The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

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Happy Life Autumn #1 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Autumn #2 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Christmas #1 from Jeannette Douglas Happy Life Christmas #2 from Jeannette Douglas
    Introducing Happy Life Sets!
    Jeannette has 4 small seasonal pin cushion design sets that she is presenting in a pair of chart packs. The other three seasons will be following, so we are beginning an auto-ship for this series, so you'll have them ALL! Stitched on 36ct, they use Weeks and Classic hand-dyed flosses and finish a mere 3-3/4 x 2-3/4 in size. When you're finished, you'll have 16 coordinating cushions! Autumn's designs are: Plenty & Grateful, Giving and Thankful (in chart #1), Gather & Home, and Harvest Blessings (in chart #2.)

A Festive Wish from Jeannette Douglas Trim the Tree from Jeannette Douglas Sweet Christmas from Jeannette Douglas
New Designs - Cute and Quick to Stitch!
  • A Festive Wish - This sampler-inspired design includes an alphabet to give you a choice of what you want to say on your piece. Pretty floral urns and that dramatic border - it's sure to catch anyone's eye! Coded for silks or DMC, and presented as a small chart.
  • Trim the Tree - A festive row of four ornaments finish into a 4 x 7 brick, pillow - or even smaller individual ornaments! Coded for hand-dyed or DMC flosses. the pic is small - hard to tell how colorful and cute these really are!
  • Sweet Christmas - Jeannette shows this finished around a wooden spool, and as a panel inset of a pillow. I am sure you could divide them and do three individual ornaments as well. Hand-dyed flosses or DMC coding, I think the little flat piece might fold up well into a sewing case as well. Presented as a small chart.

Chubby Squirrel from Jeannette Douglas Garden Box from Jeannette Douglas Shepherd's Box from Jeannette Douglas Chubby Bee from Jeannette Douglas
All the Lovely New Things from Jeannette Douglas. Garden Box Back from Jeannette Douglas
  • Meet Chubby Squirrel - isn't he cute? He's a small chart and companions Bunny, Bee and Fox.
  • Garden Box - Garden Time is fast approaching, so Jeannette has another set of boxed pieces that fit into her little shadow boxes (like Christmas and Stitch Box.) No specialty stitches on this, the main design is only 3-1/2 x 4 on 32ct, while the two smalls on the side are less than 2 inches in size, and the long cushion along the bottom holds a ruler on its backside. Stitched with hand-dyed cottons, there is no thread pack for this - only the wool packet that has the small pieces of wool for backing, the ruler, pins from Puntini Puntini, and buttons for the biscornu - a little finishing materials packet. (We call this box our 1-1-2 configuration... one hole, then another different sized hole, then 2 holes of the same size. Do not confuse it with the 1 - 3 configuration box! And... I see that we use the words 'tray' and 'box' to describe the same little type of wooden piece.) Presented as the leaflet with Wool Packet.
  • Shepherd's Box - Sheep and Stitching seem to go together... a fun theme Jeannette loves to work with. Main design is 3-1/2 x 4, and again those smalls along the side, and across the bottom. This design is coded for DMC but model is done with silks - so there is a thread pack as well as a wool finishing pack. Wool packet contains backing wools, templates to make holders and decorations on the backs, Puntini Puntini pins, and a sheep waxer from Noteworthy Needle. So that you have everything you need, we are offering the leaflet, and both thread and wool packets all together.
  • Chubby Bee - This plump little bee hardly looks like she can fly! (Jeannette promises a squirrel coming later this year to join Chubby Fox, Bunny and Bird.) Same size as its three companions - about 60 x 60 - it's done with hand-dyed flosses, and available as a small chart.

Heart & Home Sampler from Jeannette Douglas Needle Be True Sampler and Smalls from Jeannette Douglas
  • Heart & Home Sampler - What a charming collection of little houses! Stitched on 36ct, this finishes approx 8 x 8. Jeannette uses silks in her thread packet, including some Silk Lame from Rainbow Gallery, but also has coded for DMC floss. She's even had a matching wooden corner gauge made for this which has the houses on one side and measurements on the other. Presented as a leaflet with optional thread pack and optional corner gauge.
  • Needle Be True Sampler and Smalls - This is part of a greater series, the first being 'Joy Be Thine.' This is the second in the set. The third - 'Stitches Be Sweet' is currently her unreleased teaching piece, and 4th will be 'Count Be Correct.' Both #3 and #4 will not release for about a year (at least!). Measuring 8 x 10-ish on 40ct, Jeannette put so many fun stitches and parts in here, that she built smalls to go with the larger sampler. You can see a needle pocket, a tufted pincushion, and double-sided slider fob. All three patterns are included in the leaflet, and threads for each are included in the specialty thread packet.

Mini Bouquet Sampler from Jeannette Douglas Budding Bouquets #3 from Jeannette Douglas Budding Bouquets #4 from Jeannette Douglas
  • Mini Bouquet Sampler - This is coil-bound little book full of Jeannette's 12 little miniature monthly bouquets. She did these for retreats she attended a few years ago, and then offered one free each month on her website... but you might have missed some, and cetainly never had a pretty picture of the whole set together. Just a completely charming piece... it uses a ton of colors, but just bits and pieces! Presented as a leaflet.
  • Budding Bouquets #3 and #4 - Spring and Summer - The final two medium-sized 4 x 4 seasonal bouquets in J's series, these are lovely. You can work them on most any neutral fabric, and she has them coded for both DMC or hand-dyed flosses. Not much to say, except that these are charming, colorful, and just make you smile! Presented in small chart format.

Presenting Jeannette's Jingle Ball Spools - click to see more
Presenting Jeannette's Spools!
These darling wooden spools are ornaments and/or scissor holders. They are made especially for Jeannette's Jingle Ball ornament - entitled 'Jeannette's Trio.' Your patterns for these (36 and 40ct) come in your Jingle Ball Book.

We have only a few light wood, mostly dark wood spools... they are beautifully made, smooth, silky and both colors are lovely. They measure 1-1/2 inches in diameter and 2-1/2 inches high and are charming. VERY limited in edition... just for Jingle Ball!

Winter Bouquet #2 Autumn from Jeannette Douglas European Christmas Box from Jeannette Douglas Christmas Releases from Jeannette Douglas
Ms J has been busy... and we reap the rewards! New things arrive around Thanksgiving time.
  • European Christmas Box - This was one of Jeannette's projects to our group on our Christmas Markets European River Cruise last year! You'll recognize her little 6 x 6 wooden tray, which is offered separately... it is sort of optional, as you COULD finish all these smalls into cases and cushions just by themselves.
    Stitched on a green background - you'll need a 12 x 13-1/2 cut of 32ct to fit the pieces into the tray - Jeannette used luscious silks for everything. The trees are on the front of a needle case, gnomes are a cushion, the the signature wreath and candle blocks hold scissors and a threader (I believe) on their backs. We have the leaflet, thread pack and wool set - for all the piece finishing - all together for this!
  • Winter Bouquet - This is her second smaller seasonal bouquet design... she meant it to be WINTER, but it came out a little Christmassy - we told her nobody would mind! About 4 x 4, just a pretty size for a medium cushion...she used a mixture of hand-dyeds or DMC. This is available as a small chart, and if you like, we can add you to our auto-ship for the rest still to come.
Budding Bouquet #1 Autumn from Jeannette Douglas Chubby Fox from Jeannette Douglas
New from Jeannette Douglas
  • Chubby Fox - He's a little pattern for a darling little guy! He finishes about 3 x 3 and is worked in Weeks hand-dyed cottons - DMC conversions included. Presented in a small single chart.
  • Budding Bouquet #1 Autumn - The first of 4 (at least) medium-sized floral bouquets. Jeannette has teeny ones, and her 6 large Blooming Bouquets - but this series will measure a nice medium 4 x 4 on 36ct. Just the right in-between size! Coded for Weeks or DMC. It's presented in a small chart format... and we're doing an auto-ship for the other three seasons as they release - so join that and you'll be all set! First design ships September of 2023. Second, Winter Budding Bouquet, releases in October.

Medium-Sized Dowry Box for Jeannette Douglas's Stitches Sampler Series by Olde Colonial - click to see more
LIMITED AVAILABILITY! Olde Colonial's Medium Dowry Boxes for Jeannette Douglas's Stitches Series
Once again, we were able to bring home a very limited number of Bob's Boxes - from Olde Colonial. You will rcognize these as the boxes used on Jeannette Douglas's Quaker, Acorn, Seaside, Pineapple, Pumpkin. vintage, Silver Needle, Pomegranate and Pears, Strawberry and Bee Stitches designs!

Top opening for the needle work is 6 x 8, total box is 9 x 11 x 2-3/4. $140. Call for availability. We can take orders for the My Stitching Treasures larger box - $200. Again, call for Availability.

Tapestry of Stitches from Jeannette Douglas My Stitching Box from Jeannette Douglas Vintage Grapes from Jeannette Douglas Chubby Bunny from Jeannette Douglas
New Releases from Jeannette Douglas
Lots of lovely things... She is getting away from producing as many specialty thread packs for her designs - and providing DMC conversions for all. So, options abound!
  • Tapestry of Stitches - Presented in leaflet format with numerous pages of stitch diagrams and charts! Jeannette has loaded this with gorgeous stitches and worked it in silks. She DOES have DMC conversions provided, as an alternative. Finishing about 8-1/2 x 11 on 36ct, this really isn't a super-beginner piece to work - LOTS of stitch diagrams and details in here.
  • My Stitching Box - A set of smalls including 2 scissor fobs, a scissor pocket, needlebook, pin cushion, cube and main sampler. All the finishing instructions are included, the box is offered separately. 8 Pieces to this set! There is a silk/specialty thread pack for all of this... denim, mossy greens, dark gold and cinnamon... yum!
  • Vintage Grapes - Another joins Jeannette's Vintage series of designs - all in leaflet format. Grapes, in lovely colors. (she was working on this when we were in Portugal - cruising down the Duoro River in Port Wine Country!) Two different design options in the center section - alphabet or specialty stitches. Worked in silks, but DMC conversions provided.
  • Chubby Bunny - Just a sweet little bunny enjoying his spring outing! Finishing 3 x 3 - a cute cushion or hoop finishing - he's a small chart and is done with hand-dyed flosses or DMC.

Good Tidings from Jeannette Douglas Christmas Cheer from Jeannette Douglas

Two new Releases
  • Christmas Cheer is a 6 x 9 sized chart that includes 6 small pin cushion designs. Coded for DMC, they look lovely nestled in a basket - especially with greenery or candy canes tucked between! Various sizes... choose your favorite neutral fabric.
  • Good Tidings features a 2 x 6 row of small motifs. Jeannette has three different finishing techniques shown on the cover... but all three are the same design. Coded for Hand-dyeds or DMC; you could make individual ornaments as well.

Vintage Acorns from Jeannette Douglas Acorn Tray Set from Jeannette Douglas Matter in Hand from Jeannette Douglas Quaker Star Delight from Jeannette Douglas
New Arrivals
Jeannette has 6 new releases. All available as leaflets this time around... most are coded for DMC's and hand-dyeds... here we go!
  • Vintage Acorns - This is the 5th in the Vintage Series, roughly the same size as the rest (Flowers, Birds, Stars and Animals). It is a lovely medley of all things ACORN! Finishing only 7 x 8 on 40ct... you can choose just about any neutral fabric for this and enjoy stitching with the hand-dyeds from Weeks, Gentle Art and Classic.
  • Acorn Tray Set - What a fun combo of designs matching the Stitch Tray, and Flower Tray. The plump drum-shaped pin cushion features a large acorn with specialty stitches to accent the tiny band sampler inside the tray. Then, add the teeny scissor fob, and you have a three-piece set of smalls. All feature trim by Lady Dot, and since Jeannette has chosen lots of luscious hand-dyed silks for this - the thread pack is included.
  • Matter in Hand - This charming sampler (139 X 164) says CROSS STITCH in 8 languages! Jeannette knows we love to hold 'matter in hand' - our needle in one hand and linen in the other. Just like her Christmas and Halloween samplers, she has Cross Stitch spelled in French, Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Chinese and Russian... because she knows that needlework crosses all language barriers for sure! Stitched with hand-dyed cottons, or her DMC conversion.
  • Quaker Star Delight - A charming splash of little Quaker Stars cover both the mattress and drum cushions in this set of smalls. Stitched with Weeks and Classic hand-dyed flosses, they feature Lady Dot velveteen and chenille, and Jeannette does include those micro-buttons featured on the mattress with her leaflet.
Vintage Flowers 2 from Jeannette Douglas Flowers for You from Jeannette Douglas
Flowers for You and Vintage Flowers 2
  • Flowers for You - This one is presented on Weeks Dye Works 46ct Aztec red linen. A little challenging for the average eye, you might have to get creative with that fabric! Jeannette has included another verse along with 'flowers for you'... 'There are always flowers for those who wish to see them.' (except I don't think I can on that 46!)
  • Vintage Flowers #2 is the 6th in the Vintage Series of designs. This theme is potted flowers so everything in here is done with Weeks, Gentle Art and Classic hand-dyeds (with a DMC conversion), and all are flowers in pots! Measuring 152 x 158... it'll finish approx 10 x 10 on 32ct.

Chubby Bird from Jeannette Douglas Joy Be Thine Sampler from Jeannette Douglas New Treats Have Arrived
  • Joy Be Thine Sampler - This looks very involved and scary to stitch, but Jeannette has used only Straight Stitches and Cross in this! Not too many design details yet, but it's done in brick reds, teals, creams, butterscotch golds and browns and a little mossy green. Presented in leaflet format with the wonderfully tempting thread and embellishment pack - she honestly is calling this a 'next step piece' to try a little specialty stitching!
  • Chubby Bird - Well, isn't he cute? This is offered in small chart format... I don't know what kind of thread he uses... but he does finish about 3 inches in diameter.

Home Together #1 Home is Where from Jeannette Douglas Home Together #2 Home is the Place from Jeannette Douglas Home Together #3  With You I'm Home from Jeannette Douglas
Home Together #4  Bless Our Home from Jeannette Douglas Home Together #5 East or West Home is Best from Jeannette Douglas Home Together #6 There's No Place from Jeannette Douglas
Home Together is another cute pin cushion/sampler set like Sew Together.
6 Designs in all, you can do them individually or join them together in any arrangement you have space for! Jeannette will be offering a cube assembly as well. (Doesn't that sound cute?)

Measuring 83 x 83 in stitch count finished size varies with your fabric count... these are done on Weeks Parchment Linen. Coded for hand-dyed flosses, the first two - Home is Where Your Heart Is, and Home is the Place to Be AND #3 & 4 release in are here now... #5 & 6 release in September of 2021. (These complete the auto-ship for this set.)

Stitch Spool from Jeannette Douglas Stitch Tray Set from Jeannette Douglas New Designs have Arrived!
4 Small stitching projects are coming and we love them all!
  • Stitch Tray Set - What a fun 6 x 6-ish inch fabric tray - you stitch this flat and then pinch the corners together to raise the sides and create a tiny tool tray. Jeannette's pretty stitches cover the inside - all sorts of fancy things in there - it's charming! There is a matching scissor fob and can you see the drum-shaped cushion above the tray in the pic? That is a wrap-around design. Don't miss the Puntini pin set for this!
  • Stitch Spool - This is a charming piece that can be finished as a little sewing case, stuffed pin cushion, or even wrapped around a wooden spool as shown in the leaflet's cover photo. It coordinates with the tray set, but is stitched with hand cottons floss rather than the silks. Threads, the gorgeous buttons and the red ribbon is included with the chart. (TBR) We have some spools - don't know for how long - those are offered separately.
  • Home Together #3 and #4 - (See these below, with the others in the set.) This is a fun set of 3 x 3 designs that Jeannette suggests can be finished in many different ways. Pin cushion them - all individually, or finish them into a cube - or make them in a long row... a tall and skinny banner? Each part is offered by itself in a small chart format... quick and cute!

Lets Do What We Love from Jeannette Douglas Flower Tray Set from Jeannette Douglas New from Jeannette Douglas
Jeannette continues her Blooming Bouguets, but has a few other new designs too! Two trays, and a new series...
Flower Tray Set & Lets Do What We Love Tray - These two designs are offered in leaflet format... and present a different way to finish your stitching to enjoy again WHILE you're stitching! Make the 6 x 6-inch-ish fabric trays by pinching the corners together... your cute stitching is right there in the middle! What a fun place to keep your scissors, threaders, threads and needles!

The Flower Tray set includes patterns for the drum cushion and stitched scissor fob. The Lets do What We Love and Do It Alot piece features just the tray. Both come as leaflets and have separate thread packs for them. So darn cute!

Blooming Bouquets - #1 Thankful book from Jeannette Douglas Blooming Bouquets #2 Cheerful by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Blooming Bouquets #3 Joyful from Jeannette Douglas
Blooming Bouquets #4 Beautiful from Jeannette Douglas Blooming Bouquets #5 Bountiful from Jeannette Douglas Blooming Bouquets #6 Hopeful from Jeannette Douglas
Blooming Bouquets
  • Blooming Bouquet #1 Thankful Jeannette has released her second design (but it says Bouquet #1 on the cover... she released #2 first!) in this trio of lavish floral urns; this one features a verse with sentiments of Thankfulness. Stitched on a 36 to 40ct neutral linen, her silk pack includes gorgeous shades of hand-dyed silks - just an assortment of rich, deep, strong colors. (Chart is coded for DMC as well.)
    Finishing about 7 x 8-1/2, the verse is over one, and there are some special stitches right inside that exquisite floral border. Think about just the urn and flowers from this - wouldn't that be pretty too? Presented as a leaflet with silks separately... there will be a third bouquet in this set - coming in Fall of 2019 (we think!)
  • Blooming Bouquets - #2 Cheerful - OK...This is the one that released first. This is a lavish floral display over-flowing out of a little urn... pretty border and all. There will be three matching florals in all... each presented in it's own leaflet format with gorgeous hand-dyed silks available separately. Finishing a petite 7 x 9 on 36ct linen... this isn't 'cutesy or seasonal... just a beautiful needlework design to enjoy on your walls. Very pretty.
  • Blooming Bouquets #3 Joyful - This is the third in a set of festive floral urn designs. Quiet and elegant, each finishes about 7 x 9, and make an elegant framed presentation. Stitched with silks in either a rich red and evergreen, Jeannette has added a Satin Stitch Saw Tooth border on here... just inside the floral edge. Presented as the leaflet and threads.
  • Blooming Bouquets #4 Beautiful - Another lush bouquet of lavish color and shape! Companions our other three.... just lovely! Silks on 36ct Legacy Linen. This entire collection is really elegant. Not very big at all, they're not seasonal, they aren't 'cutsey' they aren't 'trending'... they are classic and lovely!
  • Blooming Bouquets #5 Bountiful - Bittersweet and Rose Hips, here is another classic floral piece to frame and brighten any place you hang it! Stitched on 36ct Picture This Plus Legacy Linen, it measures 130 x 159 - so about 7 x 9 in size. Jeannette uses yummy hand-dyed silks in here... I believe the leaflet does have some DMC conversions, but her thread packs (which are offered separately) are second to none in gorgeous thread offerings - so don't skimp on your needlework - get the thread pack!
  • Blooming Bouguets #6 - Hopeful - This is a lovely set of floral designs - 'kind of' seasonal in some color ways... but truly beautiful to display the entire year. We have her models stitched in the shop - these are some of my favorites because they are a nice smaller size, the colors are lavishly gorgeous, and they are just plain classy! #6 joins the other 5 - Thankful, Cheerful, Joyful, Beautiful, and Bountiful. (Jeannette says her brain is *FULL* of great ideas!) Stitched on Picture this Plus's 40ct Fawn linen with Jeannette pretty set of assorted hand-dyed silks, it finishes just 6 x 7-1/2 in size.

Spring Posey from Jeannette Douglas Summer Posey from Jeannette Douglas Fall Posey from Jeannette Douglas Winter Posey from Jeannette Douglas
The Poseys of the Seasons
Small 3-inch round florals, each of these features flowers of it's season all worked on 40ct linen (your choice of color from your stash) with 1 strand of Tudor Silk.

The silks are included with each small chart so you'll be stitching all those glorious colors!

Jump Into Spring from Jeannette Douglas Soar into Summer from Jeannette Douglas Fall Into Autumn from Jeannette Douglas Cozy into Winter from Jeannette Douglas
The 4 Seasons of Florals
  • Jump Into Spring - First in a 4-seasons series... chart format, hand-dyed cottons, pretty 5 x 5 pin cushion designs with just a few special stitches.(it just so happens that our last Circle of Friends design is the Winter edition of this... so if you are in our Circle - yours is at least a year early!). The patterns are presented as charts and they're stitched on 32ct from Picture This Plus.
  • Soar into Summer is the second seasonal basket of flowers - it companions Jump Into Spring - which has already been released. A sweet 4 x 5-ish piece, it features a perky and quirky border with a few rows of specialty stitches along the bottom of the basket. This is now a lovely 4-piece set.
  • Fall into Autumn is Jeannette's third in this seasonal set of pin cushions. We already have Jump Into Spring and Soar Into Summer, and Cozy into Winter is coming in December. (You'll remember that Cozy was our Circle of Friends Design last December... so lots of you already have that one - hopefully some have finished it!) Really a pretty little piece, it uses hand-dyed cottons and the bands all across the bottom feature special stitches.
  • Cozy into Winter is the final one in the set. If you were a member of our Little Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle this year... you should remember this as our first design last January. (So you already have it.)

Sew Together #1 Samplers from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #2 Pins from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #3 Scissor & Threads from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #4 Flax & Linen from Jeannette Douglas
Sew Together #5 from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #6 from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #7 Letters & Numbers from Jeannette Douglas Sew Together #8 Silks & Wools from Jeannette Douglas
Sew Together from Jeannette Douglas The Sew Together Series
This is a set of small charts that each make a 3 x 3-ish pin cushion or you can put them together to make a composite picture. Jeannette is finishing out this cute little set of small designs all dealing with needlework! If you stitch it on 40ct, each 67 x 71 section will finish about 3-3/4 inches each, making the entire piece only about 8 x 8 in total size.

Charted for Gentle Art, Weeks, and Classic hand-dyed flosses and a few regular DMC's, no special stitches in these... just pretty colors and subjects very dear to us stitchers! Each section is presented in its own small chart. Hover your cursor over each image to see its name.

The Common Thread 2 from Jeannette Douglas Heart of Gratitude from Jeannette Douglas Inspiring Stitches from Jeannette Douglas
New Designs!
Gorgeous new designs - we are in BIG TROUBLE as they are all stunning!!!
  • The Common Thread 2 - This is KILLER! Gorgeous stitches, some Bargello sections, fun motifs and borders... It companions Common Thread which was released in 2014! Measuring 9 x 8 on 32ct, the threads Jeannette features are deep and rich. She's included silks (some hand-dyed), brass charms and glass bead embellishments throughout all the incredible stitching. This is definitely a showplace for your working talents! Leaflet and Thread Packet.
  • Heart of Gratitude - *Gratitude is the heart's memory.* This is stuffed FULL of specialty stitches - we can't see them in the pics, but the chart inside is full of them. Luscious raspberry shades of threads, that pin cushion is less than 2-1/2 inches in size! Charming! Finishes 6 x 6 on 36 Oaken, the pattern includes the sampler, pin cushion and fob all to match - stitched with silks.
  • Inspiring Stitches - We saw *The Vision* of this hanging on Jeannette's living room wall when we visited her last Fall... Absolutely incredible! 134 x 241 in stitch count, numerous borders, and three mini-samplers tucked in here! Luscious silks to use as well! Jeannette has included several different stitch techniques in here - Blackwork, Pattern Darning, and lots of stitches taken from needlepointers. It's really meant to be a SAMPLER of stitch techniques to YOU - it's meant to inspire YOU to go 'a little further!' So... THINK of the finishing possibilities... smaller samplers, pin cushions, basket bands... lots of smaller design areas in here.
The Common Thread 2 Chart w Silks $118.00
Heart of Gratitude Leaflet w Silks $66.00
Inspiring Stitches Leaflet w Silks 82.00

The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Canadian Journey Series by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
The Canadian Journey Series from Jeannette Douglas
This book is a compilation of Jeannette's first designs - HUGE samplers that celebrated all the different areas of North America. For her 20th Anniversary in business, she has re-done some stitch diagrams, added cool pictures and lots of history and travel trivia, and just made sure that each of these EIGHT samplers is presented perfectly. Charts for all of them are in this book - spiral bound, 107 pages - and thread packs are available for each sampler individually.

Atlantic Seaboard measures 4 x 20. Fleur de Lys Sampler finishes almost 4 x 21. Great lakes Lowland Sampler finishes 4 x 19. Northern Shield has forest friends, Northern Lights - the Polar Caps, Prairie West, Rocky Mountain Sampler, and finally Pacific Rim... all of these are incredibly full of geographic details, pretty thread colors, awesome stitches, and Jeannette's personality! So... if you love to travel, or love parts of the US and Canada, and are delighted with fun specialty stitches and exotic threads, get this book!!!
Canadian Journey Series BOOK $50.00

Atlantic Seaboard Thread Pack $30.00
Fleur de Lys Thread Pack $32.00
Great Lakes Lowland Thread Pack $30.00
Northern Shield Thread Pack $30.00
Northern Lights Thread Pack $48.00
Prairie West Thread Pack $30.00
Rocky Mountain Thread Pack $26.00
Pacific Rim Thread Pack $26.00

Jeannette's Tray Tower!
Jeannette's Tray Tower! by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more WELL... if you are into Jeannette's little tray designs - YOU NEED THIS REVOLVING TRAY CABINET! It is the coolest little tower! Handmade by Cabranmary Woods, it measures approx 7 x 7. It features a rotating base, a topper area to display one of your finished tray sets, and FOUR more compartments to store 4 of your other finished little creations... plus another one on top!

You can alternate showing off your stitchery by pulling out a different tray whenever you feel like it! Love it! So far, we have Pumpkin Patch and Bird Boxes. Journey and Mermaid make 4. Your tower has room to grow - because it has space for one more tray!
Priced as tower only... trays not included.

Here are the little tray options!
Jeannette's Tower Trays by Jeannette Douglas

Christmas Box from Jeannette Douglas
New Design from Jeannette Douglas Designs
  • Christmas Box - done in the same box as the spring release of Stitch Box. You'll make a 3 x 3 miniature sampler - It reads Joy and Noel - and features some special stitches. The 1 x 5 pin cushion with reindeer is down at the bottom. The two gifts on the right-hand side each measure about 1-1/2 inches square - one is a needlekeep, the other is a scissor holder! You can make everything individually to just sit about, or you can purchase that little 6 x 6 x 1 wooden tray to store everything. (Jeannette has a Tray Tower 'box' that is like a little dresser - four of these tiny trays pull out - a really cool way to store your finished companion trays!) Presented as the leaflet, we have the thread packet along with the finishing wools, ribbon trims, and clay pin set... so you can use all the 'right stuff' to make this pretty stitching set.
Christmas Box chart w threads and Wool pack 94.00
Christmas Box Shadow Box 1-1-2 $39.00

Learning Stitches book from Jeannette Douglas Learning Stitches from Jeannette Douglas Learning Stitches
Oh wow... this is gorgeous! The whole thing measures about 11 x 14 on 32ct linen. It features a lavish alphabet across the top section, then it showcases 15 tiny blocks below of your stitching lessons! Worked with a yummy array of hand-dyed silks and garnished with some darling stitch-related charms, each of those 15 blocks features a really cool different stitch that just LOVES to tease the hand-dyed threads you are using for it.

Jeannette has designed this to kind-of-be a class! Each section offers you stitching tips and hints, she's talking to you all the way through her book! Beautiful colored close-up pics of the actual stitches... just the pattern book is a treat by itself... but get the threads too. (Otherwise, it's like having a new kit to stitch with NO NEEDLE!)

Star Needles & Pins Pin Cushion from Jeannette Douglas Pineapple Welcome Drum Scissor Holder and Fob from Jeannette Douglas
Jeannette's Newest Arrivals
  • Star Needles & Pins Pin Cushion A fun 2 x 6 inch design, this is stitched on Weeks 35ct Parchment with a combo of Silk 'n Colors of Acorn Woods, and a couple of Gentle Art hand-dyed cottons. Along with all the Milanese and Scotch Stitches the deep rust, lavender, teal and pumpkin threads are complimented with matching matte finish micro button embellishments. The small chart comes WITH the thread and buttons... you choose a bit of fabric you like best to use. The featured trim is *Jack* baby pom pom by Lady Dot.
  • Pineapple Welcome Drum Scissor Holder and Fob (No... the little yellow and black DOVO scissors in the pic are no longer available!) BUTTTT, a lovely pair of shiny or matte gold scissors would love to be perched in this cool drum! Finishing approx 2-1/2 x 5, the pineapples wrapping around this vessel - 5 of them - are all done with special stitches in various silks or DMC flosses. Lady Dot's color of Motherlode is the featured hand-dyed chenille trim, and Weeks Palomino hand-dyed wool is on the top finish. Broken Hungarian, Rhodes and Algerian Eyelets... all appear in the matching fob as well. Presented as a chart... with Mona's finishing instructions inside!

Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas September Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas October Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas November Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas December Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas
January Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas February Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas March Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas April Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas May Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas
June Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas July Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas August Letters from Mom from Jeannette Douglas
Letters from Mom
Letters from Mom by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more But these can be Letters from ANYONE! Jeannette Douglas is beginning a lovely collection of small samplers -- all about 3 x 5-1/2 in size. They are sentiments inspired by thoughts she wanted to pass along to her daughter right after she left for school. The small samplers will surround this main center panel you see on the cover of the first design. Letters from Mom could read 'letters from Nana' or any other special someone you want to remember.

Letters from Mom by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see moreFor the next 12 months, Jeannette will release small sampler charts 3 at a time -- something appropriate for its season -- with a bit of Cottage Garden hand-dyed thread included. You'll need the rest of the flosses from your stash. She's described each month's design thoughts in this main packet, and they are just heartwarming. You can finish this project by making this first design into a fabric envelope and storing all the mini-samplers inside the envelope, or join them all together in the lovely main sampler. Stitched on 36 Platinum Linen, the entire piece will measure 17 x 17. VERY pretty!

Jeannette Douglas's sampler 'letters' have All Arived!
June, July and August's 3 x 5 sampler charts are here. You can stitch them individually, or join them together in one main piece. 3 Samplers released at a time, each features special stitches and is worked assorted hand-dyed flosses.
Each chart comes with some Cottage Garden hand-dyed thread as well - I think you can see that color variation in some of the sampler borders.

Letters From Mom Center Chart $12.00
Letters From Mom September Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom October Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom November Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom December Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom January Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom February Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom March Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom February Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom March Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom April Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom May Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom June Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom july Chart $15.00
Letters From Mom August Chart $15.00

Mermaid Box by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Journey Box by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Journey Box & Mermaid Box
Here are a pair of charming designs straight from Jeannette's imagination!!! Both are offered as charts with thread and embellishment packs and wool felt finishing packets. Basically complete kits minus the linen. Each consists of the main sampler -- approx 4 x 6 on 32ct, along with three smalls that are under 2 inches each. You can stitch it all and simply frame the sampler and tuck the smalls nearby, or get that awesome little wooden tray shown on the cover to store everything.

Each pattern comes as several pages of charts full of fun, specialty stitches, and lots of assembly instructions. The thread packs are full of exotic hand-dyeds of silks, metallics and cottons, along with cute little trinkety charms, beads, and buttons. Jeannette chooses the neatest things to tuck into those packs!
Journey deals with traveling and features warm burgundy, teal. purple and green colors, stitched on 32ct Flax linen.
Mermaid is worked on 32ct Star Sapphire and features aqua, coral, lavender and sea greens. Its wool packet comes with that little fish pin and the thread packet includes shells, a seahorse and even a few fresh water pearls.
DELIGHTFUL SETS!!!!! Click to visit our inside pages, we have a TRAY TOWER to display these cute projects!

Star Center Quilt by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Star Center Quilt
A gorgeous study in colors, Star Center Quilt finishes approx 8 x 9 on 36ct linen and can be stitched either in a red or blue colorway. Jeannette has BOTH colorway charts in each leaflet -- huge double sized sheets so you are not stuck losing your space between loose chart pages.

Tons of Scotch, Milanese, and Stars, this is a great study in Satin Stitch variations. Totally yummy threads of hand-dyed silks, the light catches all those Satins and this just glistens! Offered as the leaflet with ONE colorway of your choice.

Vintage Animals by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Vintage Animals
Kind of in the same series as Vintage Stars, Flowers and Birds, this is charted on one huge 11 x 17 cut of paper for ease in following the design. Coded for hand-dyed cottons, some of her other Vintage designs are stitched with Gentle Art's Simply Wool, and we think this would be awesome that way as well.

Stitched on Picture This Plus's 36ct Legacy, this finishes approx 8 x 9.

Spring Wool Pin Cushion with Fob by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Tulip Shaker Box by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Tulip Shaker Box & Spring Wool Pin Cushion with Fob
Here are two small designs that finish into 4-inch-ish pieces stitched on 32ct Flax linen. BOTH charts come with a cut of Lorikeet hand-dyed wool thread, but call for either three or 4 more skeins of Gentle Art's Simply Wool thread as well.

If you've never worked with the wool, get it now and try it. It is DREAMY, and these are small, easy pieces to try it out with.

Sunflowers by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
A teeny little piece inspired by Van Gogh! Stitched on a cut of 32ct Twilight linen (included) by Picture This Plus this finishes just 2 x 2.

Jeannette's design appears at the bottom on our Rolling on the Rhone Sampler commissioned for our Rhone River Cruise last year. We ended the trip in Arles, France, where Van Gogh spent so much time. So a small chart, a bit of fabric, she's added a sunflower charm in here just for whatever!

Halloween Sampler from Jeannette Douglas Fall Shaker Box by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Wool Pin Cushion and Fob by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Jeannette Douglas's new thingst:
  • Halloween Sampler -- Finishes approx 8 x 9-1/2 on Weeks 35ct Confederate Gray -- has lots of specialty stitches and threads are all specialty hand-dyed silks and cottons. 4 Rows of cute seasonal motifs, you can do some of these individually, or make the charming 9 x 10-ish inch sampler -- complete with hand-dyed silks and cottons, metallics and a special witch hat button! Jeannette has featured gorgeous Autumnal colors in this, and of course some fun specialty stitches. The haunted house and tombstone have Satins, the bubbling cauldron down at the bottom is Bargello. Happy Halloween!
  • Fall Shaker Box -- Small chart format, again, coded for Gentle Art's Simply Wool, this fits a 6-inch chocolate Lone Elm Lane box... but it could be stitched smaller for a cushion finishing as well. Since the wools and cottons are the 'same colors' you could go with cottons if you wanted.
  • Wool Pin Cushion and Fob -- This is a small chart coded for Gentle Art's Simply Wool thread -- Gorgeous! Finish into a pin cushion and fob set or... it fits Lone Elm Lane's 4-inch pin cushion base on 32ct, and can be stitched on anything neutral. That wool is awesome to work with -- the chart calls for only 6 shades, so maybe this is a nice time to try stitching with something new to you! Chart for matching fob is included.

Vintage Birds and Mighty Acorn
The Mighty Acorn from Jeannette Douglas Vintage Birds by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Jeannette Douglas's new things are all here! Nine new designs in all... large samplers all the way down to bitty 1-inch pin cushions, everything is quite detailed with thread and fabric offerings. Lets see how well I can describe it all! Pics and my notes are all on Jeannette's pages... so enjoy the browse! Info about these pics first!
  • Vintage Birds -- A leaflet, the third in this set -- Vintage Stars and Vintage Flowers -- this is a pretty 8 x 8 piece that is stitched with Gentle Art Sampler Threads and Weeks hand-dyed flosses. You could change some of them to the Simply Wools - a soft look Jeannette used in Flowers and Stars, as an option. Anyway, the peacock tail in here happens to be Algerian Eyelet - each over six threads! SUPER soft in shading and color, gorgeous!
  • The Mighty Acorn -- Well, this little guy is solid silks and solid specialty stitches -- not a Cross Stitch in here! Finishing approx 4-1/2 inches square on 40ct, the Bargello border is over an inch wide, full of dramatic movement! The acorn itself is all Milanese Stitch... the chart is intoxicating! It's only 40 by 50 stitches in size, too! Lovely brown, greens and creme silks, this is not for a beginner stitcher! Presented as the chart with Gloriana, Classic, Access Commodities, Thread Gatherer and Rainbow Gallery silks and metallics. Mighty Acorn is only PART of Roses and Acorns -- a larger sampler!
Roses and Acorns by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more

Roses and Acorns
A pretty band sampler that features that little Mighty Acorn right there in its bottom section! Same luscious color palette as Mighty Acorn, this is stitched on 36ct linen and finishes approx 4 x 14.

It is loaded with special stitches and is worked entirely in silks and metallics. A little of the Bargello border is in here, along with lots of other pretty motifs and rows.

So many different elements here, that you could split this all up and make some basket bands, pin cushion sets... lots of things! Presented as the leaflet with threads.

Potpourri of Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Potpourri of Stitches
I recognize this! It was Jeannette's contribution to Silver Needle's Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle last year! Charted for either regular Cross Stitches or Specialty stitches... the cushion is the cross version and framed has the stitches. Both finish 5 x 5 on 32-36cts... whatever you choose.

Stitched with brilliant silks -- teals, brick, moss and creme -- I have that VERY ONE and ONLY pin cushion model on my bedroom dresser as I am writing this! (I wouldn't let her have it back!) Presented in leaflet format with great diagrams of all the sections -- she has even included a colored chart for you to keep all your sections straight! Leaflet with silks.

Quilt Box from Jeannette Douglas

Quilt Box
A pretty star pattern -- something you'd find on a quilt -- this is entirely Satin and Scotch/Milanese Stitches. Two different color options with this one -- all silks of blues and greens or taupe and rusts, it finishes approx 3-1/2 inches square.

You get a matching fob and pin cushion in here as well.. and enough silks to stitch them too!

Dutch Pincushions from Jeannette Douglas

Dutch Pincushions
Just a set of six small 2-inch cushions... they all look like they could have come from one larger sampler.

Just a cute set to nestle together in a small bowl or basket.

Pumpkin Patch Box from Jeannette Douglas Pumpkin Patch Box
Oh my gosh, this is another of Jeannette's neat medley of smaller designs that can all be displayed together in a 6-1/2 inch square divided wooden shadow box/tray/frame! Pumpkin Patch Box features the Pumpkin Patch Sampler, a Corn Needlekeep, Pumpkin Pincushion and Pumpkin Field Scissorkeep. Stitched on 32ct, your main sampler measures only 4 x 6.. while each additional little cushion, fob and needlecase are another1-1/2 inches square each.

Gorgeous pumpkin-y orange shades of Gloriana hand-dyed silks, you've got some metallic in here, as well as a smattering of glass seed beads. Our leaflets are being offered WITH that thread packet AS WELL AS Jeanette's packet of Weeks Dye Works wools she has used for linings and backings of everything, and even a cut of ruler-ribbon that is featured on the backside of the main sampler! Everything fits into the same tray used in THE BIRD BOX design. The little box is an inch deep, so everything is just perched inside the compartments -- easy to switch them all out! (But who can pack them away and hide them?) So, so pretty, great colors, fun stitches, fig-ity little fun pieces... everything is CHARMING!!!

Winter By The Sea from Jeannette Douglas Autumn By The Sea from Jeannette Douglas Summer by the Sea from Jeannette Douglas Spring By The Sea by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Seasons by the Sea from Jeannette Douglas The Seasons By the Sea Series
Jeannette Douglas has finished up her 4-part set of Seasons by the Sea... with Winter. This 12 x 12 4-cornered piece has been stunning... stitched entirely in silks and metallics, Jeannette has added tons of specialty stitches and the cutest charm embellishments. Our complete model shot doesn't do it justice. Each of the seasons can stand on its own... but together, they fit with a middle of blowing sands and rolling waves -- all executed in special, textured stitches.

Neat borders, cute little sea creatures everywhere, EVERYTHING about this 4-part piece is enchanting. It is stitched on 32ct Meadow Mist hand-dyed linen, which has been a challenge to get into the shop... but worth waiting for, Each of the seasons comes with its own exquisite thread packet of hand-dyeds, beads, metallics and charms... as luscious as all those seaside colors and sounds!

Patriotic Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Patriotic Sampler
Wow... my buddy Jeannette Douglas has released a trio of patriotic designs that are stunning! (This is cool because she is a Canadian... but she 'gets us' so well!!) Patriotic Sampler is so "Ding Dang Cute" in Jeannette's words... it finishes 6 x 12-3/8 on 32ct Lambswool Linen.

Stitched in elegant cranberries, greys, blues and creme silks this piece is LOADED with gorgeous medallions and special stitches. The stars at the top and bottom are over 12 threads. Bargello waves and those cute stars and stripes hearts in there -- the colors are rich and yummy. That whole star motif area is 60 stitches square... so you have to count correctly! The bonus, however, is to watch the shading in your threads play out in the stitch patterns. The silk thread packet includes a set of 12 buttons and eagle and flag charms. Just lovely, this is offered as the leaflet with thread pack separate.

Acorn Shaker Box from Jeannette Douglas
Acorn Shaker Box
Here's a small chart by Jeannette Douglas that fits into the top of a Lone Elm Lane 6-inch Shaker box when stitched on 32ct. No box? Make a round cushion instead!

Presented as a small chart WITH the cuts of Gloriana hand-dyed silk, you'll need to add bits of Gentle Art Sampler Threads -- or the same shades in Gentle Art Simply Wools. The Gloriana is the color around the outside and inside borders. A pretty and petite autumn piece... stitch count is 78 x 78 or 5 x 5. Choose any lovely 32ct fabric you love to work on!

Bird Box by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Bird Box
This is a charming 6 x 6-ish wooden shadow box that features 4 sections filled with Jeannette's bird sampler and a trio of tiny cushions and cases. Presented as the leaflet with separate thread and embellishment pack, we have the wooden boxes as well -- they come from Doodlin Around Design. OK... details: Stitched on 32ct linen -- a 12 x 12 cut will do everything. Jeannette's silk thread packet contains Gloriana, Thread Gatherer, Needlepoint Inc and Rainbow Gallery silks, silk ribbon, and a smattering of button embellishments.

There is ANOTHER finishing packet of the Weeks hand-dyed wools WITH the peacock pin so that you can finish everything just like the cover pic. Main sampler measures a mere 4 x 6, the biscornu, scissor pocket and needlekeep all finish about 2 x 2. Special stitches everywhere, this is enchanting!!!
The little brown wooden shadow box measures 6-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 1.

Vintage Flowers by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Vintage Flowers
Such a pretty piece... this is inspired by Quaker Floral motifs. Kind of a companion to Jeannette's Vintage Stars, you can stitch this on the recommended 36ct Cafe Mocha Linen, or choose anything else neutral you want. (We always like Lambswool.)

Finishing approx 9 x 10-ish on 32ct, it is worked entirely in Gentle Art Sampler Threads, Week's hand-dyed cottons and a smattering of Classic Colorworks -- ALL hand-dyed flosses that you might have in your stash!!! Jeannette tells you to stitch that urn at the bottom in a diagonal fashion to get that particular shading, rather than straight across from left to right. So pretty! Presented as a leaflet.

ABC Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more ABC Sampler
Jeannette loves fonts! So... she has combined her fetish with type faces and her love of stitching together to make this fun sampler! The exotic alphabet on top and then that trio of band samplers along the bottom -- the complete stitch count for this is 127 x 212. *She suggests multiple linen choices -- so you have options!!!!!!* The ABC part measures approx 8 x 9... each band sampler finishes approx 3 x 5-1/2-ish... split it all up, or stitch this all as one.

The alphabet is all regular Cross Stitch, while each mini-sampler is full of specialty stitches -- all of it is worked in the yummiest shades of mauve, denim, dusty moss greens, deep olives, and a bit of cream. Lots of silks by Thread Gatherer and Gloriana in the thread pack, along with Mill Hill petite glass beads, the stitches in the mini-samplers are fun to look at EVEN on the charts -- I can't wait to see this stitched!!! Presented as the leaflet with threads separate, let us know linen thoughts.. or get the book first and then decide how you want to do this.

ABC Pyn Roll and Bargello Sheep Needlekeep by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more ABC Pyn Roll and Bargello Sheep Needlekeep
Oh, what a charming set of smalls!!!! Actually three pieces, you'll need only a 13 x 15 cut of something 32ct in a neutral for this. The ABC Pyn Roll is entirely Cross Stitch, worked in silks, and finishes approx 2 x 7. The Bargello Sheep Needlekeep features a delicious front stitched entirely in Bargello, which is simply rows and rows of Satin Stitches placed next to each other, varying lengths of stitches, designed with a pattern of thread colors. You can see the inside of that case on the front cover pic -- it is lined with blue Week's wool.

Next, see the inner Rose Pyn Pillow -- it features an intricate rose medallion that is ONE HUGE SPECIAL STITCH -- 32 x 32 threads in size! There are two finishing packets offered for this -- we are keeping them together for you -- and offering the charts separate. The silk packet contains the stitching threads along with flower mother-of-pearl buttons. The coordinating finishing packet contains all the Week's wools to line and finish everything, a sheep pin, three buttons and a charm, the chenille trims, and special threads for finishing. The sheep winder is offered separately.

Gathered Friends by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Gathered Friends
A tiny collaboration between Jeannette and Paulette of Plum Street Samplers, this is a pair of small cushions stitched on something light and neutral.

Each design measures 45 x 45, and is stitched with the same color palette of Gentle Art Sampler Threads or DMC. Weeks wools of Dove ad Terra Cotta make perfect backings, and you can see Nick's Coat -- Dames of the Needle's mini ball fringe trimming Jeannette's half! Presented as a small chart.

Over The River by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Over The River
Oh, this is a super-gorgeous, super-textured piece full of Autumn flavor... do Grandma's House for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas! Choose a neutral 32ct linen, your silk threads are all cinnamons, browns, brick reds, ambers, teals, mossy greens, a bit of cream and even some aqua metallic to make the little river glisten! Jeannette has packed this full of special stitches -- the border is Saw Tooth, then that gorgeous section of small star motifs on the upper left -- they are all Milanese and Scotch. The water is all Satin, the turkey is over one... and lots more Milanese in the bottom row of leaves.

I think by the pic you can tell the variety of pretty colors in here -- in person, the model is just stunning! It finishes approx 9 x 12-1/2, and is offered as a leaflet with threads (Gloriana, Silk 'n Colors, Splendor, Needlepoint Inc and Accentuate metallic) separately. (This is not, however, coded for DMC.)

The Spring Bird by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Summer Flower by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Autumn Acorn from Jeannette Douglas The Winter Deer from Jeannette Douglas
The Four Seasons
OHHH... the first of the 4 seasons in birds... this is stitched on 36ct Flax Linen with 10 spectacular Spring shades of different hand-dyed and solid silks! Finishing approx 3-1/2 inches square, Jeannette has packed Milanese, Cashmere, Mosaic, Smryna, Rice, Algerian Eyelet and Rice stitches in here, along with Cross Stitches. The border features sparkly glass seed beads as embellishment.

Finishing out Jeannette's 4-Seasons series are The Autumn Acorn and The Winter Deer. This has been such a pretty set of 3-1/2 inch square designs -- all have been stitched on 36ct Flax Linen with Jeannette's stunning array of hand-dyed silks and accented with just a few glass seed beads.

TONS of special stitches in these, the colors are so pretty for each season, so soft for Spring, so warm and carmelly for Fall. Although the models are framed, little pin cushions for these would be stunning... so enjoy your options. Offered as chartswith thread pack that is full of gorgeous silks!

Bargello Pin Cushion from Jeannette Douglas Pumpkin Pin Cushion from Jeannette Douglas
Pumpkin and Bargello Pin Cushions
Oh, these are so pretty!!!!! Pin Cushions offered in chart format (we have threads in *some of them for a limited time*), they are tucked into the Lone Elm Lane Shaker Pin Cushion Bases. You can choose the Bittersweet, Brown, Brick Red, Black, Pewter... most of her base colors will work for these. They'll be pretty stuffed with lizard litter too, if you simply want to stuff them without the wooden base option.
  • Pumpkin Pin Cushion features 4 patterned pumpkins -- just Cross Stitches made to look like spots and checkerboards. A few petite seed beads embellish here and there, you'll need 10 different over-dyed flosses from your stash, the stitch count area is a mere 69 x 69 in size.
  • Bargello Pin Cushion is stunning! It is done on 35ct Cappucino (if you want it to fit inside the wood base -- otherwise, any count you want will work), and is ALL SIMPLY Satin Stitches. You HAVE to get the count correct on your first row, and then after that, when you memorize the pattern... you won't even need the chart to keep stitching this! Just 5 colors, this is coded for silk but cottons will work beautifully as well.

O Canada True North by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more O Canada True North
Well, Jeannette is from Canada, so I guess it's about time she did a sampler for Canada!!! Inspired by the Canadian National Anthem, Jeannette has all kinds of special motifs in here, and tells you bits about them. She says the Canadian flag is only 50 years old, and she remembers a competition in Grade School for the design!

Loads of special stitches -- and tons of pretty hand-dyed silks and Lorikeet wool, this is stitched on 32ct Linen and finishes approx 10 x 12. Offered as a leaflet, the silk thread pack is offered separately.

Pins & Needles - A charming Stitching Box! by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Pins & Needles - A charming Stitching Box!
Jeannette Douglas has lots of new things... Pins & Needles is a 96-stitch square sampler that can be framed or tucked into the top of a Concrete Gray Vintage Slate Box. Offered in two different colorways of hand-dyed silks, there aren't special stitches in here... just alot of *stitchery charm!* 'Pins, Needles, Threads and Scissors' are tucked between the scattered motifs in this petite piece. Jeannette has designed 4 smaller matching designs to accent as pin cushions -- you can see them nestled inside the box's removable tray, or displayed in a 4-1/2 x 5-1/2-inch-ish tool tray by Retromantics. (I think this is $30-ish.)

If the vintage slate box is not an option for you... frame this... and keep that tool tray on display nearby! The two colorways are VERY, VERY similar to each other -- colorway #1 has purple and teal silks on the lighter 35/36ct linen version, while colorway #2 has teal blues and greens on a darker fabric. You won't go wrong with either thread combination.

English Rose Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
English Rose Sampler
Jeannette says: Roses are a quintessentially eclectic English brand -- it is said that on a warm summer's evening, a stroll in and English rose garden ranks among the best of life's experiences. This is your little stroll in a stitched rose garden.

Inspired by her trips, this is stitched on 32ct Light Mocha Belfast linen in six different brands of silk threads, along with Wisper wool, Bijoux metallic braid and a few glass bead embellishments. Lots of pretty special stitch detail in here, it finishes approx 10 x 12-1/4 when finished. Offered as the leaflet with silks separately.

Hollandse Merklap by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Hollandse Merklap
Jeannette is of Dutch heritage so when she designed this and taught it in Holland it was a special thrill for her. FULL of incredible stitches and 18 brilliant colors of hand-dyed and solid silks this is worked on 32ct Light Mocha Belfast Linen.

Pattern Darning and Bargello, Queens and Rhodes... she must have new software, because at least a third of the chart is done in colors to help you differentiate the stitches. Finishing approx 10 x 14, there is a set of smalls to go with this piece -- kind of like little rewards of merit!!! Offered as the leaflet with silks separately.

ABC Pyn Roll & Crown Tulip Thread Keep Pocket with Fob by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
ABC Pyn Roll & Crown Tulip Thread Keep Pocket with Fob
Gorgeous silks of reds, gold and olive green with a touch of cream... this set is stitched on 32ct Light Mocha Linen. Just some Hungarian and Satins... the pyn pillow finishes approx 2-1/2 x 10, the fob 2-1/2 inches square and the thread keep pocket a bit over 3-1/2 inches square.

Each of the pieces is backed with Week's Terra Cotta and Whiskey wool -- we'll have wool finishing packs available only for a LIMITED time! Pretty motifs with a Dutch flavor... and perfect for that mother-of-pearl tulip thread organizer!!! Offered as the chart with silks, wools and tulip separately!

Three Pines Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Three Pines Sampler and Accessories
Today's Treat takes you on Vacation to the Wisconsin North Woods! We are featuring Jeannette Douglas's Three Pines Sewing Accessories today.

This is a neat design -- perfect for a mountain cabin or lakeside retreat -- it just begs to be your *home away from home* stitching set. (You could even stitch the main sampler as a box top -- and store your smalls inside!) Anyway, Jeannette has designed a charming log cabin complete with moose, bear and geese neighbors; and lots of thistle, pine and water-inspired border bands and motifs.

All of it is worked in a million different stitches of Thread Gatherer, Gloriana and Belle Soie silks with touches of metallics and Delica beads. Notice the antiqued golden pine cone charm hanging from the scissor fob? The main Three Pines Sampler finishes approx 6 x 7 on 32ct. (So many colors will work for this!) Its chart looks like so much fun -- it is broken down into 19 different 'parts!'

The Accessory set features a sleeve that fits our little 4-inch wooden thread paddle; a needlebook tied with brown silk ribbon, that fob trimmed with the tiny pine cone charm, and a pocket that holds a pine cone thread waxer! Jeannette has added 34 ACTUAL PHOTOS of her finishing processes for all of it, as well!!
Offered as the leaflets with silks and emb in separate packs, the colors and subject matter of this whole set is awesome!

Happy Acorn Fall Accessories by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Happy Acorn Harvest by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Happy Acorn Harvest and Fall Accessories
Oh wow... is THIS a gorgeous set of designs! Make a framed sampler or finish it into an E-Thing cover!!! Jeannette has charted rows and rows of acorns worked with specialty stitches on 32ct linen. Her thread selection is all hand-dyed silks -- 4 different brands, and some metallics. Teals, coppers, tans and chestnuts... I'm just happy looking at the thread packet!!!

The Accessory set features all those same threads, along with some buttons and acorns charms. There is a piece of Weeks wool in here -- for the inside of the needlecase you can see in the pic, AND the 1/2 inch wide bit of linen banding that you see just to the right of center on the pincushion!
Do you see all those wooden acorns and the needlecase and tape measure in that pic?? WE HAVE THEM ALL!!!!!! De-lish!!! Loaded with fun stitches and lots of finishing instructions and pictures. Offered as leaflets with thread packs and pin sets separately -- and all those gorgeous wood pieces separately, as well!

Stars Pin and Scissor Roll by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Stars Pin and Scissor Roll
This is a delicious little creation... worked on 32ct Natural Linen in Gentle Art Simply Wools, it is a cushion that measures approx 2-1/2 x 6-1/2 when finished. Buckeye Scarlet, Schoolhouse Red, Oatmeal, Roasted Marshmallow, Midnight, Dungarees and Old Crow, gorgeous, rich colors, they all make the Scotch, Rice and Milanese Stars pop! The big white star at the top goes over 44-ish threads.

No Cross Stitch in this at all -- just those beautiful Long Stitch Variations. This is offered as the chart. As for the little fob pictured there... it is a FREE chart... details inside!

Flag Needlekeep by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Flag Needlekeep
A companion piece to the Stars Roll, this features the same color palette of Simply Wools -- Buckeye Scarlet, Schoolhouse Red, Oatmeal, Roasted Marshmallow, Midnight, Dungarees and Old Crow -- just a gorgeous selection. Worked on 32ct Natural Linen, this finishes approx 3-1/4 x 4-3/4. Stuffed with cool stitches again, the entire red and white striped part is done with small Satin Stitches. Your two reds give you that color play on there.

Offered as a chart. A lovely small project with lots of stitching and color impact!

The Common Thread by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Common Thread
This is a piece that Jeannette Douglas has taught to stitchers in England and Canada... and a few in the US! She dedicates it to every stitcher's love of threads!!! Stitched on 32ct Flax Belfast Linen with an impressive array of silks, this 8 x 9 piece is divided up into 9 different distinct sections! I loved discovering her 'tiny band sampler' area... she has tiny ribbon bands in here, a Bargello section, a pulled work section... do you see all those different areas?

Anyway, this awesome piece is offered in leaflet format -- 20 pages of charts and stitch diagrams -- the pattern itself is a work of organizational and publishing art!!!Lovely specialty stitches all placed perfectly, the colors in this are rich bricks, olives and mosses, teals, cremes and antiqued golds. I think the only Cross Stitches are in the little pear and the alphabet!!! Even if you never get around to stitching this, the charts are so neat... and since it really is made up of smaller sections... never *think* never!!! Offered as the beautiful leaflet with thread pack separately.

Take Time to Stitch by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Take Time to Stitch
Jeannette's 15th Anniversary Edition of this design... she has *manually re-mastered!* this charming piece!! Take Time to Stitch measures 64 x 64 stitches, and like Love and the rest of the *Take Time* designs, it is technically divided into 14 teeny sections that each feature a tiny motif or sampling of special stitches.

The silk thread packet that is offered separately includes deep burgundys, olives, a luscious gold and creamy antique white shades of threads, and includes some petite seed beads as well. Miniature areas of STUNNING Bargello, Starburst Flowers, Hungarians, Bricks, Rhodes, Satins and Scotches, and Algerians... you can tell there is a lot of take care of in this petite bit of fun!

Numero Vintage Pillows by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Numero Vintage Pillows
Jeannette Douglas has a new leaflet that celebrates numbers! (not like MATH numbers... these are vintage artwork numbers like you'd find on a old hotel key or address sign! -- so much more charming than math!!!) The chart has seven different pillow designs -- pin cushion sized and a little larger, all worked on 32ct Antique White Belfast Linen in the most elegant shades of Gunmetal, Cobblestone, Greys and Black silks.

Each pillow is garnished with a charm or button -- the embellishments include some grey rik-rak, a silver key, puffy heart, embossed heart, a fillagree circle and a cross, 9 bitty buttons, 3 flower buttons, 2 JABCO clay rounds, and black mourning pins and a black safety pin. Jeannette has all the pretty numerals charted in two different fonts, as well as the pretty *No* prefix. She suggests choosing numbers and dates that are special to you, and making your set of Vintage Numero Pillows your own! (My dad always introduced my siblings and me fondly... I am the #4 child (of 5!) Very pretty set of patterns, this companions Jeanette's Numero Sampler!

Mini Pumpkin by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Mini Pumpkin
Jeannette Douglas has two more small sampler designs to coordinate with her larger *Stitches Series* patterns -- these two are 2 x 8 and 3 x 6-1/2 mates!!! Stitched with yummy assortments of threads, Mini Pumpkin uses all hand-dyed silks and flosses, while Vintage Stitches uses only one Gloriana -- and the rest is DMC from your stash.

Pretty little designs, they are loaded with special stitches, but since they are not large at all, they aren't scary to complete. Each comes as a small chartThese join Mini Silver Needle, Pineapple, Pom and Pear, and Acorn Stitches.

Numero by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Numero
What a neat design! Jeannette offers *a study* of the abbreviation to the word number. (**like why??**?... Because antique stencils of old numbers on linen pillows enchant her. The elegant brass plates of room numbers in old hotels look cool. Numbers printed on old labels and jars and crocks are neat. Get the idea?) So... she has chosen a dreamy, old-fashioned, quiet and elegant color palette of Gentle Art's Simply Wools in Soot, Barn Gray and Roasted Marshmallow, along with Week's Kohl cotton, and stitched her sampler on 28ct Natural Linen.

Now... stitch it as is -- it is lovely -- ORRRRR -- choose numbers that are special to you and feature them in these blocks. The leaflet comes with a packet of buttons -- one mother-of-pearl, 4 asst tiny buttons, and that awesome blackened key charm down in the right-hand corner. Use those and add more charms or special buttons from your grandmother's button box... use numbers of birthdates, wedding dates, old house addresses, old safe combinations, the numbers of the winning lottery ticket you bought but then lost... number of children you have... ANY numbers that are significant to you and your family. Jeannette talks about making each into individual pin cushions and nestling them into an old basket! I love all the little borders, all the little sections, and the colors -- just so retro and classic! Offered as the leaflet with button pack... threads and fabric offered separately, this finishes approx 11 x 11. The stitched model is stunning!

The Four Seasons Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more The Four Seasons Sampler
Jeannette has a beautiful set of seasonal samplers that she has presented as one large piece. Finishing a mere 7 x 11-1/2 on 32ct -- she's packed a TON of fun design detail and ANOTHER TON of specialty stitches in this. Each sampler is the same size, all surrounded by a Brick Stitch border whose colors change with the Seasons. So many tiny stitch details in each piece, the stitch diagrams just make my fingers ITCH to stitch. The only thing cooler are all the threads.

The entire back leaflet cover is the thread guide -- 47 different hand-dyed silks and metallics, 8 different bead colors and tiny brass charms to embellish each sampler. Even though the thread pack is expensive... it really isn't, considering the alternative is hunting down whole skeins of all these gorgeous and hard-to-find threads. So, so pretty... this entire design is a treat! Stitch each component individually or together.

Pumpkin Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Pumpkin Stitches
Everyone loves the rusts and deep greens of the Autumn Season, and pumpkins just seem to be the *Greeters of the Season!* Jeannette's latest in her 6 x 8 series of 'Stitches' designs is just beautiful. Worked on 32ct, the pumpkins are actually Cross Stitch, but nothing else is!!! You get to stitch Satins, Scotch, Milanese and Rhodes -- all members of that Satin Stitch Family -- in the yummiest colors of Belle Soie, Needlepoint Inc, and Gloriana hand-dyed silks.

The special stitches seem to go really fast, so you'll love your results. There is a shimmery hand-painted pumpkin charm embellishment, as well as a small smattering of glass beads here and there. Offered as the leaflet with threads and embellishment offered separately.

Christmas Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Christmas Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Christmas Sampler
This is a charming piece -- no matter which fabric and thread combination you choose! A 9 x 10 medley of small Christmas motifs -- each one is stuffed FULL of special stitches and measures a mere 1 to 2 inches in overall size. Jeannette shares that 4 of the motifs in here were originally presented in various past issues of the Just Cross Stitch Annual Ornament Issues -- but she doesn't tell us which ones, so you'll have to go on a hunt to figure that out!!! She has chosen 32ct Antique White Belfast for one -- along with traditional reds, greens, white and corresponding metallics and beads.

For the other option, she has stitched it on 32ct Natural Linen with a DIFFERENT selection of (also!) traditional deeper reds, greens, golds and browns -- no metallics or glitzy beads. Both samplers are *almost alike* -- the stocking in the middle is different! Both thread packs contain hand-dyed flosses, Gloriana's Lorikeet Wool, and other necessaries. Both samplers get to use all the fun Leaf, Leviathan, Sprat's Head, Mosaic, Smyrna, and a bit of Cross Stitch.

Gorgeous little motifs, you can use these for so many individual fobs or ornaments... stitch just a row of 3 or 5 of them... stitch four of the trees, or the four snowflakes together in a piece. LOTS of design options with this, lots of ways to use up scraps of misc fabrics in your stash. We have both models in the shop -- and both appeal to everyone. Your choice is going to be hard, so get one leaflet and both thread packs!

Strawberry Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Strawberry Stitches
What a delicious confection of stitched perfection!!! Jeannette Douglas brings us her 10th design in her Stitches Series. Stuffed full of specialty stitches and beautiful hand-dyed silks and metallics... every one of her Stitches designs is over-the-top fun to look at, dream of stitching, and actually work! Like the rest, Strawberry Stitches finishes approx 6 x 8 on 32ct, and fits inside one of Olde Colonial's Medium Dowry Boxes -- a lovely way to preserve your heirloom stitchery.

Strawberries is stitched with rich, deep reds and mossy greens of Silk 'n Colors, Soie d' Alger, Belle Soie, some Simply Wool and bits of Gloriana silk. Actually very few Cross Stitches in here, there are borders of Basket Weaving and Blackwork. The berries are Queens, Satin and Hungarian stitches. The blossoms have creamy petals with yellow glass bead centers... it's just beautiful. Offered as the leaflet which is packed full of great diagrams and good instruction, with the silk, charm and bead accessory pack available separately.

Pineapple Stitches from Jeannette Douglas - click to see more Pineapple Stitches
The sixth in Jeannette's Stitches Series of designs... this joins Seaside, Acorn, Vintage, Pomegranate, and Silver Needle Stitches (remember that Silver Needle Stitches was our class she came and taught in 2007???) This is an elegant set of 6 x 8 pieces that are FULL of specialty threads and stitches. Jeannette's color choices are *extremely awesome*... each thread pack has something exotic I've never heard of before!!!

Pineapple Stitches features butterscotch yellows, caramel golds, deep maple syrups, and touches of soft greens. Stitched entirely in silks and a bit of metallic, it is designed to fit Olde Colonial's Medium Dowry Box... but could be framed, too. A Band Sampler at heart... each piece features lovely borders, and those awesome thread! Offered as the leaflet with thread packet.

Acorn Stitches Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Acorn Stitches Sampler
The third new piece by Jeannette Douglas, Acorn Stitches is full of eggplant and Tuscan golds, with touches of moss green and antiqued gold metallic. Finishing the 6 x 8 size... it features lots of Rhodes, Mosaic, 4-Sided, Knitting, Byzantine, Couching, Double Running, Satins, Hungarians and Padded Stitches... all to accent the tiny Fall leaves and acorns scattered everywhere!

The threads -- 17 different ones -- Acorn Stitches Sampler by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see moreinclude solid and hand-dyed Soie d'Alger and Silk 'n Colors, Silken Chenille, Trebizond, Bijoux and Kreink Metallic and Glorianna's Luminescense. The center features a handpainted acorn button, as well.

Simply exquisite... I love all the colors and feel of the threads, and the textures an play of light the special stitches offer! Leaflet with threads, fabric and box are offered separately. Choose a 32ct linen with a brown-cast to it -- there are so many pretty ones!

Bee Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Bee Stitches
Bees, beeskeps and honeycomb, this is worked with the yummiest colors of Burnished and Victorian Golds, a bit of Gilded Lavender, and medley of olive green hand-dyed silks. Lots of Satin Stitches and pulled Straight Stitches, there are lavender beads scattered in the honeycomb and the special guest is a hand-painted gold and white bumblebee charm.

Jeannette's ninth in her Stitches Series of designs... these all finish the same size, and all include the most mouthwatering selections of hand-dyed silks, cottons and metallics in their palettes. Hardly any Cross Stitches in these at all, all of them are full of fun specialty stitches that show off the pretty threads. Offered as the leaflet with silks and embellishments separate, this is worked on 32ct to fit the top of Olde Colonial's Medium Dowry Box. (light finish shown.)

Quaker Pin Cushions by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Vintage Stars by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Vintage Stars and Quaker Pin Cushions
What a cool set of designs! Vintage Stars is a medley of repeating motifs reminiscent of antique coverlets. Stitched in plain old Cross Stitch (!) WHAT an opportunity to play with your threads from your stash, and use some of your favorites! Or... choose Jeanette's soft palette of mocha and cocoa, faded brick and denim Needlepoint Inc silk. Decide where you'll display this... and then have fun deciding on those colors.

Finishing approx 8 x 9 on 35ct -- that can change too, depending on your fabric! Next... stitch a few matching pin cushions. Jeannette has 3 designs -- and she goes into great detail about choosing dominant color, matching the wools on the back (our Weeks Wool Schnigglet cuts work for that), matching or contrasting the center button -- it's really cool, because you can make them your own. A neat pair of leaflets with lots of creative potential.

Mini Quaker Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Mini Quaker Stitches
Dig out a scrap of 32ct Flax Belfast Linen, and your choice of Gentle Art's Simply Wool or regular DMC and get busy! Gloriana's Bellagio hand-dyed silk is included in the small leaflet to stitch this yummy little 2-1/2 x 9 sampler! Finish it into a pin cushion -- filled with crushed walnut shells -- it'll feel dreamy.

Originally, Jeannette tells us, these long cushions were used as 'seamrolls' something you used to help iron a seam. Called 'hamrolls' too... they were especially favored for longer hat pins. Our shop model uses the Simply Wool -- such beautiful thread to give this such hand-dyed softness.

My Story by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more My Story and My Storybook
Jeannette Douglas has released a pair of charming band samplers... My Story is divided into thirds, and My Storybook features that center panel... only redesigned into a sewing case. My Story is a sampler about YOU. It is a lovely testament to your stitching talents, and features motifs about home, friends and family. I teased Jeannette that MY motifs weren't in here -- like my little Westie doggies -- she laughed and told me I had to get creative!

Anyway, lots of 3-1/2 inch bands of specialty stitches, all worked in luscious, dusky teals, raisins and taupe silks and metallics (Thread Gatherer, Gloriana, Threadworx, Needlepoint Inc, and Access Commodities), ... the textures on those little bands are dreamy! My Story finishes approx 6 x 7-3/4 on 32ct, and is offered as the leaflet with delicious thread and embellishment pack. Everything about it is petite and enchanting!

My Storybook by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more My Storybook is the companion sewing case. Featuring the same design on the front cover as the center panel of the main sampler, you get the chart and verse for the back cover of the case and complete finishing/assembly instructions. This measures approx 4 x 7 when finished. Jeannette has chosen quite a collection of fun charms and trinkets (available as an additional option) to hang from her bookmark cording that runs inside the case. Find fun stuff from your stash, or use these... anything will be fun and YOURS. More luscious gunmetals and berry colors... the thread pack for the case even includes the wools, that black safety pin and the black mourning pins! (Scissors are not included -- so check your stash!)

Royalty ABC & Royalty ABC Accessories
Royalty ABC & Accessories by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Royalty ABC & Accessories by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see moreRoyalty ABC & Accessories by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see moreJeannette Douglas has released several new designs; the Royalty ABC set features a long, narrow band sampler stuffed full of specialty stitches, a smaller 2 x 4 box-top-take out design, a 2 x 3 needle case, 2 x 4 scissor case, and tiny 1-inch scissor fob. All is presented in a pair of leaflets, and a pair of corresponding silk/embellishment thread packs just the most delicious things to look at!

The main sampler measures approx 2-1/4 x 21-3/4 on 32ct Light Mocha Belfast Linen -- a fat quarter will be enough material to stitch all parts. It is stitched with splendor, Needlepoint Inc, Bijoux and Gloriana Silks, and I don't think there is a single Cross Stitch in it, except for the lettering! I LOVE to stitch this kind of thing, because each row is only 2 INCHES wide... so everything changes all the time! You can frame your lovely sampler, OR roll it up, and *put it to sleep* inside the 4 x 6 Olde Colonial Burled Wood Royalty Box, made just for it! Offered in both light and dark finish... light is pictured.

Jeannette mentions that there is spare room inside the box for the needle and scissor cases to keep the rolled sampler company! Colors are luscious -- honey-browns, dusty denims, rich moss greens, dark brick, and a dusky lavender... the thread/embellishment packs contain all the silks, silk ribbons, bead, pearl and fillagree medallion trims for all, even the little spool-trimmed wooden hanging dowels! (I think you need to purchase the silk dupioni lining fabric for the box lid and back of rolled sampler.) A lovely, classy set of designs, with or without the little box, it's quite stunning!

Mini Pom & Pear Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Mini Silver Needle Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Mini Pineapple Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more
Pom & Pear, Silver Needle and Pineapple Stitches!
Jeannette has taken three of her larger *Stitches* series samplers, and designed smaller coordinating band samplers to go with them!!! Offered in 5 x 9 card format, each 2 x 5-ish sampler is stitched on a 32ct linen with DMC flosses from your stash. The charts all come *WITH* the matching hand-dyed Gloriana silk that ties everything together, and adds so much flavor!!!

Loaded FULL of neat, specialty stitches, each is of these is so charming. Acorns is full of autumnal color, has a cool 'knitting stitch' in the acorns, and a tiny brass acorn charm. Pom & Pear includes a gorgeous Red Clay cut of Gloriana, and a tiny brass pear, all to accent it's Bargello and Rhodes, Satins and Hungarians!

My personal favorite is Silver Needle Stitches, because this is the miniature of OUR SILVER NEEDLE STITCHES Sampler that Jeannette designed for OUR Summer weekend a few years ago! Lots of Ray and Herringbone, Autumn Arbor Gloriana Silk, and a teeny brass stork scissor charm... you need all three of these!

Quaker Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Quaker Stitches
Jeannette's eighth design in her Stitches Sampler Series... Quaker Stitches measures 6 x 8 -- the same size as all the rest in the set, and features specialty stitches. The thread pack contains the hand-dyed silks in deep honey-browns, a soft denim blue, brick red, muddy olive greens and a taupe to stitch the colored version.

Take Time For Friends by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Take Time For Friends
Well.... THIS is a title that offers some of the best advice in the world!!! Jeannette Douglas has released a lovely new design dedicated to friends everywhere. Measuring a mere 66 stitches square (this is a FINISHABLE size!) your friendship sampler is stuffed full of Quilt Medallions, Rice, Queen and Twill Stitches, and Bargello. There are initial squares in the corners... that short path between your two houses... and a tiny double heart charm.

Awesome silks in the thread packet of butterscotch, denims, mosses and deep pomegranate, the elegance and texture of the stitches are really showcased in each of their tiny border sections. Pretty, fun to stitch, and quite a meaningful gift for a special friend! Jeannette suggests any fabric count 28 to 35ct... you have enough threads for any of those sizes. Offered as the leaflet with silks separate.

Seaside Stitches Accessories by Jeannette DouglasSeaside Stitches Accessories
Jeannette Douglas has a new set of stitching 'smalls' that coordinate with her Seaside Stitches design! Even if you don't have the larger piece, this set of 4 accessories is CHARMING all by themselves! The Mermaid Pin Keep features Accentuate metallics and micro buttons.

The Seahorse Scissor Fob is stitched with Lorikeet wool, features fresh water pearl embellishments, and a hand painted starfish charm. The whale and starfish ruler case is stitched in Waterlilies, Gloriana silks, #12 perle and garnished with 4mm aqua glass beads. The little needlecase has more exotic threads, and a tiny seahorse charm! Lovely corals, and deep aquas -- the thread and embellishment pack with this is awesome!!! You even get the little 4-inch wooden ruler! You'll need a 12 x 27 cut of 32ct Meadow Mist Linen... and we have it!

Offered as the leaflet with threads, linen separately. I THINK Jeannette is planning on accessories for all 6 designs in her 'Stitches' series... and since Silver Needle Stitches was OUR class a couple of years ago... we're pretty jazzed about this entire set!

Pomegranate & Pear Stitches from Jeannette Douglas - click to see more Pomegranate & Pear Stitches
One of 4 new pieces by Jeannette Douglas, this is an exquisite piece; filled with specialty stitches as well as lovely pomegranates and pears. Stitched with a delicious assortment of hand-dyed persimmon, pineapple, butterscotch and cinnamon silks, wools, metallics and cottons, the thread pack is simply too pretty to use!!! (well, not really...) The accent dusty teal/blue accent color just *pops* amidst the rich, warm colors in the sampler.

Offered as a leaflet, Jeannette delivers us a piece that finishes approx 6 x 7 on 32ct linen. It is a companion piece to Seaside, Acorn, Vintage and Silver Needle Stitches! Framed, or mounted into one of Olde Colonial's medium sized Dowry Boxes, this is simply gorgeous either way. Offered as the leaflet with thread pack, either the light or dark birdseye maple dowry box looks great with the finished piece. Also available is a matching little needlebook! A tiny 1 x 1-/2 inch trifold, offered as a small chart, you'll have enough threads left over from the main piece to stitch this little treat!

Silver Needle Stitches from Jeannette Douglas - click to see more Silver Needle Stitches
You might recognize this pretty piece... it's the one Jeannette designed for her appearance and class at The Silver Needle last summer!!! A companion piece to Pomegranate & Pears, Seaside, Acorn and Vintage Stitches... of course, this is one of my favorite *new* things!!! 'Scissors like satin oh so fine, a silver needle so divine, a silken thread so sublime, make for heavenly stitching time.'

Offered as a leaflet, with needed thread pack FULL of silks, metallics, little button embellishments and a sterling heart charm, the colors are all the warm lacquered golds, olives, rosewood, and cinnamon. (of course we have a 'mouse grey' and 'mud pie' in there, too!) Anyway, lots of pretty stitches, and all of it finishes into a petite 6 x 7-ish size, and is stitched on lovely hand-dyed 32ct Vintage Sand Dune linen by Lakeside. Offered as the leaflet with threads and embellishments, this piece has a matching small tri-fold needlebook companion, as well, that uses leftover threads from the main piece!

Seaside Stitches by Jeannette Douglas -- click to see more Seaside Stitches
One of three stunning new pieces by Jeannette Douglas... Seaside Stitches is full of special stitches, intricate motifs and stitch details, and special threads! Stitched on 32ct Meadow Mist Belfast Linen in 29 different silks, hand-dyeds, metallics and a wool, the thread pack listing is a miniature 'Who's Who' in the world of threads!!! The piece finishes approx 6 x 8 and is shown on the leaflet cover in one of Olde Colonial's exquisite Birdseye Maple Dowry boxes.

I can't tell what is my favorite part in all of this... there is a handpainted crab charm, lots of mermaids (with metallic tails), seashells and anchor motifs all stitched over one thread, the ship in the center has chain stitches around it... like a miniature rope. The Soie d'Alger, Silk 'n Colors, Waterlilies, Glorianna Silks, Luminescence, Princess Perle Petite, Lorikeet and Needlepoint Silks in here are a luscious blend of light, medium and dark corals, seaside blues and greens, rich jewel green and blue metallic, soft sand browns and creams... it is truly a miniature work of needleart!
Offered as the leaflet with threads and embellishments, linen and box are offered separately.

My Stitching Treasures -- click for more My Stitching Treasures
What a beautiful needlework piece! Definitely an heirloom... you NEED this! Presented in a four-color folder, this design is charted and diagrammed on 14 pages. It's stuffed FULL of charm, color and cool special stitches!!! Stitched in antiqued and overdyed shades of mauve, lavender, dusty blues, golds and soft greens, the silks used include Soie 'd Alger, Glorianna overdyeds, Splendor, Needlepoint Inc silks, and Silk 'n Colors. all are included in the silk pack offered. The embellishments include glass seed beads (not in charm pack) along with quite an impressive collection of sterling silver charms from Charland, some hand-painted buttons and a few other charms... that look pretty intriguing from our pics!

Finishing approx 8 x 10-1/2... so elegant! Featured stitches include variations of Leaf, Rhodes, Hungarian, Florentine, Queen, Van Dyke, lots of Darnings, Milanese...on and on! Just gorgeous, we can't wait for a finished shop model!!! Stitched on 32ct linen, any number of shades will work...Lambswool, Flax, Summer Khaki, the Country French colors... choose your favorite! This is just stunning!

My Stitching Treasures Accessories from Jeannette Douglas - click for more My Stitching Treasures Accessories
Jeannette has designed four lovely accessories to accompany her My Stitching Treasures Box. These will slip nicely into your completed dowry box or into your favorite sewing bag.

We talked to Jeannette and she has decided not to do a thread pack for this design. She said the threads left over from the Treasures Box will do most of the stitching… with the exception of the Williamsburg Blues and the Blue Grass. There is a slight chance you will be short on the Honey Bronze. This is a wonderful opportunity to go through your fiber stash and use some of your favorites.

The Pineapple PinWheelie, Grape Needlebook, Monogram Scissor Sheath, Motif Scissor Fob, and Alphabet Band are all stitched on 32 count fabric. She has included the micro buttons and you can choose buttons from your collection for the scissor case; or we are expecting some beautifully detailed Mother-of-Pearl buttons that will be stunning.

Fifteen pages of charts, stitch diagrams, and finishing directions. This is a must have!

The Silver Needle
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