Quaint Rose Needlearts - click to see more The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

Quaint Rose Needlearts
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    
Quaint Rose Needlearts Jingle all The Way Deer - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Comfort & Joy - click for more

New Offerings from Quaint Rose Needlearts
  • Comfort & Joy - A charming gingerbread log cabin is nestled underneath it's grand poinsettia garden! The Christmas tree in the yard is even more festive! Measuring 126 x 95, this is worked with a combination of Classic and Gentle Art hand-dyed flosses on Weeks Dove linen. In a hurry? Stitch just the tree or just the cottage with poinsettias!

  • Jingle all The Way Deer - Here's a colorful little guy! Definitely for a more contemporary twist on Holiday decor. He's worked with Classic Colorworks flosses of Deep Fennel, Ruby Slippers, Bramble Bush, Spinach, Rose Petal, Manor Red, Ye Old Gold and Used Brick along with black and white DMC, on a 36ct gray background. Very festive, he measures 122 x 176.

Quaint Rose Needlearts Gingerbread Village - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Stitcher Urn - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Spooky Mansion - click for more
A Trio of New Designs from Quaint Rose Needlearts
  • Gingerbread Village - This is a medley of festive, ginger-bready designs - lots of stitching choices. Everything is done on Weeks Dye Works Seafoam hand-dyed linen (We have few other fabrics and counts similar to this colorway as well.) using DMC and/or varied hand-dyeds. The Gingergread village row pillow measures 200 x 61, the main sampler is 150 x 140, and the cute little gingerbread man in the cup is just 91 stitches in size.
  • Stitcher Urn - What a fun piece! This is worked on two different pieces of linen, which you connect before you begin stitching. The ruler and 'STITCHER' along the bottom are done on a green background. The Floral tomato vine growing out of the urn is done on a cream. Everything is coded for DMC or hand-dyeds. The little scissors and birds tuck in there and make everything look happy! Quaint Rose has several other 'urn' pieces like this - Peppermint, Tulip and Pinwheel. They are all approx the same size - 110 stitches square.
  • Spooky Mansion - We're past Halloween, so now you have a whole year to get this stitched! Bats in the sky, spiders in the trees, Jack-O-Lanterns in the yard... it's a busy little house. Coded for DMC and hand-dyeds, it finishes approx 7 x 5 on 36ct - just a cute, petite size. There are French Knots topping all the wrought iron fence posts - but you could do beads instead if you're scared of knots!

Quaint Rose Needlearts Pinwheel Urn - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Grace on Thee - click for more
Quaint Rose Needlearts has two new Americana designs -- both presented in chart format.
  • Grace on Thee measures 167 x 176 in stitch count - so will finish approx 9-1/2 inches square on 18/36 ct. Coded for DMC or silks, I think it would be cool to add a few rows right below ON THEE, to add your family name and year established information. Very stately and organized, it's a pretty piece and would look good in a foyer. Chart $13.00
  • Pinwheel Urn - This companions other URN designs by Quaint Rose - you'll notice she has stitched two different fabrics together for this! Blue on the bottom, creamy at the top. Guidance is provided for that fabric joining - she suggests doing that FIRST before you stitch - in case you mess it up! Presented in a chart format $9.00

Quaint Rose Needlearts Stitch and Be Merry - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Peppermint Urn - click for more A Trio of Christmas Cheer
from Quaint Rose Needlearts
  • Peppermint Urn - This is a pretty design - you'll notice that it is done on two different fabrics that are joined together to make the 7 x 7 cushion. The little X's across the seam are there for decoration... and QR directs you to a YouTube video for that joining process. Coded for Gentle Art or DMC floss, it's a festive little pot of peppermints!
  • Stitch and Be Merry - Another piece that features two different fabrics joined together. QR sends you to instructions for that if you want to take a look, but you can do this on one single cut as well. What makes this one fun, though, is that the tree is a THIRD cut of fabric appliqued on there! Could be wool if you wanted, rather than linen. Coded for silks of DMC, this finishes approx 6 x 11 on 36ct.

Quaint Rose Needlearts Patriotic Spools - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Quaint Quakers #2 Summer - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Spring Chicks - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Carrot Patch Rabbits - click for more Quaint Rose Needlearts Tulip Urn - click for more
Some Pretty Spring and Summer Designs
from Quaint Rose Needlearts
  • Patriotic Spools - Wow, this is a neat collection of spool wraps. Quaint N gives directions for MAKING your own spools from hobby Lobby wood, or suggests an antique store. Look at the tall spool... you can turn your needlework if it fits on the spool in a different direction better. (who knew!) Then... she shows you a pic of her attachment on the backside - fold under the edges, old fashioned safety pins and antique buttons - NO FANCY FINISHING involved! Three designs in this chart pack, all are coded for DMC, but super easy to change to hand-dyeds. Find a spool first, determine circumfrance, then choose fabrics!
  • Quaint Quakers #2 Summer - Sail the Seas! This is so cheerful! A Quaker sailing ship, the glorious roses, simply-too-cute-crabs, and the pretty row of anchors, this measures 188 x 168, so finishes a generous 13 x 11-3/4 on 40ct!
  • Spring Chicks - Very hard to see in the picture, but chicks have just hatched from their speckled eggs, already with needle-in-beak! Three different designs in here, there is an egg-shaped needle keep, a cushion that reads 'cheep cheep', and a round pic that would be pretty as a box top.
  • Carrot Patch Rabbits - Another very-hard-to-see cover pic, this is a charming chubby bunny perched atop his equally fat and stubby carrot! Even the flowers on the companion pin cushion design are plump! Very whimsical and really charming, we KNOW this'll be cuter in-person than it is on the cover. All three designs included in the pack - coded for DMC and hand-dyeds.
  • Tulip Urn - A pretty floral - notice it is worked on two different fabrics! QR suggests watching 'Bluebonnets and Whiskey' on YouTube for a lesson on that joining technique! The design is charted for DMC, and 110 in stitch count.

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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