Praiseworthy Stitches The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    

Redbird Christmas Tree from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Little Bird's Christmas Kit from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
More New Kits from Praiseworthy Stitches
  • Redbird Christmas Tree - this is a sweet free-standing tree, but could be an ornament as well. The tree is stitched on 32ct linen, and scattered with a few red seed bead 'berries.' After your quick finish of wrapping around cardboards, there is a stick and little wooden spool to construct the stand. Susan gives you everything you need in here... you get the chart, linen, threads, beads, backing boards and green fabric, stick, spool, and fabric to wrap the spool. I think she just used a magic-marker to color the stick!
  • Little Bird's Christmas Kit - This kit is packaged in a 4-1/2 x 2-3/4 x 1/2 inch Holiday tin. It becomes the sewing case, and you're making the Joy & Noel pin cushion to tuck inside. You get the tin, chart, linen and flosses, backing fabrics, some plastic snowflake thread winders, and the beads you see to make the scissor fob. All very cute and compact!

Sleigh Ride from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Sunflower Farm Stacker with Spool from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Lighted Haunted Caskets from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Lighted Haunted Caskets from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Several Fun Things Came Home from Market with Us.
  • Sleigh Ride - This is 2024's Annual Christmas scene... this joins PS's other 10 charming Christmassy Village pieces - full of busy-ness and 'Everything Winter.' Sleigh Bells Ring is the verse along the bottom - goes with Jingle All the Way, Joy to the World - you can peruse her page and see them all. Finishes approx 15-1/2 x 14 on 32ct - again, that rich Nocturne hand-dyed linen color (we have several different brands with great colors in different counts, you'll need a fat quarter if you choose 32.) It calls for 28 different hand-dyeds (you'll need 9 skeins of Weeks Snowflake!) and a smattering of beads and thin metallics. Always fun, we have several of Praiseworthy's companion villages stitched in the shop and everyone loves them!
  • Sunflower Farm Stacker - This is a scarecrow version that matches Mr Snowman and Creepy Pumpkin! Chart calls for three different colors of fabric, (everybody has different ideas about what they want to use), hand-dyed Weeks flosses, and bits of Weeks Wool used in the assembly. The Stacker is built around an antique wooden thread spool (this is what gives it stability to stand) that is included with the chart. A little more challenging on the finishing end than a pin cushion or something, but do-able. SUPER cute... all three are actually smaller than they look in the pic - they are about 7 inches tall!
  • Lighted Haunted Caskets - Praiseworthy Stitches has more little wooden casket scissor cases this year! Measuring just 2-1/4 x 1-3/4 x 4-1/4, the hinged lids have with several random cut-out designs so you can see into the casket. Best of all, they light up inside! Stick your scissors in there just bare, or stitch the little pumpkin pile 'blanket' to hold them in there. The complete kit contains the casket (raw wood so you can paint it or color it with markers if you want), beads to make a scissor fob, and chart, linen and threads to make the pumpkin pile blanket and paper moon to fit inside. The casket has a little switch on the bottom so you can turn your light off and on. We get some of these every year, and we always sell out - so here is this Halloween's Batch!

Simple Gifts Snow from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Chilly Willy Stacker with Spool from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Haunted Hillside Farm from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
New Arrivals Coming Home from Market
  • Simple Gifts - Snow - Well, some don't think snow is a special gift... but I love it! Choose a wintery blue background fabric, and grab your opalescents, whites and more blues for this frosty piece of Quaker-inspired motifs.Finishes about 10 x 10.
  • Chilly Willy Stacker - Here's a standing stitched snowman just like the Holly Jolly Tree and Creepy Pumpkin Stackers! Choose some fabrics (all the same color or not - but keep the count the same), stitch and scrunch the layers together to make this 10-inch high little man! There is an antique wooden spool included with the chart - it is the mounting stick for your three layers, and the top of it is hidden under Willy's wool hat.
  • Haunted Hillside Farm - This year's Scary Halloween Scene, everyone is at the pumpkin farm choosing their Jacks. Finishing approx 9 x 11, it's on a lovely deep blue linen - Dawn by Picture This Plus. We have TONS of great fabric options for this now - in several counts too. Coded for hand-dyeds there is a smattering of buttons and a little metallic in here - super cute!

Haunted Hootenanny from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Halloween Flower Biscornu from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more 13 Days of Halloween from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
  • Haunted Hootenanny - This is a small sized design - just 4 x 6 on 32ct. Same skeleton and pumpkin cuteness you find in PS's other larger Halloween things... Pam promises a set of 6 of these designs this next year. Presented as a small chart.
  • Halloween Flower Biscornu - Not really a traditional floral, this is simply a swirly Halloween-y cushion! Orange on one side, purple on the other, it's done on 32ct and measures about 3-1/2 inches in finished size. Presented as a small chart.
  • 13 Days of Halloween - A spoof on the 12 Days of Christmas, "On the first day of Halloween, Count Dracula gave to me"... then the 13 little blocks of scary treats. Worked on something dark with Weeks, Sampler Threads and DMC, you have lots of opportunity to add metallics, beads and buttons! Finishes approx 11 x 17-1/2 on the 32.

Esmeralda's Academy of Charms from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Esmeralda's Academy of Charms - The newest annual spooky house! 'School is back in session at Esmeralda's Academy of Charms. All the children are busy learning all the spells and tricks for Halloween. They are making spells to conjure ghosts, ghost cats and wicked spiders. Even the cats are working hard to learn the perfect flying techniques.'

Something fun to stitch to make the Halloween Season even more festive, the Praiseworthy Stitches Ladies always do a new house every year... full of hand-dyed threads and usually a smattering of clay button embellishments, a few beads and a little metallic (makes great spider webs!). We have lots and lots of gorgeous hand-dyed fabrics in multiple counts that will work for this house, so there are size options! On 32ct it finishes approx 11 x 16 - so a fat quarter is a perfect size. Presented as the chart, buttons, fabric and metallics are offered separately!

Jingle all The Way! from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Jingle all The Way!
Praiseworthy Stitches annual Christmas Village scene is here! Totally charming just like it's companions Churchyard Christmas, December Snow and Carolers on the Square, this finishes about the same size -- 13 x 18-1/2 on 32ct Picture This Plus Alchemy hand-dyed linen. The houses are really pretty, there are people and snow and ice and trees everywhere, and of course Santa on his sleigh to fill the evening sky.

ALWAYS eye-catchiing and delightful to look at, you will love stitching these because there are so many small motifs you can keep finishing all along. Using 34 Different colors of hand-dyed or DMC flosses, there are 3 metallic filaments (5760, 003HL, 009HL) and three different beads (42011, 42043, 42102) called for as well. What a favorite memory to come to Grandma's house every year to gaze at this delightful stitched Christmas scene!!!

A Snowman's Christmas from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Holly Jolly Stacker from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
A Snowman's Christmas & Holly Jolly Stacker
Pam and Susan of Praiseworthy Stitches have debuted their two new Christmas designs for this upcoming year - their annual Christmas Village Scene and another Stacker piece - just like Creepy Pumpkin Stackers! Both are presented in chart format.
  • A Snowman's Christmas joins the super-charming set of bustling Christmas Town Square pieces - like Churchyard Christmas and Winter at Sugar Hill. Lots of quaint houses and bitty scenes with children and animals everywhere, this year we have a very festive snowman by the village ice rink. The evergreen trees this year are see-thru! Look how they charted them - lots of repeating lines. Lots of design texture there - really pretty. You can see through those thin branches, and it just makes everything more shivery cold and snowy!
    You'll need a fat quarter cut of Picture This Plus's hand-dyed linen... our shop models work on about 10 different shades they make... you just want that varigation in the background to simulate the cloudy, wintery sky. Touches of metallics here and there... this whole set of Christmas Scenes, Santa's Midnight Ride and Going To Grandma's are ALL cute!
  • Holly Jolly Stacker is a fun way to choose three different fabrics that you like that go together. Pam and Susan are painting antique wooden spools green - that is your 'tree trunk' - and have included them with the chart. I can't tell yet what the fabric colors are in this yet... but we improvised a lot with Creepy Pumpkins, so I imagine we'll have options here too. Just choose three fabrics that are the same count, and the same 'feel' - soft or stiff, and your stitched tree with be darling!

Ghoul's Crossing from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Ghoul's Crossing
Pam and Susan have a new Haunted Halloween Party House for 2021. *Come Ghoulies, Shriek, Growl and Dance!* Joining their collection of other busy houses... this one is just as colorful as the others, but a little different in finished size. It's a whopping 28 x 14 on 32ct Picture This Plus 'Haunted' linen, and it's garnished with a collection of JABCO clay spiders, bats, pumpkins and a little caldron button.

We have several of their models in the shop, and it's fun to find smaller take-out design areas to stitch smaller versions. The dramatic fabric highlights all the cute little ghosts and kids, the trees are all scraggly, the spider webs are thin metallic... a lot of fun things happening on ALL of their Halloween and Christmas Scenes! Presented as a chart... fabrics, buttons and extensive thread list (of 49 hand-dyed skeins or 34 Skeins of DMC and the metallic) are all offered separately. (Fabric and button info TBA)

Simple Gifts - Kindness from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Simple Gifts - Joy from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Simple Gifts - Halloween Gifts from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
The Simple Gifts Quaker Samplers
A growing collection of Quaker-inspired pieces... each features bits of color and motifs specific to its season or theme.

All are charted, all are the same size - 204 x 213 in stitch count -- and all are coded for DNC and hand-dyeds.

Simple Gifts - O Holy Night from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Simple Gifts - O Holy Night and Silent Night
Praiseworthy Stitches has a new 2020 Quaker-inspired sampler - scattered with lacy motifs. Measuring 212 x 204 stitches, it finishes 13 inches square on 32ct.

Stitched with hand-dyeds of Cucumber (6), Indian Summer (2) and Whiskey (2), it's just a pretty thing! Remember that you can finish all those edge motifs by mirroring the images... so if you want, you can have matching pin cushions or ornaments for this!

Simple Gifts - Grace from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Simple Gifts - Grace
Part of Susan and Pam's series of Quaker-inspired designs, this finishes approx 13 inches square on 32ct linen. It is stitched with 6 skeins of Merlin, 2 Peoria Purple and 2 Lilac. (Of course, you can change that main purple color to something else, if you want!)

Motifs collected from old samplers... Susan and Pam say "it's like those young girls whispering down the years saying remember we were here." 20% of the profits from this chart go to the Abby Grace Foundation for Sanflippo Syndrome research.

Simple Gifts - Peace from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Simple Gifts - Thanks from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Simple Gifts - Peace and Thanks
A companion to Courage, this is dedicated to those serving in the military. Susan and Pam are donating 20% of the profits from this chart to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Offered as a chart, it measures 212 x 204 in stitch count and features motifs from antique Quaker Samplers. Worked in only 2 colors -- 9 skeins of Black Raspberry Jam and just one of Schneckley!

Creepy Pumpkin Stackers from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Creepy Pumpkin Stackers
Wow. this is a creative way to finish your stitching! Pam and Susan have designed three various-sized stitched pumpkins and then shown you how to finish/assemble them for a cute stacking Halloween display. The feature is the ANTIQUE WOODEN SPOOL they are stacked around! You can choose any three colors of fabric you like for your pumpkins - they tell you how to adjust the templates if you change from the 32ct Weeks Chestnut, Tiger's Eye and Cappucino choices used.

Stitching is done with Weeks, Gentle Art and Kreinik threads, with some Mill Hill beads and a JABCO spider button. (You can get creative from your stash with creepies to embellish this too!) Next, assemble the pumpkins - you are leaving the centers open - and then placing them over the spool to stand up! FOR NOW the antique spools are included with the charts - so neat!

Gingerbread Cottage from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Blue Moon Manor from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Blue Moon Manor and Gingerbread Cottage
  • Blue Moon Manor Praiseworthy Stitches' annual haunted house is here - only it is HALF THE SIZE of all the rest! Pam and Susan are into smaller, more finish-able designs this year! Blue Moon Manor has all the same cute design elements, busy-ness, chaos, and charm of all the larger houses... but half the size! Worked on 32ct Cauldron by Picture This Plus, it finishes only 7-1/2 x 13-1/2 on 32ct! Stitched with 31 DMCs or hand-dyed cottons, it features Mill Hill petite glass beads, four metallic braids (we use Rainbow Gallery vs the Kreinik), and a set of hand-made buttons by Just Another Button Company!
  • Gingerbread Cottage This is a darling Gingerbread House Mansion - all decorated with gum drops and macaroons! Finishing only 12 x 7-1/2 on 32ct Picture this Plus Mirage Linen - it is virtually HALF THE SIZE of all the rest of Praiseworthy's Christmas scenes! Just like the Blue Moon Manor - Pam and Susan really didn't sacrifice any charm or detail. This has Santa in his sleigh floating across the night sky, the decorations all glisten because of the metallics (7 different shades of blending filament!) and 4 different colors of Mill Hill petite seed beads on this - along with the 22 shades of DMC or hand-dyeds! The lollypops in the windows are clay buttons! It is CHARMIMG... and we love it! You can frame this, or turn it into a round drum shape - you decide!

Winter at Sugar Hill from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Winter at Sugar Hill
Praiseworthy Stitches is releasing their annual Christmas or Winter City Scene - this year, it is a Winter Wonderland of snow, maple trees, and bubbling pots of maple syrup! Pam and Susan love doing these scenes... they are enchanting!

Winter at Sugar Hill finishes approx 19 x 12 on 32ct Picture This Plus Mirage hand-dyed linen. Stitched with hand-dyed flosses and garnished with bits of metallic, glass beads and some clay buttons... like all of its companions, this is full of 'busy-ness and winter fun!' Striking colors, cute design details, this joins quite a set of charming Christmas scenes! All the rest are on our Praiseworthy Stitches page... see which ones are your favorites!

Halloween Hop from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Halloween Hop
This is a chart with a wide design - just like Santa Claus Lane. You can stitch the 15 x 5 picture, or make it into a round, weighted stand-up drum. Pam and Susan aren't showing us the other side of this little guy, but it's probably really cute!

Stitched on Picture This Plus's 32ct 'Ancient' linen with hand-dyed flosses, it features Mill Hill bead embellishments, silver metallic and 8 different Just Another Button Co buttons! They are offering finishing kits for THIS SHOW ONLY -- for the pattern debut. I'll bring some of those home, too.

Santa Claus Lane from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Santa Claus Lane from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Santa Claus Lane
Praiseworthy Stitches has done a half-sized Christmas Scene, and finished it into a drum-shape just for fun! Measuring less than half the size of their huge Christmas Scenes, this finishes 14-1/2 x 4-1/2 on 32ct. You can frame it, or roll it into the round shape and make a 4 x 6 giant pin cushion! Stitched with hand-dyed or DMC flosses, it is super-cute! Santa is flying through they sky behind his team of reindeer... so those little ones down below better get home to bed soon!!!! He's on his way!

Presented as the chart, the JABCO button embellishments are offered separately -- HOWEVER -- it is confusing. The button pack contains the snowmen, moon and star for the framed piece as well as the Santa face button you see on top of the drum. THEN, when they sent us the model, they had a set of JABCO Pin Mini's stuck in the top of the drum -- and they are a miniature matching Santa face, peppermint and holly leaf. You'll need the *pins* only if you finish this into the drum shape. For a limited time, we have a few finishing kits that contain their red finishing fabric, cord, finishing buttons and stiffener.

Mr Bones' Starlight Ballroom from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Mr Bones' Starlight Ballroom
Here's another Haunted House Pic! *Shake Rattle & Roll* are the words up in the night sky on this busy piece... we think there is a party going on inside! All the little kids trick--or-treating... all the ghosts, jacks, spiders and creepy bats everywhere, this finishes approx 18 x 20 on 32ct Picture This Plus Linen.

There is an embellishment pack of monster faces for the house windows, bats, spiders and gravestones, and a pair of jack-o-lanterns. All of Pam and Susan's houses are cute... this year's is no exception!

Mummy's Moonlight Cafe from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Mummy's Moonlight Cafe
Praiseworthy Stitches' 2017 Haunted House is here! Finishing approx 11 x 14 on 32ct Haunted linen by Picture This Plus, it's smaller than the rest of their larger houses, which are all around 16 x 20. This year's Mummy Cafe is serving up a mouth-watering menu of brown toad casserole with worm gravy, fried bat wings, pickled newt eyes, finger sticks, braid and spider salad and best of all -- ghost cake! Cute little Trick or Treaters everywhere and all kinds of bats, cats and webs... it has all the same busy charm as the rest of Pam and Susan's houses!

Presented as the chart, there is a packet of Just Another Button Company Buttons to embellish as well... and you need that awesome 32ct Haunted fabric as well. Coded for Weeks and Gentle Art hand-dyed flosses, there are multiple double skeins called for. (Fabric note... you can get a 18 x 18 cut for $22.50 or an 18 x 27 cut for $32.50.)

December Snow from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more December Snow
The 2017 Annual Christmas Scene by Praiseworthy Stitches, this is the 5th, and companions Churchyard Christmas, Going to Grandmas, Carols on the Square, and Santa's Moonlight Flight. There is a snowball fight going on in the center of town, it erupted over a snowman building contest... and Santa is flying overhead, seeing who's being naughty or nice!!!!

YOU are the nice one...stitching this darling piece on 32ct Nocturne Linen from Picture This Plus. Finishing approx 19 x 12, it's full of details and lots of color. The houses are especially pretty this year. Kind of big... but super fun to work up and pull out every year to delight all!

Sale at the Bubbling Cauldron from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Sale at The Bubbling Cauldron
This year, Pam and Susan have a half-sized Halloween Spooky House scene. The Bubbling Cauldron (The Silver Needle of Halloween Supplies) is having a Midnight Madness Sale on October 31st!!! Imagine that! All the customers have come in costume! Tonight's specials include flying brooms, snake eggs, love potions and cauldrons to make them, along with croaking toads (maybe to cook in that cauldron?)

Stitched on 32ct Haunted by Picture This Plus, this has ALL THE CHARM of their larger annual houses... but it's half the size... so faster to work up. Stitched with hand-dyed flosses, there is a button pack of embellishments available as well. GREAT colors... we have the model in the shop .. THIS IS CUTE.. and worth your time! Such a lively and fun Halloween decoration!

Bump N. D'Knight Farm from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Bump N. D'Knight Farm
Praiseworthy Stitches has unveiled their annual Haunted House Piece for 2016! Here's a sneak peek! Such a wild collection of these gigantic houses... you need big, empty walls... or lots of holiday excitement (little kids are great at this) to enjoy the full impact of these! Bump N D'Knight Farm companions Witch's B & B, Darkwing, Croaking Toad and Ravenswood Manors as well as Seedy Pumpkin Cottage. 32ct Haunted hand-dyed linen by Picture This Plus is this year's fabric choice, and along with bits of bead and metallic (silver spider webs) embellishments, there is a set of clay JABCO buttons as well.

In looking at this... I think you could split the elements up a little if you haven't the space to display the whole piece -- or the discipline to stitch it all. Look at the main house with carriage and tree in front! Anyway, there is definitely something fishy happening in the bard on this busy Trick or Treat night! Approx 15-1/2 x 20 on 32ct... coded for DMC or hand-dyed flosses... you'll use a ton of thread! Ships around August 19.

A Churchyard Christmas from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more A Churchyard Christmas
Praiseworthy Stitches has released their annual Christmas Scene, and this year, it is the chaos that surrounds the annual Children's Churchyard Nativity. All is not well! Halos are crooked, crowns are bent, and some of the camels have escaped!

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Teachers Pam and Susan have lots of personal experience with these school events, and decided it was time to share them!!! Their endearing picture measures approx 19 x 12, is stitched on 32ct Picture This Plus Mirage Linen and calls for no less than 39 different hand-dyed or DMC shades!!!!! (you'll need 10 skeins of Snowflake!!!)

Yet another charming scene... it joins Going to Grandma's, Carols on the Square and Santa's Midnight Flight. Presented as a chart, we have the gorgeous deep gray hand-dyed 32ct Mirage linen cut ready -- it gives all this that deepening-wintery-dusky sky feel. Pretty houses and the church, darling little costumes on the children, there are touches of metallic (5760, 009HL and 003HL) and beads (42039, 42013, 40557) here and there to add bits of sparkle. Always something new and cute when you look at this!

Seedy Pumpkin Cottage from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Seedy Pumpkin Cottage
Praiseworthy Stitches has released their 8th annual haunted house scene and this year's is SO AWESOME! Seedy Pumpkin Cottage is full of wispy ghosts, shiny spider webs, black cats and carved pumpkins... and all of it is underneath the glowing Jack-O-Lantern Moon. Stitched on Picture This Plus's 32ct Echo Linen (an awesome grey/teal midnight-sky color), there is so much going on in here that it has enchanted us in the shop!

The model arrived today -- patterns should be here soon -- clay button embellishments and fabric follows later this week. Finishing approx 21 x 15... it is HUGE and quite the eye-catcher! Coded for DMC or Weeks and Gentle Art hand-dyeds you'll need multiple skeins of 12 of the 41 colors called for, along with silver metallic for the spider webs, petite Mill Hill glass beads and a FULL clay button pack of spiders, ghosts, bats and even a little owl.

The white fence around the porch is really neat because it is done with long stitches of white thread but they have added three teeny orange beads to each railing post -- it glistens! Yes... this might take all year to stitch... but WOW, what a fun and creative seasonal decoration that everyone can enjoy year after year!!! Seedy Pumpkin Cottage is the place to be on The Big Night!!!!!

Dancing in the Moonlight from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Dancing in the Moonlight
Praiseworthy Stitches has a new Halloween Scene... a little smaller than their annual haunted houses... this will make a grand companion to frame and display with all your others! *There's an unusual party in the pale moonlight. Pumpkins are glowing, crows are singing and even the cat is yowling along. Everyone is rocking to the beat. See how the ghosts are swirling? But look, the skeletons have pulled out their top hats and canes They have started a sensational all-bone review! Don't miss your chance to join in the celebration!*

Stitched on Picture This Plus 32ct Haunted Linen (a gorgeous teal hand-dyed) with Weeks, Gentle Art and DMC flosses, it features Mill Hill beads and lots of handmade clay buttons by Just Another Button Company. 156 x 201 stitches, it'll finish approx 9-3/4 x 12-1/2 on the 32ct. Full of Susan and Pam's silliness, you could even personalize your grave stones! Offered as the chart, with fabrics and embellishments offered separately.

Going to Grandma's from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Going to Grandma's
Susan and Pam have released another charming winter scene -- this year's features Grandma's House decked out to the MAX for the Holiday! *Christmas is here and everyone is arriving at Grandma's house! The snow is falling, the kids are making a snowman and the rest of the family is finally here. Can't you hear the squeels and delight as everyone greets each other? See Grandma on the walkway waving to them? Look, even Santa and Rudolph have arrived! It is a time for love, delight and laughter.*

Stitched on 32ct Nocturne by Picture This Plus (a luscious greyed-blue fabric), this finishes approx 11 x 9 -- MUCH more compact than some of the other annual scenes! Worked with Sampler Threads and Weeks hand-dyeds, (several multiple skeins of the same colors), along with a few blending filaments and Mill Hill beads, it is full of charming details just like all the rest of Praiseworthy's houses! Offered as the chart with fabric and threads separately. Get the chart, and check your stash for needed thread.

Darkwing Manor from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Darkwing Manor
Praiseworthy Stitches' Annual Haunted House is Here!!! Every year, these get more and more involved with cute design details and tiny hidden surprises everywhere. Darkwing Manor is stuffed full of creepy monsters, ghosts and goblins, and spiders, cats and bats. Everyone is waiting to scare the darling little Trick-or-Treaters -- all dressed in their favorite outfits to scare -- out there in the front yard!

Stitched on Picture This Plus Dawn (a lovely deep teal blue/gray) with TONS of DMC (34 different colors) or Gentle Art Sampler Threads -- there are 22 colors in here that require multiple skeins of the same colors, there is also lots of silver metallic for all the spider webs. The Just Another Button Company button embellishment pack offers 3 grave stones, three jack-o-lanterns, a tiny Frankenstein face, 4 clay spiders and 11 bats!!!! Pam and Susan have added citron green petite seed beads to lots of the eyes of the more seedy characters in this as well.

Just a really fun, bustling scene... there is a lot of stitching in here... but since there are so many different parts, you see your picture developing FAST before your eyes! Very entertaining to work on! Pam and Susan have done an EXCELLENT job charting this. The backstitches, spider webs, button and bead placements -- all that -- is printed in color on the chart, and the chart itself is CLEAR with good symbols and printed 10 squares to the inch. Darkwing Manor will command attention on your wall... it finishes 21-1/2 x 15! Offered as the chart with fabric and clay offered separately.

Carols on the Square from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Carols on the Square
Praiseworthy Stitches has released this year's Christmas Scene -- a companion Santa's Midnight Flight. (We're starting to get a fun collection of these patterns -- just like their series of Halloween Haunted Houses! VERY detailed and full of whimsical design elements.) Back to Christmas! *Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!* Stitched on Picture This Plus 32ct Nocturne hand-dyed linen, a 18 x 27 cut, the linen is a gorgeous greyed-denim blue -- a fantastic darkened winter sky on a cloudy, snowy evening.

The charming houses in the village are lit for the Holidays, and everyone seems to be out tonight caroling. Santa is up there in his sleigh... yes, he is standing... because this is his sleigh -- not a rowboat! The big tree in the foreground is full of stitched texture, it features Smyrnas if you like. Houses feature Satin Stitched planks, while windows are decorated with mini-garlands of petite glass seed beads. You're going to need a few reels of metallic blending filament, those three seed bead colors and LOTS of Weeks and Gentle Art over-dyed flosses -- 53 skeins in all!!!!!! The colors in this are Grand!!! There are even a pair of JABCO buttons up in the top corners -- Rudolph and the sleigh! Very enchanting this year... just break down and get it... it'll be fun to page through and start when it's 100 degrees this summer!!!

Widow Black's B & B from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Widow Black's B & B
Praiseworthy Stitches annual huge haunted house has arrived!!! Widow Black has opened her very own Bed and Breakfast to *Guests.* Tasty Delights are served every afternoon in her private parlour... she thinks it is simply delightful that many of her guests have been tied up for the entire afternoon... and that many linger way past check-out time! Widow Black does remind guests that they may have to share their rooms with her long-time boarders... who love to watch for fresh arrivals!

Stitched on 32ct Murky from Picture This Plus with 31 different hand-dyed or DMC flosses, you will need multiple skeins of 12 of the colors in here. There are Mill Hill beads scattered about, and a JABCO button pack with three gravestones, three bats, 4 spiders, two jack-o-lanterns and a little owl! There is so much going on in this piece -- it is CHARMING -- and makes the best companion to Croaking Toad Manor, Ravenmoon Hall, Buzzard's Roost Inn and Black Cat Manor.

I don't know about you... but I think Pam and Susan are out-doing themselves every year! Offered as the chart, we have the fabric cut separately, as well as the clay button packs! (Fabrics for the previous 4 Haunted Houses are now here as well, if you are needing them!)

Croaking Toad Manor from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Croaking Toad Manor
Praiseworthy Stitches has another annual haunted house, and this year's is just as busy and (charming?) SCARY as the rest!!! Presented as a chart with clay button set additional, this finishes quite large -- just like all it's companions. A whopping 15 x 20 on 32ct, we have Mirage Belfast for you.

The design is full of great details -- just so much to look at and enjoy. There is a toad in the pond with a witch hat... He's the culprit who's stirring up the landscape! Charted for DMCs or lots of Gentle Art and Weeks overdyeds. It also features a smidge of silver metallic and a few Mill Hill beads.

Ravenmoon Hall from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Ravenmoon Hall
Another spooky abode... more busy-ness in the yard!

Choose one of the deep hand-dyed blues again for this one... it finishes approx 21 x 17 on 32ct.

Santas Midnight Flight from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Santas Midnight Flight
Praiseworthy Stitches other cool piece this season... this piece is *really pretty!* There are red and gold metallic blending filaments stitched into the border, and on the reindeer... so as it contrasts against the evening sky (choose a night-sky color) The snowflakes in the sky are Smyrna Crosses, Santa has a beard of Wisper thread, and there are beads embellishing here and there and everywhere!

Charted for DMC or hand-dyeds, just a neat, balanced, organized design!!! The sleepy village -- people are stitched over one in the yards -- and can you see some of the reindeer and sleigh prints in the snow on the rooftops? I love the elegance of the border! Offered as a chart, finishing 18 x 12 on 32ct.

Autumn Quaker from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more Autumn Quaker
Here's a pretty Quaker motif sampler -- a small tribute to the beauty and colors of the fall season. Stitched on Week's 30ct Gold linen the reds, purples and rusts work together to make a memorable piece. I love that bouquet down by the date!

Finishes 11 x 7... and calls for Mulberry, Sweet Potato, Indian Summer, Picnic Basket, Piney Woods and Pumpkin Pie. YUM! Presented as the chart.

Hooray for the Trick or Treat from Praiseworthy Stitches - click for more
Trick or Treat
Costumes & giggles, candy & sweets, ghosts & ghoulies, It's Trick or Treat! Choose any mangy colored linen to stitch this charming evening scene that finishes approx 16 x 8 on 14/28ct. Worked with Weeks hand-dyed flosses, the spider web is silver metallic thread and there are quite a few button embellishments scattered everywhere on here.

Some of Pam and Susan's haunted houses are quite large... this is a smaller version with some of the same personality! You get the cute ghost... look at all the black cats! The house is an elegant Victorian as well. Charts are huge, with color instruction accents, very easy to read.

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