut ready -- it gives all this that deepening-wintery-dusky sky feel. Pretty houses and the church, darling little costumes on the children, there are touches of metallic (5760, 009HL and 003HL) and beads (42039, 42013, 40557) here and there to add bits of sparkle. Always something new and cute when you look at this!

Foxwood Crossings Small Sleds -- Mini Village - click to see more Foxwood Crossings Small Sled, Medium sled, Sleigh and Doll Bed - click to see more New From Foxwood Crossings -- A Mini Village for Mini Sleds AND NEW Medium-Sized Sleds!!!
We had hoped Foxwood would be able to get her itty-bitty sleds in just a bit of a larger size... and they are HERE!
  • Medium Wooden Sleds -- (Shown here with the Small Sled, the Sleigh and the Doll Bed)
    The new Medium Sled has a bed that is 2-1/4 x 4 in size... these are a bit larger than the mini sleds we have had for the past few seasons!
    Cindy has featured this larger size sled -- a generous-sized ornament size -- on her Harrisburg Winter and First Noel Charts. These look great left the brown color they are, but they are cute painted as well, just depends on how 'crafty' you are! The Bakers Dozen offers you 13 sleds for the price of 12!
  • Small Sleds -- Mini Village
    Well how cute are these??? Can you see the three sled designs all taken from the larger scene?? Offered as the chart, the main design is 37 x 47. All three mini-sled charts are here for you -- they measure only 17 x 31 on 14ct!

Merry Ewe from Plum Street Samplers Merry Brew from Plum Street Samplers Merry Brew and Merry Ewe from Plum Street Samplers
Plum Street Samplers has a pair of new designs -- Autumn is her favorite time of the year -- so MORE pretty things with that gorgeous cinnamon and golden color scheme!
  • Merry Brew -- Charted for Classic Colorworks Balsam Fir and Hickory Sticks. Also The Gentle Art in Antique Rose, Caramel Corn, Cherry Bark, Dried Thyme, Oatmeal, Old Hickory, Parchment and Sable. A really cute piece featuring Santa and two of his reindeer. This measures 106w x 100h -- 6 x 6.5 on 36ct. Lovely colors, this is presented as a chart.
  • Merry Ewe -- This design is part of the Jack's Sweet Shoppe series. Santa sheep is presenting Mrs. Santa sheep with a Christmas candy cane. Charted for DMC B5200, The Gentle Art in Antique Lace, Endive, Espresso Bean, Garden Gate, Heirloom Gold (only used for 4 stitches), Portabella and Weeks Dye Works in Baked Apple. Stitch count is 77w x 69h -- 4.5 x 4 on 36 ct. Finished in a little tart tin, this would also be cute as a pin cushion.

Up On The Rooftop from The Drawn Thread -- click to see more Up On The Rooftop
from The Drawn Thread
Cynthia has a new Simple Sampler -- just a bitty thing -- to stitch in a jiff for Christmas. Santa is standing there on the rooftop, he's got the Christmas tree -- but instead of reindeer, we have lovely white Satin-Stitched doves!

Worked on 32ct Dirty with Sampler Threads and DMC floss... it finishes approx 3 x 6.. Skip all the lettering and the roof, and Santa and his tree are not even 2 x 4!!!! They'd make a cute ornament or a fob (and 1 x 2 over one!!!!!!!) Presented as a chart with a single bitty black button embellishment.

Be of Good Cheer from Scarlett House - click for more Be of Good Cheer from The Scarlett House
Here's a sweet piece that is worked on the 28ct Natural/Ivory Graziano (from Italy) Gingham Linen. (Weeks has hand-dyed some as well -- another color option.) Worked with just 5 colors of DMC floss, it is shown mounted into a really cool 5 x 7 metal tray from Hobby Lobby! (Information about the tray comes inside the chart with your purchase.)

Super cute finishing for this simple piece that finishes a mere 3-1/2 x 5. Offered as a chart... you may want to change the date of 1837 on there to something else that has significance to you.

Let it Snow from Blackberry Lane Let it Snow from Blackberry Lane Designs
Oh Wow... Marie Driskell has designed the MOST CHARMING little snowman!!!!! He is just the happiest little guy! Stitched on yummy hand-dyed fabric -- on 32ct, he measures 65 x 65 stitches -- so 4 x 4. Charted for DMC floss, he also uses blending filaments in an ice blue and opalescent for the wind, his body, and the words, along with glass beads dotting the snowflakes. You'll need the JABCO clay nose... and maybe the white ball fringe (big box stores -- our mini-balls are all hand-dyed and not pure white) and snowflake button for finishing???

I just love everything about this piece that is presented as a chart. We have GORGEOUS Crossed Wing hand-dyed linen in stock NOW... will have to wait for the Picture This Plus Stellar this calls for. (The filament, braid, bead and button dropdown lists no price... because there are too many variables with thread options. All that will run approx $12. Ball Fringe is not offered because we do not have pure white. Fabric? Do you want 28 or 32? Do you want it now, or do you want to wait!) HELP with thoughts in the comments box of your order!!! :)

#311 Tidings of Joy from JBW Designs Tidings of Joy from JBW Designs
JBW has several new designs -- 7 more actually -- but I absolutely love this one, so I chose it for Just Arrived! Choose any color of Red over-dyed floss or silk you like, stitch this over one or two threads, and finish it like either of these two options!!!

Sweet little reindeer surrounded by evergreens and a pretty border, this stitch count on this is 91 x 110. Presented in small card format.
(Click the pic to see the rest of the new arrivals.)

Tiny Christmas Biscornu by Just Nan -- click to see more! Gingerbread Reindeer Mouse Cottage by Just Nan -- click to see more!
Just Nan's Christmas Designs are all Here!
Christmas is coming... and now we have a few treats by Just Nan!!! Here are the details!
  • Tiny Christmas Biscornu -- Something special for your tree, this is stitched on both sides. (You COULD make this into a pair of ornaments as well.) Four bright red cardinals, wrapped packages and snowflakes on one side, four beaded holiday trees and peppermints on the other. This petite 2-inch cushion -- accented with crystal beads in the centers and candy cane ribbon edges -- will sparkle on your tree. Worked on 32ct Picture This Plus Gingerbread Linen with DMC floss, it also features tiny red, gold and white bead embellishments. Full of tiny Just Nan's charming motifs, she has garnished it with her Gingerbread Man Pin. Offered as the chart with emb... linen, pin and floss are separate.
  • Gingerbread Reindeer Mouse -- Another of Nan's cute stitched mice -- this little guy needs to hang close-by to all your Gingerbread Angel and Jingle Mice! He is a reindeer -- complete with tiny reindeer antlers and red reins. He has a Rudolph-red nose, and is wearing a Christmas Sweater to keep him warm on The Important Night. Stitched on 32ct Picture This Plus's Gingerbread Linen with DMC and just a touch of gold metallic, he finishes a mere 2-inches in size -- the same as everyone else in his family. Offered as a chart with tail hanger, beads, nose, and brass button base, he is precious!!!!!

Christmas Memories from Blackberry Lane Christmas Memories from Blackberry Lane Designs
Blackberry Lane has a lovely new pair of Christmas Tree designs -- kind of a feather tree idea -- featuring branches filled with antique Christmas toys and trinkets. Two different designs -- both feature the trees cross stitched over two threads with long stitches to mimic the pine needles. THEN, the ornaments are all stitched over one thread. Absolutely incredible design detail -- Marie Driskell excels at this sort of thing! -- you won't believe how beautiful all the little toys are! Snowmen, angels, dolls, sheep, a nutcracker, caboose, gingerbread man, Santa a horn, just a million little things!

The smaller version is worked on 32ct lambswool and measures 43 x 67 stitches -- 2-1/2 x 4-ish. The larger tree is done on the 32ct natural linen with the white spots painted on it. It's a little more challenging because of the paint kind of clogging the fabric holes (but the finished effect is SO COOL) That one measures 52 x 69 and finishes approx 3 x 5. Honestly, this is a CHARMING set of designs!!!!! Get it for the Stash!... and maybe stitch JUST the bitty ornaments that are only 10 threads high!!!!!

Going to Grandma's from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Going to Grandma's from Praiseworthy Stitches
Susan and Pam have released another charming winter scene -- this year's features Grandma's House decked out to the MAX for the Holiday! *Christmas is here and everyone is arriving at Grandma's house! The snow is falling, the kids are making a snowman and the rest of the family is finally here. Can't you hear the squeels and delight as everyone greets each other? See Grandma on the walkway waving to them? Look, even Santa and Rudolph have arrived! It is a time for love, delight and laughter.*

Stitched on 32ct Nocturne by Picture This Plus (a luscious greyed-blue fabric), this finishes approx 11 x 9 -- MUCH more compact than some of the other annual scenes! Worked with Sampler Threads and Weeks hand-dyeds, (several multiple skeins of the same colors), along with a few blending filaments and Mill Hill beads, it is full of charming details just like all the rest of Praiseworthy's houses! Offered as the chart with fabric and threads separately. Get the chart, and check your stash for needed thread.

Here Comes Santa Claus from X's & Oh's - click for more The Postman from X's & Oh's - click for more
A Trio of Vintage Winter and Christmas Memories
X's & Oh's has charted artwork from three Canadian artists and presents them in Cross Stitch. Lovely designs that look like they came from the pages of old story books, I just love all three of them. They are pretty intense as far as the stitching and charts are concerned, so I will probably only enjoy them from these leaflets, and never the real stitched pieces! They are all solid stitching, so choose fabrics that are easy for YOU to work on... you might want to consider white for Here Comes Santa -- and leave the moon's inside empty.
  • Best Friends -- By Catherine Simpson, this measures approx 14 x 17-1/2 on 32ct and calls for 41 different DMC colors. Such a pretty scene, lots of backstitch detail. Not really Christmas -- you could leave off the decoration on the light post and shop window...
  • Here Comes Santa Claus -- By Frances Tyrell, Santa's sleigh up in the sky is only 10 x 15 stitches!!! Finishes approx 7 x 9 on 32ct, using 28 DMC colors.
  • The Postman -- By Shelley McVittie, I think The Mailman is picking up letters to Santa! (but maybe not... only the holly garland on the railing suggests Christmas.) 13-1/2 x 8-3/4 on 32ct, 35 DMCs, lots of shading in here, not much backstitch.

Jingle from The Cricket Collection - click to see more Jingle from The Cricket Collection
What a pretty font for this! JINGLE is stitched on 28ct Star Sapphire linen in 18 different DMC colors along with 3 shades of gold metallic thread. The lettering is 501 green, bells are the metallic... and all the rest is just charming!

She's little in the pic... but there is a TINY stitched angel riding on the front of the sleigh! She's only 10 x 10 stitches, and thankfully Vicki has an enlarged chart of her in the leaflet for easier stitching!!! Offered as a leaflet, the design finishes approx 8 x 12-1/2 on the 28ct.

Sleigh Rides and Snowflakes from The Scarlett House - click for more Sleigh Rides and Snowflakes from The Scarlett House
Here's a chilly scene, cold and quiet! Stitch the entire thing, or leave off the words -- there are big snowflakes in the background (sort of hard to see in our image, but they're there!) that you can re-arrange in behind the evergreens. Scarlet House presents this design in chart format that is worked on a dusky hand-dyed -- lots of good colors come to mind (like Week's Tin Roof).

The stitch count is 220 x 138, and colors listed are either Sampler Threads or DMC. Dried Thyme, Forest Glade, Country Redwood, Wood Smoke, Tin Bucket, Chalk, Picnic Basket, Wood Trail, Deep Forest and Espresso Bean... you can just feel the deep, quiet colors. The dogs and bunnies are worked over one thread -- everything else is over 2.

Up On The Rooftop from Blackberry Lane - click to see more Up On The Rooftop
from Blackberry Lane Designs
Blackberry Lane as released #4 in her incredible Annual Snowglobe Series -- this one features Santa on the roof getting ready to drop down the chimney! Absolutely breathtaking detail in color shading and design detail, this entire ornament is only 82 x 82 stitches and is worked over one on 28ct, making it less than 3 x 3.

TONS of different DMC flosses from your stash, since there are so many called for in here... you won't use much of any of the colors!!! Look for the companion designs in your stash -- 2010 is The Snow Day, 2011 is Midnight Ride, and 2012 is The Carolers. These are all stunning! Get them and stash them away for a 110 degree month next summer when you can stay inside stitching!!!!!

Bigger Sleighs! from Foxwood Crossings
Foxwood Crossings RFD Sledding Sleigh - click to see more Foxwood Crossings Acme Snow Mobile Sleigh - click to see more More darling ornaments!!!! On the larger side, Foxwood Crossing has two more designs that fit a sleigh that measures 7 x 3 (the metal) with a bed that is 1-1/2 inches high and measures 2-1/2 x 5-1/2. Acme Snow Mobile is so cute and retro... while RFD Sledding is a traditional country snow play scene.

Both are shown stitched on 14ct perforated paper, trimmed and mounted to the sleighs. Each pattern is offered separately in chart format, so once again... order enough sleighs for your ornaments. Very nicely made, they are very sturdy, the wood is ok... and the black metal smoothly finished... there are even six little screws peeking out on the underneath side holding the planks in place.
These would be cute as doll and candle perches, as well. A sheet of perforated paper should yield three of these, 4 if you space very carefully.

Warm Hands Felt Ornament Kit from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more Warm Feet Felt Ornament Kit from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more Mittens Felt Ornament Kit from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more Gift Bag Felt Ornament Kit from Rachels of Greenfield - click to see more
Felt Christmas Ornaments and Mini-Gift Sacks! from Rachel's of Greenfield
Ornaments Galore! We have 6 new kits to make a total of 36 different mini stockings, mittens and gift bag ornaments! Something fun to hang on the tree, each and every one of these measures approx 2 x 3 when finished. Traditional designs in classic reds, greens, navy, black and white, each kit contains its templates and pattern shapes with cutting instructions for all the ornament pieces. They also include all the felt, threads, beads and button embellishments (if any are needed) and the gold cord hangers! You'll do simple Blanket Stitches and a couple of Straight Stitch Holly springs, and attach a few beads, but that's it!! REALLY CUTE, the snowmen wear a 'backpack' back pocket to store treasures! (Maybe for Christmas $$?) Very small and quick... these might be good for a scout troop project... they'd be so retro and fun as a large collection on a tree, cute package ties, you decide! Buy all 6 and get a discount!
  • Warm Hands is a set of mittens.
  • Warm Feet is the set of stockings.
  • Mittens is a set that features only backstitch embroidery rather than blanket-stitched motifs.
  • The Gift Bags are a perfect size for gift cards.

Toys in the Attic -- A trio of ornaments from Blackberry Lane - click to see more Toys in the Attic -- A trio of ornaments
from Blackberry Lane Designs
Oh my gosh, these designs are so old-fashioned and charming!!! Marie Driskell's over-one design detail is apparent in this trio of small designs -- but these are MUCH, MUCH easier to stitch than some of her previous pieces. Worked on 28ct linen, each finishes approx 3 x 3... but much smaller if you leave off the Merry Christmas greetings on the bottom.
  • Sock Monkey by himself is only 40 x 50-ish...
  • Giddy-Up Horsey is 70 x 43... and
  • Baa Baa is only 53 x 42 without his borders.
  • Each of the three are beautifully charted and call for DMC floss. The colors are old and faded... and the designs are just precious! Offered as charts... these are FINISHABLE!

    Christmas Tidings from Just Another Button Company - click to see more Christmas Tidings from JABCO
    Another pretty adaptation from the Art to Heart artwork by the JABCO gals... this is stitched on Week's 30ct Dove linen... but we think it'd be STUNNING on a cream. 14 Different colors of Week's hand-dyeds or DMC flosses, Christmas is spelled down the left edge providing the first letters of short thoughts of The Christmas Story. Christ is born, honor Him. Inn... no room, Star shone. Three Wisemen, Manger bed, Angels sing, Shepherds watched.

    Everything is garnished with charming JABCO buttons -- the whole nativity, angels, the inn and star, three Wisemen, baby in the manger, and shepherd and sheep. There is a lot going on in this... and all of it is in a 4 x 13-1/2 inch piece!!! Very colorful and eye-catching! Offered as the chart with button set.

    Vintage Christmas, Believe from Brenda Riddle
    Vintage Christmas from Brenda Riddle - click to see more Believe from Brenda Riddle - click to see more Here is a trio of small charted designs by Brenda Riddle that feature a vintage flavor. Vintage Christmas can be worked in three different color ways on Week's Linen with Gentle Art flosses -- it finishes approx 4 x 5-1/2 -- not big at all.

    Believe is worked with Week's White Lightening floss on 35ct Gunmetal Linen.

    Wanting to mimic the charm of an old chalkboard each of these finishes approx 5 x 6 and 6 x 7. Very simple and charming! Each is offered as a chart. offered as a chart.

    Jo Jo's Santa from Fern Ridge - click to see more Jo Jo's Santa from Fern Ridge Collections
    Fern Ridge has a stunning new Santa Peyote Stitch piece that can be used as a pin, ornament or necklace pendant. Charming Mr Santa Claus is entirely beaded -- no loom, no base fabric. You stitch him in your hands using a beading technique named the Peyote Stitch -- where the beads fit together like miniature bricks!

    He is basically charted -- complete beading instructions are included with the color coded diagrams. He finishes a mere 2-1/2 x 2-1/2, his face is flat... but that beard is a wonderful mass of looped beads, all glistening with silver star mixed in. Offered as the complete kit, you get all the threads, beads, embellishments, findings... everything... along with great instructions!

    Christmas from Cross Eyed Cricket - click for more Christmas & Sugar Cookies! from Cross Eyed Cricket
    Cross Eyed Cricket has two new designs that 'speak' of The Season! Just like her 4-seasons designs... these are alphabet letters spelling out their word with quite a bit of charm and design content.

    Sugar Cookies from Cross Eyed Cricket - click for moreOffered as leafets, each design is coded for DMC floss, and can be worked on just about ANY fabric you want! Regular Cross Stitch... think about adding some metallics or fun button embellishments. COOKIES finishes approx 4 x 21 on 28ct. CHRISTMAS is a bit larger at 5 x 26. Fun, fresh new decorations... in case you're due for an update!!!

    Quaker Christmas II - Songs of the Season from ByGone Stitches - click to see more Quaker Christmas II - Songs of the Season from ByGone Stitches
    Oh... here's a Christmas Present to Yourself! This is an incredible collection of Quaker-inspired motifs scattered about -- but look closely -- and find all the songs! Names of Christmas Carols are all over in this -- spelled and STITCHED with more motifs! Can you Three Ships a Sailing? We Three Kings? Little Drummer Boy? By Gone Stitches adds a third sampler to her collection -- this one is just as large and just as commanding as her others.

    Offered as a chart, it finishes approx 17 x 25 on 28ct... probably too large to drop down the chimney already stitched and framed... so better plan on getting just the chart from Santa! You'll need 23 skeins (115 yards) of Gentle Art's Currant hand-dyed cotton, and 5 skeins (25 yards) of Blue Spruce. CHECK and see if you like those colors... choose others if you want... just get enough thread right from the start for color safety! (Actually, we recommend purchasing an additional 2 skeins of the Currant and 1 of the Spruce.) Just beautiful to behold!

    Faby Reilly Designs Snowman Biscornu - click to see more
    Snowman Biscornu from Faby Reilly Designs
    Cute, cute, cute! Even the bottom side is stitched with noses, hats and scarves -- after the snowmen have melted!!!

    60 x 60 Stitch count, work this on any white even-weave you wish, charted for DMC flosses... the center is garnished with a white pom-pon!

    Ragamuffin Santa from Simple Stitches - click to see more Ragamuffin Santa from Simple Stitches
    Oh my gosh... this is the cutest little stuffed Santa! Stitched on 30ct Weeks Chestnut Linen in Weeks hand-dyeds or DMC flosses, you stitch him, assemble him in the same finishing treatment as a stand-up, add some raggy fabric legs, and he sits on a sill!!!!!! Attach a little present in his sack if you wish! Raggamuffin Santa measures approx 5 x 6, before you add his legs.

    The Nativity Story from Blackberry Lane - click to see more The Nativity Story from Blackberry Lane Designs
    Blackberry Lane designs has a set of lovely table dressings -- a Runner or Topper - each offered separately in chart format. The 8 x 29 (stitched size on 28ct, before any border) Runner features the Nativity story in a long row... the Topper 33 x 33 (on 28ct includes a 5-inch border), is basically the same design, stitched into a square.
    The Nativity Story from Blackberry Lane - click to see more
    Quite classic, each design is monochromatic -- pick a favorite hand-dyed to match your decor -- and features the Star of Bethlehem in gold metallic. Each side of the Topper tells the story of Joseph taking Mary to Bethlehem, Shepherds gazing at the Star, the Shepherd's visit, and finally the 3 Wise Men.

    The runner is charted minus Joseph's trip with Mary. Really nice pieces, very classic. I don't know which version to tell you to stitch -- they're both elegant!

    The Snow Day from Blackberry Lane - click to see more The Three Wise Men from Blackberry Lane - click to see more The Three Wise Men and The Snow Day from Blackberry Lane Designs
    Blackberry Lane Designs has two *ornament* designs that are beautifully detailed and FULL of lots of DMC color! (Kind of generous in size for ornaments!) The Three Wise Men has a stitch count of 120 x 120 -- features 44 different colors, and will be exquisite stitched over one on anything!!!! The chart includes three bead 'jewels' and a tiny brass camel charm, along with a one-page history lesson of the Story of the Three Kings. It is going to be the first of Marie's 6 First Noel Ornaments... the chart's back page teases us about the rest coming in future years.

    The Magic of Snow Globes first design is The Snow Day. A classic, antique scene, complete with plump snowman... this one measures 80 x 80 and calls for 48 different colors! Simply lovely pieces... offered as charts.

    Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow from Carriage House Samplings - click to see more
    Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow from Carriage House
    Carriage House has released her next Hawk Run Hollow piece, joining Village, Houses and Shores of HRH! A stunning 12-part piece... just like the other three... each section can stand alone and is a lovely piece all by itself! EVERY square in this design is neat... lots of bold color and subject... the houses, trees, carolers, skating pond, singing cardinals and church scene are all endearing! LOTS of stitching in this, it finishes approx 17 x 23 on 32ct!

    Charted for DMC flosses or Needlepoint Silks, the piece uses 119 colors!!! (So to save yourself approx $360... choose the floss!) I'm trying to choose my favorite section, and i *think* it's the skating pond... but I like those singing birds... ! Offered as a chart... linen and threads separately.
    Christmas Chick from Valerie Pfeiffer -- click to see more Christmas Chick from Valerie Pfeiffer
    We've had this little guy for some time... and I was going to put him up on the website early this summer... but the timing didn't seem right... 105 degrees outside! Anyway, I kind of forgot about him, till we were doing our 'pre-sale cleaning!' He's one of Valerie Pfeiffer's darling little birds... singing Christmas Songs!!!

    Offered as a chart, he finishes approx 3 x 3 on 28 or 32ct, and is stitched in DMC flosses. I think he's precious... and I didn't want another year to go by without giving him his little place of honor on our website!

    A Quaker Christmas Offered by ByGone Stitches -- click to see moreA Quaker Christmas from ByGone Stitches
    Offered by ByGone Stitches, we are treated to this decidedly intricate Quaker-inspired spot motif sampler... with a bit of Christmas tossed in! Available in chart format, the whole piece measures approx 20 x 13 on 32ct, and is worked in only three colors of overdyed threads.

    Now... study this a bit. The chart is very clearly done... you'll probably want to highlight the three different colors with highlighters. Next... realize that this has potential to be a family sampler... by simply changing the JOY, PEACE, and NOEL words and various scattered letters to those that have significance in your family. It doesn't have to be 'Christmas' if that's not a goal in your decorating scheme, or stitching schedule!

    The design is awesome -- such great balance and symmetry -- especially for a spot-motif piece -- it's just elegant! As is, it calls for 20 skeins of Crescent's Balsam Fir, 2 skeins of Cupid and 1 of Ye Old Gold. Look at your decor, choosing your favorite green, a touch of red and gold... and order enough thread at the onset to finish this! All crosses, offered as the chart... this is stunning!

    Holiday Harmony Kits from Mill Hill - click for more
    Holiday Harmony Kits from Mill Hill
    Mill Hill has just released an AWESOME set of small bead kits -- all musical instruments -- perfect for your tree or small gifts! Each instrument measures approx 2-1/2 x 3, is stitched in floss and beads on perforated paper, and is trimmed with a brass embellishment. Choose between a Violin, French Horn, Mandolin, Harp, Drum and Trumpet. Stunning for tree ornaments, these would be perfect to give to so many people as small Christmas gifts, too! (Think of the choir director, and everyone else in your group!...and the music teacher... or the musician!)

    Very traditional and elegant in feel, the colors feature rich browns, deep reds and greens, along with lots of glistening gold beads and metallics! Offered as complete kits of chart, needle, paper, flosses and metallics, beads and charms, these are really a bargain because of all the colors of threads and beads included! Lovely!

    Winter Snapperland Banner - click to see more Walking in a Winter Snapperland
    or... as we call it: "Chillville!"

    from Bent CreekThe Chalet is first in Bent Creek's set of 2006 Snappers entitled 'Walking in a Winter Snapperland'... we at the Silver Needle are affectionately (and thus shortening the name) calling this new set "Chillville!" A new set of 4 small card Snapper patterns, The Chalet is the first of the designs. Charming and cozy stitched just by itself... Chalet is the first panel of the main design that's tied together with a freebie border chart supplied to us by Bent Creek. The border is similar to Snapperville, and says 'One kind word can warm the three winter months...'

    The embellishment pack contains the extra snaps, snowflake buttons and a white winter bird. Stitched individually, each card's design will measure approx 3 x 3. Stitched with the surrounding border, the entire piece will measure approx 5 x 17.

    Now... we are beginning a new auto-ship for this set of "Chillville's" 4 patterns. You'll receive The Chalet, the fabric cut, the embellishment pack, (no price as of my words this morning) and border chart with your first shipment. The other three will just contain the cards. Anyhow... join the auto.. this is going to be CUTE!!! The Winter Chillville fabric cut is actually a 1/6 yd piece of linen measuring 12 x 27, slightly larger than 3 inches of allowance of each side... but economical to cut!

    Dear Santa from Prairie Schooler -- click to see more Dear Santa from Prairie Schooler
    The 2006 Limited Edition Santa kit by Prairie Schooler has arrived! Only the second in the set (so you really aren't behind yet!), he is offered as a complete kit of 28ct Natural Linen, the chart and needles, and 6 complete skeins of Crescent Colours hand-dyed flosses. Finishing approx 5 x 8... Dear Santa is full of Prairie Schooler's timeless balance and primitive flavor. Deep reds and greens... some brighter cremes and more greens... something about PS's Santa designs defies dates -- they never seem to look 'yucky-old!'... just 'wonderful-old!'

    Check out last year's Here Comes Santa Claus... same colors, same size... we can still get him! (The annual small Prairie Schooler Santa card usually releases July 4th Weekend... THIS is a different guy!)

    Mitten Games from Crossed Wing Collection
    What a charming winter scene!!! Reminiscent of Crossed Wing's Frosty Feast design, this is a detailed, shaded snowman, complete with a wooly green scarf and hat set. His faithful companions, the dog and bird, are stitched with just as much detail and color shading as he. Crossed Wing really has a flair for the realistic, and this design is full of that flair and has fantastic winter charm!!! Finishing approx 4 x 5 on Snow Squall Linen, Mitten Games is offered as a chart, with linen separately.

    Mitten Games by Crossed Wing -- click for more
    Snowman and Holiday Home Stockings
    from Bent Creek

    These are two of seven new releases by Bent Creek! Snowman Stocking joins Holiday Home as Bent Creek's first two stocking patterns. Stitched on 18ct Natural linen in frosty shades of Oatmeal, Shaker White, Lavender Potpourri, Old Blue Paint, and woodsey tones of Chestnut and Bark along with a few other wintery overdyed flosses, the stockings finish approx 11 x 16-ish inches! Embellished with clay buttons, the leaflets contain an alphabet for personalization. The fabric cut we're offering is large enough for one stocking and enough extra to add a bit of length, if you wish, and you may want more than one skein of some of the threads! Cute and blustery...

    Snowman and Holiday Home Stockings by Bent Creek -- click to see the rest of the new designs!

    The Santa Series Ornaments
    from Mill Hill
    This is a collection of perforated paper Santa kits, three are released each year. Full of color, detail, and fun bead embellishments, these are charming! Each santa finishes approx 2 x 4" on 14ct perforated paper, and when cut out, look fantastic on your Christmas tree! Complete kits, you'll need them all!
    One of the Santa Series from Mill Hill -- click to see all the rest!
    Parker's Stocking from Shepherd's Bush - click for a larger view

    Hey Everyone... Time to get busy on a new set of Christmas Stockings for the family!

    We have an awesome selection of all sorts of different Christmas Stocking patterns by various designers in our cross stitch industry. Visit our Christmas Stockings page to see collections by Shepherd's Bush, Just Nan, Sam Sarah Studio, Lizzie Kate, Bent Creek, Birds of a Feather... and more. Just so many cute ones!

    All are offered as leaflets or chart-packs. We carry all the necessary fabric, threads and embellishments... and are happy to gather everything together for you.

    When your stitching is complete... do you need your stocking sewn together???

    The Silver Needle
    6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
    (918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
    Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
    Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
    10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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