6068 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, Ok. 74145 (918) 493-1136 (888) 543-7004 E-Mail
Don't miss Scissors, page 1!
Welcome to page 2 of our Scissors Heaven!
We have an entire display case full of the most wonderful Solingen Steel Cutlery from Germany, unusual novelty scissors from France, top quality embroidery scissors from Italy -- just a wonderful array! We're highlighting a few here, and will be adding more to treat you! (I kind of have this "scissor thing"...)
Featured on Page 1, some styles from: Gingher, Dovo, Wasa, and some French and Italian importers. (Many have no names, per se, and since the invoices are often in German or Italian, I have no idea just what they call them! We just know that we LOVE them! So we've given all of them our own "SN numbers," to keep them straight!!!) I'll try to give you some info about each!!!
Cute, Novelty Scissors!
We have 8 patterns of 3-1/2 inch embroidery scissors that are cute and colorful - fun for little cases and fobs. Not real *high* on the cutting quality end of things, (meaning they are not DOVO quality) they are, however, cute and colorful, and perfect for lots of things! Designs are enameled on the handles so they will not rub off or fade, and will maintain their charm! I had actually never seen pineapple and cactus scissors before... feels like we need a stitched flamingo or something for them!
Pictured at the top from left to right are: Retro Flower, Strawberry, Purple gingham, Butterflies, Pineapple and Cactus.

Scissor Parrots
Here's something colorful and easy to find in your purse or stitching tote... a little Scissor Parrot! Brightly colored 'pleather' (which is the glamorous name for fake leather or soft plastic!) parrots snap closed at the black eyeball to hold your 3-3/4 inch coordinating polka dot scissors safely inside.
The yellow/green/orange bird includes the lime green scissors, the blue and purple bird includes the light blue polka dots! The sheaths are printed on both sides, and overall measure just 4 inches in total length. I couldn't resist 'em!

Little Patriotics
3-1/2 Inch novelty scissors... perfect to decorate an Americana project... not super precise or sharp - but cute!
We'll choose one for you, unless you have a favorite!

Back in Stock! Colorful Soft-Handled Small Scissors
These are fun and sturdy little 4-inch scissors - really good for cutting metallics because they are serrated. Pretty colors, they're handy to stuff in the kitchen drawer.
Stash a pair in your closet to cut off tags from new clothes, stick a pair in the laundry room to trim threads. They are strong enough to let 'medium-ones' cut paper and 'craft-stuff.' The handles are soft and feel nice! Choose from Pink, Lime or Purple.
Cotton Candy Mini Scissors
Fun pastel 3-1/4 inch lightweight scissors... these are petite, colorful, functional and VERY sharp! The blades are 7/8 inch long and they feature normal-sized finger holes... each has a matching translucent plastic sheath that *snaps* in place over the blades for travel and storage. They weigh just nothing, and have a smooth cutting action.
Perfect for your purse or a good travel option. VERY NICE scissors at this price point - you'll be happy with them.
Perfect Scissors by Karen Kay Buckley
Three different sizes of functional and unique scissors... you might notice our *Grasshopper Scissors* in the middle of this trio! We like these scissors because of the padded, soft handles - which are actually flexible. We like the striking black metal on the blades. We like the bright colors on the handles. We like the little plastic protective sheaths that come with each pair - they 'snap' on to cover the tips for protection. We like the micro-serration of the blades... that grips your thread and keeps it in one place for cleaner, more precise cutting.
Just really nice scissors - the blue handled ones measure 6 inches, the grasshopper green measure 4 1/4 inches, and the chunky curved bladed red handled ones measure in at 3-3/4. (Very sturdy little guys!)
Premax of Italy
New Scissor Offerings from Premax
3-1/2 Inch Black Ringlocks - Same lovely brushed finish as our stainless these are super sharp and offer larger finger holes than lots of other styles.
Premax **Curved** Ringlock Scissors
Oh wow... are these NICE! By Premax of Italy, we have a third style of *Space Ship Scissors!* Very sleek and smooth in design, this pair of 3-3/4 inch precision scissors features a smooth, curvy shape, a very comfortable 'hand' in YOUR hand, a 'ringlock' attachment system rather than a traditional screw, and thin, tapered blades that have a slight curve to them.
That extra small angle really gives you the ergonomic advantage when you're trimming close threads. Your cutting hand isn't damaging any stitches already there... you can simply 'reach in' and cut anything needed, without disturbing any stitches already executed. Really smooooooth...

Premax Ring Lock Scissors from Italy
WOW... these are the neatest looking and feeling little embroidery scissors... VERRRY smooth... very SLEEEK... A Substantial Weight... and A Perfect Balance in your hand! From Italy, we have two new sizes and styles of small scissors -- packaged in a space-age plastic and foam-padded snap-closing case -- one might think they came from outer space!
The smaller pair is 3-5/8 inches long... 7/8 in blades... very smooth... they look like a little bird of some sort. The longer pair -- 4-1/4 inches has a larger finger hole, and simply a longer handle shaft, with 1-1/2 inch blades.
How can a simple half-inch make so much difference in shape and feel? Both are exquisite... both are a brushed stainless finish -- so they look like pewter. You should NOT pass these by because of quality alone... but check out the prices, too!!! They just feel so good!
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Leather Scissor Sheaths
Thin, soft leather... the larger double sheaths hold two pair of scissors together! Measuring approx 4 inches long, they will hold scissors that are larger than the regular 3-1/2 embroidery size. Small, simple and functional!
Also featured are the new tiny size, and the regular.

Polka Dot Scissor Sheaths!
Aren't these fun? These are pretty 'pleather' polka dot covers for your scissors. (Pleather is a kind way to say 'fake leather' or 'soft plastic!') Offered in 6 colors and 2 different sizes, the smaller 2-1/2 inch one fits a standard 3-1/2 inch embroidery scissor. The larger 3-1/4 inch sheath will work for 4 to 5-inch scissors. But... actually each will do the job for either size - some just like more shank coverage, and some scissors fit in one size better than the other.
In the pic, I have our 4-inch Antonia by DOVO pictured with the larger sheath, and our 3-1/2 Buckingham by WASA pictured by the smaller ones. (If you have to have a specific color, not a problem, just let us know in the comments box during your check-out process - we'll do our best!)
Want to see some DOVO manufacturing pics from the 1980's? Click here to be treated to half a dozen old photos. Each is clickable to a larger version. Our DOVO Scissor Sales Rep - John - shared these with us recently, and says they were pics taken during factory tours in Germany for the DOVO Sales Reps years ago.
#1 - The Yellow Sleeves Guy -- He is sharpening blades... we love the no gloves thing, and the bandage on that thumb!
#2 - The Blue Plaid Shirt Guy - Another shot of sharpening - at least he's wearing glasses (just not safety goggles!) You can see multiple forgings hanging in the background.
#3 - The Drill Press - We think they are drilling the screw holes... that copper tube coming down might be delivering oil to the metals.
#4 - Forgings coming out of some sort of bath - they don't look so good yet!
#5 - More Polishing - with NO gloves!
#6 - This is NUTS! We think these two guys are doing the same grinding as in pic #2. What a workspace - imagine! There's stuff everywhere, a workers comp insurance nightmare, I bet there's loud music playing... but those guys are turning out the most beautiful scissors that we all enjoy.
There's even MORE!

6068 S. Sheridan Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136 Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST, Monday - Friday 10 - 4 CST, Saturday
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