Needles, Needles and More Needles The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch

Needles, Needles and More Needles!
***Better here than lost in your chair!***

6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    

Several nice options of needles... you use what YOU like best for your task.
  • Make sure the eye of the needle doesn't pinch your thread too much and damage it. Get a large enough eye size.
  • For Cross Stitch, the eye of the needle is supposed to be large enough to create the space for your thread to pass through the fabric without it dragging too much and causing damage.
  • Still unsure about size you need? Just ask us and we can choose for you!

New Petite Tapestry Needles - click for more

New Colonial Petite Tapestry Needles!

Colonial Needle is producing Tapestry Petites again!

For all you Petite Needle lovers - available in tubes of 6 needles, Petites have the same eye size, but a shorter length. Stitch Away!

Pony Needle Tapestry Compact w 24 needles - click for more Pony Black #22 White Eye Tapestry Needles - click for more Pony Colored Eye Tapestry 22 24 26 Assortment - click for more
Pony Needle Assortment Compacts
  • Are we excited about these! Here's a WHOLE ASSORTMENT of the colored eye Tapestry needles by Pony - packaged in a plastic dial-around organizer - PERFECT for traveling and your stitching tote! The little case is only 2-1/2 inches in diameter and 1/4 of an inch thick. See the colored dots on there? That is the EYE color, the number is the needle size. NO GUESSING! Turn the clear plastic cover (there is a little hole in one spot) to 'dial out' your specific needle! So cool... you can see your needles at a glance, LOVE those colored eyes... and if you end up losing every one of these needles at some point.. the little compact will still work for regular needles too! Package includes 24 needles, 6 of each size. Just the coolest!
  • We also have added the Black Hypo-Allergenic Pony Tapestrys in size 22. AND... have added another assortment of Tapestry - just one 22, 24 and 26 in the package.
Pony All Black Beading Needles Size 10 BLACK EYE - click for more Pony All Black Beading Needles Size 10 BLACK EYE with no nickel plating - click for more

New Pony BEADING Needles
Another new black hypo-allergenic Pony Needle, these are size 10 (only much longer than the normal ones) for beads.

Super thin, they are all black, and actually, I can SEE their eye to thread!I can't see the eye on regular steel needles because they reflect the light.

So, another fun new needle to try... 5 in the package. See what you think! They are pretty easy to hold as they are a complete 2 inches long.

Pony Needles - Hypoallergenic White-Eye Black Needles - click for more Pony Needles - Hypo-allergenic Black Eye #28 Tapestry Needles! - click for more Pony Hypo-allergenic Black Eye #28 Tapestry Needle with no nickel plating - click for more
Presenting Pony Black Needles! *Hypoallergenic Blacks* and *Colored Eye Tapestry*
You Need these Needles! A new line for us in the shop - we're excited for the selection and the features they offer. Each package contains 6 needles.
Hypoallergenic White Eye - This is a collection of BLACK STEEL needles. They do not have nickel plating on them. (Shiny needles have a nickel plating that can be an allergen - that is one reason shiny needles tarnish.) These are awesome because they feature a narrow shaft with that high contrast white eye - against the black - for easy threading. The black needle gives you a tip that is easier to see when you're aiming for your stitching hole, too! We have several sizes and types:
Tapestry - Regular Cross Stitch Needles in #24, 26 and 28 and an assorted package of 2-18, 2-20, 1-22 and 1-26. Check out those gorgeous-easy-to-see-eyes!
Ball Point - This is an assorted-sized package - smaller white eye, sharp tip - but with that micro-ball tip.
Chenille - An assorted-sized package of sharp needles with large eyes, these are used for wool applique embroidery --we also use them for our embroidered tea towels. These follow the same size that tapestry needles do... they are simply sharp rather than dull like a Tapestry.
A Late Pony Needle Arrival - Hypo-allergenic Black Eye #28 Tapestry Needles! This little package of needles belongs in our collection of hypo-allergenic stainless needles by Pony. We're 'storing them' in the same description line as our other black needles - with white eyes - but these are all black! These are really fun... and because they are black you can see where your needle point is! We like the white-eye versions because they are easy to thread, but honestly, these aren't hard either - because you can see the light through the eye! Something new and unique - just don't confuse yours with black kitty hair on the couch! A lovely petite size too!

Pony Colored Eye Tapestry Needles - click for more     Compare Red Eye 28 needle with John James 28 gold tapestry needle - click for more

Pony Colored Eye Tapestry Needles - Love these too! These are nickel-plated steel needles - with colored eyes! You can tell by looking at them what size your needle is! The #24's have a black eye - which is actually very easy to see. The #26 has a teal eye, and the teeny-weeny #28's have a red eye! We have these in an assortment pack of 2 each #24, 26 and 28, and single-size packs of 6 needles each as well. (#28's have 5 in the pack vs 6.)
Look at the size difference of the Red Eye #28 needle! It is next to a John James #28 gold tapestry needle! It is definitely smaller!

John James Gold Plated Tapestry Needles - click for more
John James Gold Plated Tapestry Needles
Nickel under gold, Tapestry needles feature a dull point to 'roll over' your fabric threads to find the hole easily.

Size 20 and 22 work great for larger Pearl cottons (like for the Shepherd's Bush Stockings on the 18ct linen). Size 24 is generally for 14/28ct.

John James Nickel Tapestry Needles - click for more
John James Tapestry Needles
Same sizes, dull points as the Gold Plated.

John James Bead Embroidery Needles - click for more
John James Bead Embroidery Needles
Teeny-tiny needles to fit a standard seed bead. You might find an Ultra-fine threader is helpful to thread them! The Ball Points feature a small ball point - like an ink pen - to help glide over the threads and find the hole.

*Note: The Pat's Favorite Needles #28 will also fit a seed bead. Larger eye, they simply come in larger packages, so pricing can be the issue.)

Bohin Tapestry Needles - click for more
Bohin of France
Nickel plated steel... dull point.

Platinum Needles - click to see more Platinum Needles
John James has run out of Platinum Needles, and because costs have risen so much, will not be plating more. Yarn Tree, one of our industry distributors, purchased their back-stock that were loose -- just bulk -- and re-packaged them in their cool little screw-top clear plastic needle vials! So, now we have Platinum Tapestry Needles again!!! ('till these are gone, too!)

Some stitchers have allergies to nickel -- the normal plating on needles -- so Platinum is a more comfortable stitching option. (Do your needles get brown-ish (tarnished) and draggy??? If so, you are probably allergic to nickel!) So... for a happy time, we have Tapestry Needles available in #24 for 14/28 counts, #26 for 32-ish counts and #28 for smaller count fabrics.

Ball Point Needles by Sullivan's -- click to see more Ball Point Needles by Sullivan's -- click to see more Have you tried the new Ball Point Needles? Now Available in #26 and #28, Too!
By Sullivans, these little babies are really DIFFERENT! They actually have a tapered tip, with a tiny ball point on the end. That little ball glides over your fabric threads and goes right into the holes easier than a regular tapestry needle! Then, because of the funny-shaped tip... if you want to use them to rip out stitches, that tip grabs your threads very easily!

Offered in packs of 2 needles, each... we had only the #24's, but #26 and #28 have now arrived. Get a pack, see what you think!

English Tapestry Needles by Scarlet Today -- click to see more English Tapestry Needles from Scarlet Today
Another brand option in needles... these are *High Quality English Needles* by Scarlet Today.

If you look at her logo... you'll see Carol Burnett's famous Scarlet O'Hara coming down the stairs with her curtain rod dress - you know - 'the one she saw in the window, and just had to have!'

The 8 needles come packaged in a very unpolitically correct package these days as well - a MATCHBOOK sleeve! Super fun, and of course, functional!!! Offered in sizes 20 and 22 and a mixed set - 2 of each size.

Needle ID Cards - click for more Needle ID Cards - click for more
Needle ID Cards
Wow... this is a neat new 'gadget-y' Stitching Aid! Super-functional, this is a set of 6 cards approx 2 x 3-1/2 inches in size that help you identify your needles! Presented in a frosted plastic envelope (stays clean and organized and unbent in your stitching bag) each of the 6 heavy-card stock cards features a bit of needle history on one side, as well as the specific properties of its featured needle. On the reverse, you'll find images of actual-sized needles, along with their particular size. Now you can identify all those stray needles you have poked into your cushions.

BUT, BUT, BUT, what is also really cool about this set of cards, is simple information. If you have a pattern that calls for a particular needle -- like a Milliners in a size 5 -- here is a picture of one -- its exact size. You can tell what it's supposed to look like, and if you have another needle in your stash that will work for the task. Very cool little cards to ID Betweens, Chenille, Sharps, Milliners, English Crewel Embroidery and Tapestry! Every Stitcher would love a set of these!!!!

Needle Grabbers - click for more
Needle Grabbers
Totally handy little silicone disks... these are just like miniature jar openers... for your fingers and a stubborn needle. Nothing fancy - just functional!

Package of three, disks are shown in the pic next to a quarter so you can gauge their size - 1-1/2 inches in diameter.

Clear Magnetic Needle Keeper Boxes -- click to see a moreClear Magnetic Needle Keeper Boxes
These are super-simple but SUPER needle organizers! 1-1/4 wide x 3 long x 3/8 of an inch high, these are plastic boxes with white magnetic material lining the bottom. You can see through the lid to know what's inside. The magnetic bottom holds your needles in place along with any metal needle threaders you put in them. Here's the cool part... you can LABEL these as to size of needle!!!!!

They're small and only $2.95 each... so get a box for each needle size and you CAN TELL WHAT YOU HAVE!!!! Small enough for sewing cases, lightweight for stitching totes, I like that I can SEE what's inside and I can LABEL it if I want!

The Calendar Series from Buttermilk BasinWhite Emery
99% Pure Aluminum Oxide... this is a super-fine grain emery abrasive powder that is used to stuff pin cushions and scissor fobs. A beautiful, clean white color... it's a cleaner, brighter filler than the traditional grey-black emery previously in our market.

Offered in a 4-oz package... 4 Tablespoons-ish to me... along with the emery material... you are treated to a WONDERFUL history and explanation of emery! (Rubies and Sapphires are made from the same substance... since the middle of the 1500's, there has been a need for this abrasive substance to clean steel needles. An entire page of really interesting info about this historic product is included, and I really, really enjoyed reading it!

Anyway, this powder is super-heavy to your hand, and is generally used as a needle-cleaning agent. It feels really good in your hand... as it weights your tiny fobs and cushions perfectly! Get some for your stash, to use for neat cushions, fobs and special sewing cases!

Smart Punch Needles - click to see more Smart Punch Needles - click to see more
Smart Punch Needles
We have a new Punch Needle option! They describe their little gems with lots of important details:
Smart punch is ergonomically designed with a larger handle to reduce the risk of tendonitis, pain of arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Designed for comfortable punching, you will also enjoy the thumb indentation on the front of the punch needle that lines up perfectly with the front, beveled edge, of your needle, always keeping it in the proper punching position. With five different loop heights that can be easily adjusted you will find yourself creating beautiful punch needle projects in no time at all.

Smart Punch comes with the most commonly used medium size needle, needle threader and even an extra needle. You will be able to put 2 strands of 8 or 12 wt Pearl Cotton through this needle or 4-6 strands of floss. The needle comes with a punch needle lesson and great tips and hints along with some Do's and Don'ts!

Ultra Punch Needles - click to see more Ultra Punch Needles are BACK!
After a stressful discontinuation of these in the Punch Needle Industry... the right people did the right things to get these made again... and back into the market place! Ultra-Punch needles have been around for something like 50 years... definitely a longtime favorite needle.

The complete set is presented with the small, medium (installed in the needle), and large tips and two threaders, and very comprehensive 6-page instruction book.

Ultra Punch Extra Tip Set - click to see more I read through that little booklet - it tells you everything you ever wanted to know (or possibly not!) about the needle, changing tips, threading, fabrics to use and how to transfer designs, the hoops you need, setting the loop length, holding the needle, then... into the actual punching, sculpting, cutting, brushing... whew! It's all there!

We also have the three-tip EXTRA sets available, just the three tips - no main needle shaft, no booklet, no threaders.

Needle-Safe -- click to see a moreNeedle-Safe
These have been around 'since the beginning of time!' 2-1/4 x 4-1/2 x 5/8 an inch in size... they are pretty plain looking, but SUPER handy! Opening it up, you'll find both sides are lined with magnets to hold needles. I have my scissors with a little fob on them in there... needles, threaders, a little highlighter sheet, a small crystal nail can get a lot of stuff on one of these! Now, the hinge is plastic. The minute you drop this for the first time, it will break.

There isn't a shopowner in sight at a class at Market that isn't carrying around one of these that broke in their shop! We all have 'em... complete with rubber band around them... 'cause they're still good -- even with a broken hinge! Kind of like a 'rite of passage!' I whip mine out of my stitching bag going thru the metal detectors at the airport, and it ALWAYS goes thru with no problems! Definitely an 'Old Faithful!'

Klaer Ultra-Fine (Beading) Threader
A super-duper thin wire in melted into this plastic threader, securely attached to thread teeny needles, perfectly! Used in quilting, beadwork, heirloom sewing and fine needlework, the super-fine, diamond-shaped wire is designed for threading 'Betweens #12,' 'Sharps #11 and 12,' Milliners #11, and Beading #10 & 12. Absolutely wonderful... you'll want these to keep in every needlecase you own! Ours are packaged 2 to a pack, in a clear, protective plastic sleeve. Really cool!

Ultra-Fine Threader

Klaer All-Purpose Threader
A great all-around needle threader... these will thread Tapestry needles as well as many others. The durable design features a wire that is fused into the plastic housing, along with a recessed cutting blade on the opposite end! There is even a small hole provided in case you want to attach it to a favorite chatelaine or project! Ours are packaged in pairs in a protective plastic sleeve. Very handy!

All-Purpose Threader

Klaer Needlework Threader
The heavy-duty version of our other two threaders, this one is perfect for Tapestry and Chenille needles. Used for needlepoint, cross-stitch, hardanger and embroidery, it's perfect for Pearl Cottons, yarn, ribbons and specialty threads (like some of the heavier Rainbow Gallery ones!). The square design of the threader allows the thread to 'spread out' as it passes through the eye of the needle, so there is much less stress, (and less breakage later on!) It features a recessed cutting blade, as well as a hole for attachment to a chatelaine or sewing case. Packaged by the pair in a wonderful clear plastic protective sleeve.

Needlework Threader

Klaer Threader Collection
A trio of needle threaders, each with a specific use. Specially packaged for The Silver Needle in a handy, clear storage sleeve. $7.50 pkg.

Ultra-Fine: for quilting and beading needles.

All Purpose: a good general use threader with a built-in cutter.

Heavy-Duty Threader: for larger threads and delicate fibers, too. Also has a built-in cutter.

The Threader Collection

Needle ID Cards - click for more Favorite Needle Threaders
This threader has been the favorite for 'just-forever!' Formerly known as a *Muriel*... (named after the lady that designed then, I believe) you just found a new best friend! Muriel passed away several years ago, I remember something about the family not continuing with her product... we 'lost track' of them for several years... and found them again!

Just a flat, thin, lightweight metal needle threader, perfect for thick and thin threads, the hole in the center allows you to teather your *Muriel* to anything else to keep track of her! Measuring just 3/4 x 1-3/4 of an inch... paper thin... this little baby fits anywhere and is a great help. Don't know if it is because it is solid and the holes to thread your thread through are so much easier to see than wire threaders, or the fact that there is NOTHING to break on these that make them so good, they have just always been the *Go To* Threader!

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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