Marjorie Massey Logo The Silver Needle, Fine Needlework Materials, everything for cross stitch
6068 S. Sheridan Rd.    Tulsa, Ok. 74145  (918) 493-1136  (888) 543-7004   E-Mail    

We have beautiful new arrivals by Marjorie Massey. Even though she's French... we can still read the chart symbols and our familiar DMC color numbers! (Her chart titles are very confusing and numbering is not consistent, so we'll try to do our best labeling them in our mouse-overs and dropdowns!) All are available in chart format, very clear, colored graphs. Remember, you can change colors and fabrics - it's YOUR stitching!!!!

Woodland Sampler from Marjorie Massey - click for more PR33 Sampler Primitif III from Marjorie Massey - click for more
Woodland Sampler and Sampler Primitif III
Hereare more delightful quaker-inspired samplers by Marjorie Massey. Theyd be neat hanging in a mountain cabin because they feature deer, evergreens, squirrels and acorns, and have a 'coverlet feel' to them because of the reverse alphabet at the bottom.

Woodland Sampler
Stitched in only one or two colors - choose a hand-dyed that you like against a background fabric that you like - absolutely nothing is called on the chart! Put your family initial in the center circle... and you know what? You can even change the alphabet to spell anything else besides THE ALPHABET! Stitch count is approx 170 x 200, the chart is nice and big, and she does have it printed in two colors of ink.

Sampler Primitif III
Measures 261 x 198, pretty Quaker border on this!

When Christmas Comes from Marjorie Massey - click for more Wish You a Merry Winter PR9 from Marjorie Massey - click for more Peace
  • When Christmas Comes - (PR20E)Two charts in here, about 5 x 6 and 6 x 7 on 35ct.
  • Wish You a Merry Winter (PR9) - Three charts in here, Santa is 3 x 8 on 35ct.
  • Peace Sampler II When Winter Comes (PR8) - Two designs in here... the larger one is 169 x 137 - 4-1/2 x 9 on 32ct. Colored or stitched with only one shade.

Sampler Primitif II PR18 from Marjorie Massey - click for more When This You See VS1 from Marjorie Massey - click for more
  • Sampler Primitif II (PR18) - This one is a Needleworker's Sampler! Can you see the scissors in here? The pin cushion on the base? The spool and thimble? Not to mention all those gorgeous Quaker motifs all around the edges! Measures 194 x 134 - so 13 x 9 on 32ct. DMCs of 3799, 645, 924, 3768 and 926 - GORGEOUS!
  • When This You See (VS1) Just a simpler piece, it measures 9-1/2 x 7 on 32ct, this color scheme suggests DMC blues of 823, 312 and 322. Not as involved as some of the rest.

Prairie Girls Sampling FQ4 Quaker Style IV from Marjorie Massey - click for more Carres Quaker FQ9 from Marjorie Massey - click for more Prairie Prairie
  • Prairie Girls Sampling Quaker Style IV (FQ4) Love both of these! Smaller one is 125 x 125, larger one is 154 x 154. The central rooster is awesome!
  • Carres Quaker (FG9) Soul Sisters and Square Quaker designs are both in here. 101 and 106 stitches square - they'll finish 6 x 6 on 35ct.
  • Prairie Girls Sampling PGS3 Harvest - Peace and Plenty - the larger one is 129 x 129 stitches.
  • Prairie Girls Sampling PGS2 Queen Bee - Cute little piece - I'd do some gold in there! Big piece is 125 x 125, smaller cushion is 95 x 95 - so 6 inches on 32ct!

Peace Sampler VS5 Peace to my Friend Chart from Marjorie Massey - click for more Prairie Girls Sampling FQ3 Quaker Style III from Marjorie Massey - click for more Prairie
  • Peace Sampler VS5 - Peace to my Friend - this has several parts you could pull out and stitch for individual pin cushions. It measures 120 x 285 - so 8 x 19 on 32ct.
  • Prairie Girls Sampling Quaker Style III FQ3 - Full of sheep, bees, the farm girl - just charming! Measures 118 x 177, so 8 x 12 on 32ct.
  • Prairie Girls Sampling Quaker Style VI - More gorgeous motifs plus a big alphabet for monogramming. This one is 133 x 174 -- 7-1/2 x 10 on 35ct.

Prairie Girls Sampling FQ5 Quaker Style V from Marjorie Massey - click for more

Prairie Girls Sampling FQ5 Quaker Style V
The rooster, a dog, fruits, some keys, birds, butterflies and the date - it's all in here!

16 x 11-1/2 On 32ct.

The Silver Needle
6068 S. Sheridan    Tulsa, Ok. 74145
(918) 493-1136    Fax: (918) 493-1933
Toll Free Order Line: (888) 543-7004
Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST,  Monday - Friday
10 - 4 CST,  Saturday

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