One Silver Needlestitching event One Silver Needlestitching event The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

Cross Stitch Weekends, Classes and European Adventures
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    

Here are some of the special activities we enjoy along with our customers, many of whom long ago became friends.

These are listed in chronological order.
Please scroll clear to the end to see them all... and be aware of years!


Weeks Dye Works
Presenting AB Designs With Weeks Dye Works!
April 11th and 12th, 2025

AB Designs

We are so excited to bring back both of these ladies - we've hosted them before - and love having them together! Amy Bruecken of AB Designs will have the stitching project, while Miranda Weeks of Weeks Dye Works will be helping you dye linen, wool, thread and velvet over the same two days. Class (limited to 40) is in our She Shed, and dying spills over into our back workroom. Lots of activity, color and just general FUN... join us for Amy and Miranda!

$275 covers all the projects, snacks and drinks and a few door prizes tossed in. $50 Due at registration. Balance due Feb 11th, 2025. Cancellations made before Feb 11th receive funds paid less $50. Cancellations made after Feb 11th will receive projects with no refunds (I'm sure we can find someone who'll do your dying for you!), or partial refund (TBA) if we can refill your space.

The Scarlett House
Come Join Us for a few Stitching Get-Aways
in our She Shed!

What is a Stitching Get-Away? Just come stitch with us at The Silver Needle. No class, no formalities... just stitching! Bring your projects and stitch from your stash. Space is limited so reservations are needed. Fridays from 9 to 6 and Saturdays from 9 to 4 or 5... Just choose one weekend, or come several times.

Each Getaway runs $50 for the two days. We'll serve snacks and beverages and even feature a few door prizes too. Our shopping center has 6 different restaurants right here - meals options are easy, close, really good and fast - to maximize that stitching time, and an Air B & B might be just the ticket!
Don't we all need a Stitching Getaway? Or two? Or three?

The Stitch Getaways can be for FRIDAY or SATURDAY or both. $25/day. Doesn't need to be an overnight thing!
2025 Stitching Getaway Dates:
  • January 24th & 25th
  • March 21st & 22nd (The Nashville Market new arrivals will be here!)
  • May 16th & 17th
  • August 22nd and 23rd (Needlework Marketplace Previews will be here!)
  • November 7th & 8th
  • December 5th & 6th
$50 Due at Registration, $40 refunded in case of cancellations.

Jeannette Douglas Designs

Announcing our Grand Summer Stitching Event for 2025
We Welcome Jeannette Douglas
July 17, 18 and 19th, 2025

Jeannette and Lindy

Come spend a few days - or the whole week - with us and enjoy Jeannette. I already know the project, and it's dynamite - trust me! Officially our Summer Event begins with happy Hour at 4:45pm on Thursday July 17th. BUTTTTT... Our She Shed opens that Monday the 14th for the Early birds - as a stitch lounge. Jeannette arrives on Wednesday - the same day we begin optional Finishing Classes by our own Mona. Finishing classes continue through Thursday.
Everything moves from the She Shed over to our main stitching room for that Happy Hour Thursday, followed by dinner and Designer Make-It/Take-It presentation.

The Event includes Thursday Evening's dinner and all the festivities, class both days with Jeannette, yummy lunches served Friday and Saturday, door prizes, and a silent auction/smalls exchange to raise money for a local Tulsa Learning Facility - Happy Hands.

Mona's Wednesday and Thursday classes are additional and optional. There are numerous hotel options very close to the shop, but more and more of our ladies are choosing air B & B's as a hotel alternative!

Fee is $450 which includes all of Jeannette's projects, meals and snacks and tons of other good stuff.
$50 due at registration.
$175 charged after Jan 1st 2025 to reach funds paid of $225.
Balance due May 17th 2025.
Cancellations before May 17th receive funds paid less $50.
Cancellations after May 17th are non-transferable and receive no refunds.

Shakespeare's Peddler
Presenting Theresa Venette of Shakespeare's Peddler
October 8th & 9th OR October 10th & 11th, 2025

Too early for any project details, but Theresa never disappoints! I'm sure we'll be enjoying some lovely sampler lessons and stitching on something she's either created or adapted. Class is limited to 40 stitchers. The class fee of $250 includes all your class materials, my fantastic snacks, drinks, door prizes and two days of stitching bliss. Lunches are on your own, but the center has lots of restaurant choices, so no problem there. Approx class times might be 9 or 10am to 4 or 5pm!

$50 due at Registration, balance due August 10th. Cancellations before August 10th receive funds paid less $50. Cancellations after August 10th may receive kits with no refunds or partial (TBA) refund if we can fill your space.
NOTE! As of now, Oct 10th and 11th are full... so we added another session on October 8th and 9th.

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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