Country Cottage NeedleworksThe Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

Country Cottage Needleworks

6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    
Pastel Ornaments #1 Christmas House from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments # 2 Nutcracker Trio from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #3 Christmas Church from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #4 Snow Globe from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #5 Christmas Bird from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments#6 Pastel Snow Angel from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #7 Christmas Gingerbread from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Pastel Ornaments #8 Frosty Christmas from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Pastel Ornaments
Nikki is beginning a new 12-part set of ornaments - first one shipped this December of 2023. They will be all different sizes, and we know they are on 32ct Beautiful Beige Linen but beyond that, we don't have many details! She'll be featuring her Mom's floss - Classic Colorworks - for the entire series.

One chart each month till next Dec... these first two look darling! #1 is called Christmas House, measures 55w x 52h, and uses mostly Classic Colorworks with a bit of DMC thrown in. We'll begin an auto-ship... you are welcome to choose any fabric you like... and we'll be gathering thread sets as well.

(Note: when you order an auto-ship, it will show up on your order form as a "zero-cost" or $.01 item, as we won't charge your credit card until we ship.)

Beach Boardwalk is Finished!
Beach Boardwalk Reveal 5 from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Boardwalk Surf Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Boardwalk Surf Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Boardwalk Bike Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Boardwalk Sign from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Souvenir Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Boardwalk Salt Water Taffy Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Boardwalk Snack Shop from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more

Country Cottage's charming vintage seaside boardwalk series is finished. 7 Small designs all stitched in a row, we have the whole set now, the fabric and threads.
Isn't it cute presented together? Each part is a separate chart.

Presenting Big City Christmas composite pic from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Big City Christmas Department Store from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Big City Christmas Theater from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Big City Christmas Toy Store from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Big City Christmas Street Scene from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Big City Christmas Hotel from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Big City Christmas Restaurant from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Big City Christmas Music Hall from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more
Big City Christmas - FINISHED!
Our final installment of Big City Christmas - Music Hall - by Country Cottage Needlearts has arrived - finishing out the darling little Christmas Town. Each of the component charts are available if you want only a few, and if you haven't started yours yet... there are a million different fabrics and counts you can still choose for this!

Nikki suggests 32ct Lambswool linen and she uses Classic Colorworks hand-dyed flosses throughout. (DMC conversions included as well.) For the entire set you will need: One skinny 1/4 yd of 32ct Linen (enough for individual pieces or extra ornaments), Snowball (3), Little Sprout (2), Onion Skin (2), Licorice red (2), Hickory Sticks (2), Baking Tin (2), Eggshell (2), Wagon Wheel (1), Cocoa Bean (1), Thundercloud (1) and Cherry Tomato (1). One each of DMC 743, 754, and 3064. Cute as can be, this'll look great on a mantle or a wide window sill! Our Auto ships will start with first chart, and any fabrics or threads you need. Each subsequent shipment will be the charts.

Presenting Big City Christmas from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Waiting for Santa
Nikki's newest design... everyone is at home sitting by the windows waiting for Santa. (But he isn't going to come until they are all IN BED!) Measuring 101 x 135, stitched on 32cct with Classic Colorworks hand-dyed flosses, it finishes approx 6 x 8-1/2.

Maybe they're waiting for the Amazon Truck instead - those come during the day! Either way, a darling, festive design!

Away We Go from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Away We Go
This is super cute! Nikki's newest, this is worked on 32ct Chalkboard Black fabric. There are quite a few dark charcoal and black-ish fabric options on the market now... so we can find you something that you can SEE on... don't be deterred by this dark background.

Finishing 8 x 6 on that 32... this is coded for DMC and Classic Colorworks floss. I love that little Santa on there! Wouldn't he be cute stitched with just the words below and made into a little drum?

Afternoon in Paris from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see lots more Afternoon in Paris
This is a charming Paris street scene by Nikki Leeman of Country Cottage Needleworks. It is worked on 32ct Star Sapphire linen (which is a yummy, pretty and light seafoamy color) and uses a combination of 12 colors of DMC and hand-dyeds.

Finishing approx 13 x 4, it has so many separate design elements that you could pull out of here and stitch individually... or choose just the restaurant table and Eiffel Tower for instance... I love those balloons... and the Arch is pretty cool too! Offered as a chart.

Afternoon in New York from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Afternoon in New York
This is Country Cottage's third design in this set of little city rows -- she has London and Paris already published. So cool, the hot dog vendor is here, the park bench, Empire State Building, a taxi, a brownstone, and friendly fire hydrant for all the neighborhood dogs!!!

Offered as a chart, this is stitched on 32ct Waterlily linen with hand-dyeds and DMC flosses. it finishes approx 13 x 4... Something fun to remember your travels to New York City!!!

Afternoon in Rome from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Afternoon in Rome
Country Cottage Needleworks has another CHARMING Famous City Street Scene! Rome is new, and joins London, Paris and New York!

All four are presented in chart format. They all measure approx 13 x 4 and are worked on 32ct Star Sapphire Linen. Regular DMC and hand-dyed flosses, each city scene is just the cutest... and you might need them ALL!

Afternoon in London from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Afternoon in London
A cute companion to An Afternoon in Paris, this is another street scene with a few of the favorite landmarks of London. The double decker bus... Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace... I wish they still had those cool red telephone booths!!!

Stitched on 32ct Waterlily linen with hand-dyeds or D

Merry Christmas My Deer from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Merry Christmas, My Deer
What a fun Christmas decoration -- wouldn't it be neat to personalize for a first Christmas together... or fun to display in the foyer? By Country Cottage Needleworks, this is offered as a chart.

It is stitched on the 32ct Natural Petit Point linen that features white dots painted on. (Those little dots are way cute, but a little more challenging to negotiate than regular linen.) Anyway, just a few DMCs and hand-dyeds, it finishes approx 8-1/2 x 5-1/2... and the general concensus is that it is CUTE!

Country Cottage's Countdown To Christmas -- click to see more
Countdown To Christmas
Country Cottage Needleworks presents an Advent Calendar that is bitty in size but big on charm. Finishing a mere 6 x 10 on 32ct, it's coded for DMC and hand-dyeds.

It might really be fun to frame this, and make sure there is a FAT chuck of foam board behind it, so you could stick-pin a piece of peppermint to each of the days-in-waiting!!! Offered as a chart.

Snow Sampler from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see lots more Snow Sampler
Country Cottage Needleworks has a charming new piece -- lots of white stitches make a wintery sampler. Worked on Natural Linen, on 32ct it finishes approx 5 x 8. If you have some lovely deep gray or a restful blue or green, those background fabrics would be lovely for this one, as well.

Just choose a fabric color that accents all the pretty white stitches. Maybe even blend in some opalescent metallic filament with the white??? Coded for DMC, the only hand-dyed floss used is Baby Spinach by Gentle Art. Lots of opportunities for scattered beads, a glass snowflake treasure and maybe even a little sticky-out clay carrot nose for that little snowman! Offered as a chart.

A Pirate’s Life from Country Cottage Needleworks - click to see more A Pirate's Life
Country Cottage Needleworks has a neat piece that needs to hang in a little boy’s bedroom… or needs to be made into a pillow and stashed aboard the family ‘yacht!’ It’d be fun at the lake house, too… I can just hear those salty pirates singing away!

Offered as a chart, it is stitched in Crescent and Weeks hand-dyeds with some DMC cottons, and finishes approx 9 x 9 on 28ct. A fun theme, Nikki has a new mermaid piece, as well… to keep those pirates singing! Real cute!

The Nutcracker from Country Cottage Needleworks - click to see more The Nutcracker
Country Cottage Needleworks releases a darling padgent scene -- straight from The Nutcracker Suite! Clara, the Prince, Christmas Gifts everywhere and even the theatre curtains... this is darling! Stitch it for the star-performer in your life!!!

Offered as a chart, this is one of Country Cottages newest releases... very timely for the season!

Boys and Bugs from Country Cottage Needleworks - click to see more Boys and Bugs
Country Cottage has two new designs that are perfect for young bedrooms! I picture best friends depicted in both of these... customize some hair colors, add some names of the featured foursome of friends... and you have lasting memories of days -- soon to pass!

Both are offered as charts, stitched on 28ct, they finish approx 6-1/2 x 8-1/2, and are stitched in DMC and overdyed flosses. Very, very cute!!!!

Cowboy Dreams from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Cowboy Dreams
Giddy-up horse, it's time to ride, Into the old west's countryside, Where dreams are made and I can be, A cowboy living wild and free. I can just imagine this hanging in a playroom or little boy's bedroom... I think it's precious!!!

Offered by Country Cottage Needleworks in chart format, this finishes approx 8 x 9 on 28ct, and is worked in Crescent Colours overdyeds and DMC flosses. I like the colors... the rope border is cute; so are the stick horse and prickly cactus in here! 4th In CC's Kids set of designs... the first two were for ballerinas and baseball lovers. This one and the Garden Girl -- also new -- are perfect for other special little kidlets!!!

Little League from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see more Little League and Little Ballerinas

Well, I have a grandson this would be perfect for... oh, if only I stitched! (No, your Weary Webmaster, writing this description in Lindy's absence, doesn't stitch... isn't that ironic?) The design has a historic flavor that reminds me of the time of the old NY Yankees... Babe Ruth and all that.
Little Ballerinas from Country Cottage Needleworks -- click to see moreStitched with Crescent Colours threads, it measures about 8 1/2 x 5 1/4, and comes with an alphabet so you can personalize it.

Little Ballerinas, a design for dancers and those who love them, is the same size, and also includes the alphabet. The overdyed threads used in some areas give you more dimension, don't you think?

Forest Snowfall from Little House Needleworks -- click to see lots more! Forest Snowfall
Nikki's latest design (helped along by her daughter Juliet, we're told) contains an original verse and a lovely winter setting for you to enjoy. Finishing 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 on 28 count Pearl Grey linen, it calls for both Crescent Colors and DMC flosses. A wonderful addition to a winter wall.

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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