The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    

Directly from Italy, we love this collection of monochromatic designs... jewelry, seasonal, and lovely hearts from Livia and Paola Rovaris. All presented in chart format, although everything is stitched in red -- you KNOW you can change any colors you wish!!!

Wool Gathering Cushion Kit by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Carrot Cushion Kit by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more  Queen Cushion Kit by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Snowman Cushion Kit by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Little Label Pin Cushions
These 4-1/2 x 3 inch cushions are just the cutest! By Rovaris, they've traveled all the way from Italy, looking for a good home - yours! Each features a fun chunky piece of handmade Italian ceramic... all are about 1 to 1-1/2 inches in size. Each kit comes with the chart, a cut of 36ct hand-dyed linen, the rik rak trim and the ceramic button. You supply the bits of DMC floss from your stash.

Heart Charms by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Dog Charms by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Cat Charms by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Sewing Charms by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Fun Charms for Finishing from Rovaris
Check out these sets of charms - perfect for trims on your needlework, pin cushions, zipper pulls, or fobs, or whatever! 8 or 9 on each card, you are getting multiple sizes of whatever motif is featured. Too cute to pass up!

Ceramic Needle Minders by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Pumpkins and Tomatoes by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Minders and Fobs from Rovaris
Some cute small trifles... we have ceramic needle minders and felt ball fruits!
  • Ceramic Needle Minders By Rovaris, these are their handmade tomato and sheep buttons - without the holes. Super-duper strong magnets on the back, they'll hold your needles or notes on the fridge! Each measures approx 1-1/2 inches in size, and feature a nice, shiny enameled finish.
  • Pumpkins and Tomatoes - Ready to clip to your scissors of the zipper of your stitching pouch. Classy looking hardware on the clam-shell clasp, the wool balls about about 1-1/4 inches in diameter. Great little stitcher gifts!

The Tomato Cushion by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more The Pumpkin Cushion by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Christmas Tree Cushion by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
A Trio of Seasonal Pin Cushions
Livia and Paola sent us their models of these charming little cushions... they are delightful. They've found a local artist in Italy who made her the cool, gigantic buttons to embellish the designs. Presented as charts WITH the stitching linen, front finishing fabric and the trim. Best of all - that beautiful hand-made ceramic mega-button is included too! All of them measure about 4 x 5... the colors are good, they really cover all 4 seasons!
  • The Tomato Cushion measures 52 x 85 and is done on 36ct hand-dyed. Coded for DMC, you get the red and white finishing fabrics and the featured jute trim. The ceramic tomato button measures a little over 2 x 2 inches in size. Very 'Summer-Gardeny.'
  • The Pumpkin Cushion includes the Weeks hand-dyed dark green linen, both the light and dark finishing fabric and more the of the cute trim. The hand-made pumpkin button on here measures a generous 2 x 2. Great colors in both this one, and the companion tomato piece. Vibrant Fall Colors.
  • Christmas Tree Cushion - Cut Your Own includes the natural hand-dyed 36ct linen, navy calico finishing fabric and the ceramic truck button that is about 1-1/2 x 3 inches in size. Classic deep red, green and winter white.

Sea Box with Tools by Rovaris of Italy - click to see more Sea Box with Tools
Oh wow, this is CHARMING! Stitch the mermaid swimming in her undersea world... she's among crabs, octopus and coral. The complete kit for this darling cushion-in-a-tray includes so much cool stuff!

You get the chart, hand-dyed 32ct linen, blue and white stripe finishing fabric, wood button, jute rope, the charm, AND the gorgeous 6-inch wooden tray WITH stilletto and seam ripper! All hand-made in Italy, it has been one of my most favorite things we have carried in the shop. The design is charming, and the tray with tools is stunning!

Whale by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Mermaid by Rovaris of Italy - click to see more Sea by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Beach by Rovaris of Italy - click to see more
Fun Sea Words - I love them all!
All four of these are bold words decorated with cute motifs. Each is coded for DMC, and each chart includes a charm of some sort to compliment the design. 
  • Whale - Measures 147 x 46, measures about 9 x 3.
  • Mermaid - Love this one, measures 165 x 57 - about 10 inches long on 32ct.
  • Sea - Corals and the Crab - This one matches the cushion in the Sea Box! Measures 123 x 37, so 7-1/2 inches long on 36ct.
  • Beach - The cutest one... the letters are striped like a beach towel. Measures 170 x 51 - so 10-1/2 inches long.

Large North South East West by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Small North South East West by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Anchor Beach by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Happiness is Walking on the Beach by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
More Charming Seaside Designs
  • Large North South East West - All four designs are included in this chart - North has a sailboat, South features an anchor, East has a pelican and West has a lighthouse and whale. Each design measures77 x 56, all coded for DMC.
  • Small North South East West - All four of these designs are included in this chart - they are smaller than the other large set - these are finished into pin cushions. You'll see that north has a life preserver, south has little cabanas, east has a sailboat, and west features flags. Again DMC coding.
  • Anchor Beach - That cute little crab is here again, only he's out of the water on the sand! Measures 96 x 61, coded for DMC.
  • Happiness is Walking on the Beach - This one needs to be hanging at your beach house! Measures 122 x 67, coded for DMC.

Queen by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Bee by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Bee Alphabet by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Farm by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Queen, Bee, Bee Alphabet and Farm - More fun words and the entire alphabet in bees!
  • Queen - This one measures 167 x 53.
  • Bee - smaller at 132 x 48 - Still has a Queen Bee reference!
  • Bee Alphabet - Bees all over the place - every letter is different and you can mix and match your bee motifs where ever you want, to spell anything you want!
  • Farm - A few more bees, but mostly chickens, sunflowers and the fence! Measures 160 x 59.

America by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
Pretty much says it all! Stars and Stripes in the word and the Mayflower... this measures 203 x 52.

Coded for DMC.

Acorn by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
This is shown on hand-dyed gingham linen - a neat mottled hand-dyed would give a nice effect also.

Measures 152 x 30 - so mini-skinny! Coded for DMC.

Skeleton by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more

Here's something for the Happy Couple! Stitched in just Weeks Dye Works Pea Coat floss, and DMC white and 815... we chose a mangy hand-dyed linen for the background - kind of to match the personality of the design.

Measures 155 x 227 it'll finish about 8-1/2 x 12-1/2 on 36ct.

Hen by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more Summer by Rovaris of Italy! - click to see more
  • Hen - Finishes 3 x 10 on 32ct... the chart includes that bit of lace along with a chicken foot charm!
  • Summer - Super cute, this measures 4 x 8 on 32ct... choose a pretty blue material. My fav part is that little whale!

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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