A few of the auto-ship programs The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

Our Auto-Ship Programs
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    
There are several on-going series of Cross Stitch designs released at regular intervals. Our auto-ship programs for these let you be among the very first to receive them.
Choose options:
  • Join our auto to get all kits/patterns from the beginning
  • Join our auto with the current kit/pattern available.
We keep your credit card on file, and automatically charge and ship you the designs the day they arrive. They show up as stitching surprises in your mailbox! If you need to cancel for any reason... it's not a problem. Please let us know before the next design in that particular series ships to you!
These are auto-ships for your convenience.
Shipments may be cancelled at any time, with no further obligation. We do NOT charge a 'Membership Fee,' and shipping costs are discounted to you for these auto-ships.

Note: when you order an auto-ship, it will show up on your order form as a "zero-cost" or $.01 item, as we won't charge your credit card until we ship. Catch-Up & Continue will enable you to get ALL the previous designs in a series with your first shipment and then continue on monthly through the rest of the series. $$$ Amounts may vary and some add up very quickly!

Current Auto Programs we are shipping:

Just Nan's Biscornu Garden Series
A Little Help From our Friends Stitching Circle
Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Series
ABDesigns Happy Place

Pastel Ornaments from Country Cottage Needleworks
2024 Fabulous House Series from Cottage Garden Samplings
The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night

Frost Flower Garden Biscornu and Mouse from Just Nan - click to see more! Presenting Just Nan's New Frost Flower Garden Biscornu and Mouse
Nan is beginning a new *Biscornu Garden* Series of designs - this one, Frost Flower Garden, is the first. The Biscornu cushion features a pale blue garden shimmering with frosty beads and a matching mouse nestled in the center. Two different designs of blue and white flowers accented with touches of soft green decorate the 2 sides of the Biscornu. White pearl and silver crystal seed beads plus silver crystal bugle beads are sprinkled throughout. A crystal heart bead anchors each side's center.

Nan has included the pearl headed pins featured on each of the 8 corners as well. The little mouse on top is decorated with matching flowers and beads. She wears a pearl necklace and lavish winter brooch pin made of sequins, a snowflake, moonshine blossom and lavender flower. (Whew - quite some brooch!) Both pieces are stitched on 32ct Ice Blue Belfast linen with just 6 shades of DMC floss. Included with the leaflet are all the stitching and finishing instructions, seed, bugle and heart beads, sequins, mouse tail, button base and pearl pins. You'll need a bit of stuffing from your stash.
Nan is planning a second Biscornu Garden Project later this year with 'A different Occupant' she says... so join our auto to make sure you get that one too!
We have started an auto-ship, and it WILL include fabric.

Presenting our Next Round of: *A Little Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle*
Running April 2025 through April-ish of 2026!

We are proud to feature designs from Plum Street Samplers, Cross Eyed Cricket, Heart in Hand, Teresa Layman, Erica Michaels, Jeannette Douglas, and Shakespeare's Peddler!

Cross stitch designers participating in the next round of the Stitching Circle

Delightful offerings approx every other month... till April of 2026 (if we can stay on schedule!)... these ladies will do their designing best to bring us pin-cushion-sized projects. Everything around 70 x 70 to 90 x 90 in stitch count... stitching, friendship or home sweet home themes... we're mindful of stitching time and budgets!

Every 8 weeks (or so!) we'll be sending you a fun pin-cushion-sized design, that will be kitted with fabric and threads (occasionally trim too). Our target budget this year is around $55 per kit. We always tuck in some sort of bonus 'treasure or what-not'... hopefully a functional needlework trinket or something cute that goes with our project. Our Designers will do their best to bring you something charming, we promise! Everybody loves surprises in the mail... and these certainly fit the bill!

Please call or e-mail us to join or RE-UP for this next cycle of 'A Little Help From Our Friends.' We do not automatically 'roll you over' unless we hear from you! Registration will be open for only a few weeks!

Happy Stitching From The Silver Needle Ladies --
And All of Our Friends Who Help Us Along The Way!


Happy Life Autumn #1 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Autumn #2 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Christmas #1 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Christmas #2 from Jeannette Douglas
New Small Designs from jeannettedouglasdesigns.html
  • Introducing Happy Life Sets! - Jeannette has 4 small seasonal pin cushion design sets that she is presenting in a pair of chart packs. The other three seasons will be following, so we are beginning an auto-ship for this series, so you'll have them ALL! Stitched on 36ct, they use Weeks and Classic hand-dyed flosses and finish a mere 3-3/4 x 2-3/4 in size. When you're finished, you'll have 16 coordinating cushions! Autumn's designs are: Plenty & Grateful, Giving and Thankful (in chart #1), Gather & Home, and Harvest Blessings (in chart #2.)

Happy Place from AB Designs - click for more

AB Designs' Happy Place
This is Amy's new Stitch Along for 2024. Cute little houses with decorations in the yard - all year long! Finished size is 128 x 126. It's a multi-part thing... base chart #1 and May chart #2 ship May 15th. Then, two more charts will ship every other month...finishing up with 3 charts and stitcher gift!

Each of the 13 charts runs $8... we'll charge as we ship them -- not the whole price at once. Amy uses weeks hand-dyeds throughout. Looks pretty cute... I kind of like a 12-pin cushion idea for these!

Pastel Ornaments #1 Christmas House from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments # 2 Nutcracker Trio from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #3 Christmas Church from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #4 Snow Globe from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #5 Christmas Bird from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments#6 Pastel Snow Angel from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #7 Christmas Gingerbread from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #8 Frosty Christmas from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Pastel Ornaments from Country Cottage Needleworks
Nikki is beginning a new 12-part set of ornaments - first one shipped this December of 2023. They will be all different sizes, and we know they are on 32ct Beautiful Beige Linen but beyond that, we don't have many details! She'll be featuring her Mom's floss - Classic Colorworks - for the entire series.

One chart each month till next Dec... these first two look darling! #1 is called Christmas House, measures 55w x 52h, and uses mostly Classic Colorworks with a bit of DMC thrown in. We'll begin an auto-ship... you are welcome to choose any fabric you like... and we'll be gathering thread sets as well.

Fabulous Houses #1 Santas House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #2 The Castle from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #3 Green House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #4 Cottage from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more
Fabulous Houses #5 Hobbit House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #6 The Tree House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #7 Housebarn from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fabulous Houses #8 The Lighthouse from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more
Fabulous Houses #9 Floating House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Fairy House - The #10 Fabulous House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Haunted House - The #11 Fabulous House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more Log Cabin - The #12 Fabulous House from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more The Tudor House - Presenting Bonus House #13 from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more
Fabulous Houses from Cottage Garden Samplings - click to see more

Presenting The Fabulous House Series for 2024 from Cottage Garden Samplings
Vinniey has announced her next series of designs - it promises to be a charming set of whimsical houses. Santa's House is the first!

Beginning in December of 2023 and continuing - 1 house a month, until we finish in November of 2024 - the first one is on the way to us now! Each design will be 120 x 120 in size and can be stitched individually or all together. (370 x 495 for the whole thing!)

So, Santa's House is first, followed by a Castle in December. Green House, Cottage, Hobbit House, Tree House, Housebarn, Lighthouse, Floating House, Fairy house, Haunted House and Log Cabin will be the other pieces of real estate in the set. The fabric in the first pic is a medium gray. Since we have no idea what the other designs will look like, I am thinking any neutral should work - Country Vintage Mocha? Natural? Lambswool? Any lighter hand-dyed?

As for counts... YOU choose - it's YOUR piece! 32ct would be 7-1/2-inch houses, 40ct would be 6-inch houses. Coded for DMC (parts 1 and 2 have 2 hand-dyeds each, part 3 has no hand-dyed) Promises to be pretty festive! Our Auto-ship will include the charts each month.

As promised, here is the sneak peek of Vinniey's last house in her Fabulous House series of designs. Due in the shop around December 10th, this is the same size and format as the other houses in the series. If you are doing the 12-piece series... we think this is a great 'Do-Over' option to use as a substitute if there was another house you didn't like as well! We will be shipping this house to our auto-ship stitchers - so they have the whole set, let us know if you need one!

Betsy's Halloween Basket from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Betsy's Christmas Basket from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Betsy's Easter Basket from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more Betsy's Patriotic Basket from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery - click to see more
Pansy Patch Holiday Basket Series
  • Betsy's Halloween Basket - Super unexpected to see a floral basket of yellows, oranges and purples, there's a little jack-o-lantern hiding in that bouquet. Really fun, it's stitched on Murky by Picture this Plus, and notice that some of the flowers are drooping out of the basket... so it's just charming! Measures 103 in stitch count - so 5 x 5 on 18ct. This is the first in a new set of Holiday Baskets, and they promise to be CUTE! Betsy's Christmas Basket is next - due to release late this Fall. We're beginning a new Auto-ship for this!
  • Betsy's Christmas Basket - This is the second installment of a seasonal basket series... It's a festive basket holding wrapped presents! It finishes about 5 x 5 - lovely pomegranate red and buttery gold colors with evergreen greens tucked into the border.
  • Betsy's Easter Basket - This is the next seasonal basket - we have Halloween and Christmas so far, it's such a cute series. This one has a little bunny, and more bright, happy colors. Chart format.
  • Betsy's Patriotic Basket celebrates the 4th of July! Dusty demin blues and soft, bright reds, it's trimmed with Lady Dot thundercloud chenille.

A Round Christmas... Our November 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more Guess Who's Coming to Dinner... Our October 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more The Watchman (aka: Wish I could get off this stick!)... Our September 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more It's Back-To-School Time!... Our August, 2019 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more Christmassy Evergreens... Our July, 2019 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more Firecrackers!... Our June, 2019 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more Wish... Our August 2018 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more Merry Trio!... our November Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more A Valentine Heart... Our January, 2019 Secret Needle Night Kit - click to see more June 2015 Secret Needle Night: Liberty For All - click to see more
Secret Needle Night
from The Silver Needle
These are our shop-exclusive monthly kits! Each month, we release a specialty thread kit that we have designed ourselves, chosen fun fabric, threads, and embellishments, and kitted the whole thing! We even include a recipe for the desert served that evening!

They're always on large count material, always seasonal or holiday in theme, and limited edition kits. When each Secret Needle Night is finished, its kit is retired forever!

We've been offering Secret Needle Night for almost 18 years now... and have the past 5 years or so of projects up on our Secret Needle Night page. All the details are there... all the pics... take a look! Hope you'll join the program!

We automatically mail them each month, so they show up in your mailbox... a surprise every month! Overseas mailing isn't a problem, either. We send loads of them each month... all it takes is a padded envelope and a customs tag on our end... and they're on their way to you!
So, you see... every month we have something really fun and cool waiting to send off to your stitching fingers!

Visit our Secret Needle Night page to see more history of the program, and see if you want to enroll. You can sign up to receive it every month, to receive just specific months, or for a one-time trial. And don't forget gifts! What a great monthly surprise for a friend! Enjoy!

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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Contact webmaster@thesilverneedle.com

Need help with products or orders?
Contact lindy@thesilverneedle.com

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You may not reproduce, copy, or redistribute the design or layout of this web site, individual elements of the web site design, or Silver Needle images, designs, adaptations, charts, instructions or logos without the express written permission of Silver Needle, Ltd.
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