An Archive of Retired Secret Needle Night Designs
July, 2009
The North Pole Flight School
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Finished by Mona Bost
Presenting our latest Secret Needle Night design! Every month we're busily designing, stitching and finishing some cute little seasonal something-or-another... and July's theme is always 'Christmas in July!' Everything we've done so far this year has been a little house or business... so this is Santa's Reindeer's Boarding School!!! Designed for Silver Needle by Brooke Nolan, I chose the threads, and Mona stitched (what I didn't complete!) and finished it into it's holiday pillow. We offer our Secret Needle Nights in small complete kits of chart, 10ct fabric, all the specialty threads and little embellishments. Mona even makes finishing kits with her fabrics and trims for you, if you want your final product to look like the original. |
June 2009
Uncle Sam's Fireworks Factory
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Stitching & Finishing by Mona Bost
Wouldn't this make a darling Fireworks Factory??? You could walk into through the front door (his mouth) and step up to your CEO office space and look out over the countryside through your office windows (his eyes!). Production takes place upstairs, product testing on the roof!!!
OK... lots of Fyrewerks metallic threads this month, and a recipe for Raspberry Lemonade Pie... we're definitely nearing summertime around here! 10ct Betsy Ross linen, complete kit of threads and embellishments, Uncle Sam's Factory finishes approx 4 x 7. Mona has made him into a miniature building stand-up! |

May 2009
The Crabbiest Castle on the Beach!
(aka... The Crab is IN!)
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Our charming crustacean craves your company... and although our recipe this month is for Crab Cakes... she will NOT be serving that for dinner!!! She's stitched on Blue 10ct Linen, in shimmery Fyrewerks.
Against the sandy Pearl Cottons of her castle, we've added some glistening blue Arctic Rays thread for the frothy water along the beach! Quite a stylish Seaside Abode! |

April 2009
The Pot Shop!
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Oh... come visit our tiny florist to pick up a few new Spring Plantings!!! Every month, The Silver Needle presents one of our own designs that we've stitched on 10ct fabric, using special threads. We're in the middle of a 'cute houses and shops' theme this year, and The Pot shop is our April kit for May Flowers!!!
For only $17.50... you get the original chart, all the fabric, threads and all embellishments for our charming little 5 to 6-ish inch designs! Our Mona even makes a matching *finishing kit*, that runs $27, that includes the finishing fabrics, linings, bows, cording and necessary assembly instructions, so yours WILL turn out JUST LIKE ours! Just something cute and really easy to stitch... we love them! |

March 2009
The Carrot Condo...
Designed by Brooke Nolan
The PERFECT living space for a growing family of rabbits... their garden is planted with lots of carrots, and jelly beans dot the landscape! Very Velvet in the carrot, and Fuzzy Stuff in the greenery, this looks TOO good to eat!
Mona's finishing treatment is a stand-up wedge shape, and this month's recipe is for carrot cupcakes -- what else?! |

February 2009
Prime Real Estate!...
Designed by Robert Bost
Wouldn't it be lovely to live in a pot of gold??? (Especially if the mortgage was paid off???!) We're celebrating St Patrick's Day this month, with our idea of the perfect little leprechaun abode! Mona had an idea... did a *really rough* sketch of this... and presented it to husband, Robert, who is actually getting to be a whiz on our cross stitch software! ROBERT did this for us!!!
This month's little leprechaun lives in a 10ct Silk 'n Cream Pot, with a Gold Fuzzy Stuff roof, complete with beaded bullions! The Fyrewerks rainbow has brightened up his windows, too!!! Stuffed mushrooms are the featured recipe this month... so yummy! |

January 2009
Cupid's Chocolate Shoppe
by Brooke Nolan; Everything Else by Mona and Lindy
A lovely confectionery... complete with red foil and milk chocolate colors!!! Something for to display for Valentine's Day... we chose a lot of Very Velvet, because we like the ease of stitching with it, along with Fyrewerks metallic -- easy to work with, as well.
Tonight's recipe celebrates LOVE and the color RED! Lindy's Cranberries, complete with brandy!!! You'll love stitching Cupid's Shoppe, and serving the cranberries all over almost anything! |

December 2008
Home Chilly Home
by Brooke Nolan, Everything Else by Mona and Lindy
We're going to begin a year of tiny houses and shop windows, and begin it with a Snowman's Dream House! A wonderland of whites and icy blues, Frosty's igloo is worked in Very velvet, sports a Fyrewerks stove pipe -- complete with a knitted cap that matches his! 
His trusty Westie isn't so white... that one has been playing in the snow! Mona's finishing treatment is a Quick 'n Easy Easel stand-up -- her finishing kit includes
all but your stitching! |
November 2008
'Lil Sprig Goes Shopping!
by Brooke Nolan
'Lil Sprig has gone shopping to find just the right tree for the elves' workshop!!! His skinny little legs have enough strength to pull that cheerful tree, because his little bird friend cheers him on!

We loved this looonngg and thiiinnn design of Brooke's, and had Diane -- the Clay Lady -- make us that special little cardinal! 10 Ct Betsy Ross, Arctic Rays snow detail you may not see in the pic, beads and buttons on tree and hat. We used brighter, younger Christmas colors, because we were in a 'young and fresh mood' this month!!! |

October 2008
Give Thanks
by Brooke Nolan
Our plump Cornucopia is spilling with the season's harvest! Homespun Elegance's Olde Brass Buttons are the featured embellishments -- we went for subdued color this time -- some Weeks Mulberry #5 for the lettering, and lots of Very Velvet for a soft look.
Mona's Quick 'n Easy Easel standup is a perfect holiday decoration finishing idea, because you can fold this up FLAT to store away with your other decorations! Her finishing kit, like always, comes with the hand-twisted cording, pre-tied bow, pre-cut boards... just everything! |

September 2008
Stitchy Acres
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Finishing by Mona BostOur Halloween tribute to all your UFOs (unfinished objects!) Brooke has designed us Stitchy Acres... where you've buried all those who have come before and deserve to be forgotten!!! The ultimate in needlework disposal... Stitchy Acres!
The restful place where you can choose to bury all your unfinished pieces that you never care to see again!!! Our middle stone says RIP... and we've left the other two stones to you -- to personalize! A lovely Fyrewerks metallic harvest moon, the wrought iron cemetery gates we've done in Very Velvet, and that ridiculous metallic toad who's waiting to be kissed... it's darling!
Mona's tombstone hanging finishes off Stitchy Acres with style! (complete with bats and Halloween moons!) Tonight's recipe is for S-Mores Brownies... very gooey... like you need more sugar at Halloween...! |
August 2008
Summer Fields
Designed by Brooke Nolan
And The Secret Needle Night Team!
We finish our Four Seasons Farmyard set with fields of brilliant summer green Pearl Cotton, and a velvety cow!
Hand-dyed yellow perle for the trees makes the color changes in the leaves so easy! Mona's bright red and white check pillow brings a summer picnic to mind! |

July 2008
Santa: 2008 Chef Of The Year!
Design by Brooke Nolan
Stitching and Finishing by Mona Bost
Doesn't this tray of goodies look enchanting??? Our Santa has been busy in the kitchen, dressed in his red Silk and Wool PJ's and glitzy Fyrewerks apron and hat!
10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen, lots of Fuzzy Stuff for his beard, cute buttons by Just Another Button Co... and Mona's delightful little Quick 'n Easy Easel finishing... we're all about 'Christmas in July!!!' Our featured recipe makes peppermint meringue kisses... something extra-pretty for the upcoming cookie exchanges! |

June 2008
Design by Brooke Nolan
Everything Else by The Secret Needle Night Team!
We thought we'd go Americana this month... in time for the 4th of July! Mona's husband, Robert, (who cuts the boards for the finishing kits) remarked that 'Obviously George answered 'NO' when Martha asked if her dress made her look fat!' We laughed and laughed... because we love our design this month!
10ct Vintage Country Mocha Tula, Crescent Colours overdyed #5 Perles, and burgundy micro buttons for the cherries in the tree! Tonight's Desert... Fruit Kebobs with Lime Dip! |

May 2008
Summer at the Seashore
Design by Brooke Nolan
Lots of Fyrewerks and bright Pearl Cottons... the mermaid gracing our
summer medley this month was hand-made especially for this
Tonight's recipe features a shrimp spread recipe -- we had to
make something from the sea -- but I bet our mermaid won't sample it! |

April 2008
Spring Fields
Design by Brooke Nolan; Everything Else: Mostly Mona and a Little Lindy!
Spring sheep -- stitched in French Knots of Alpaca graze in our checker-boarded fields! The button flowers turned out to look like Easter Eggs... but if you trail them up the fence, you'll have floral vines!
Tonight's Recipe is for Raspberry Chocolate Trifle - so pretty and Spring-y! |
March 2008
Just Ducky!
Our cute little duck is splashing through the Spring Rains... did you notice that his umbrella is a big pink tulip??? Wet metallic boots, a Velvet chick, and fresh flowers growing in the wet garden, he's very quick to stitch this month! Tonight's recipe was the 'shop-snack' on Monday... it's a lemon cheesecake... light and fruity for Spring.
To make seasonal decorations easier to store away, Mona's finishing this month is actually a flat tri-fold panel that is tied together into a stand-up wedge! Super Easy! |

February 2008
Irish at Heart
Our little leprechaun is bringing you his huge, sparkly green Shamrock Heart... full of Irish Spirit! We made those leaves as festive as we could -- overdyeds and metallics in rich greens -- dressed him to match -- and garnished all of it with a clay pipe and lucky pot of gold!
Tonight's recipe features a Margarita Cake... something that 'feels green' and takes no time at all to make, thus providing extra stitching time!! |

January 2008
Love Potion
Ohhh... a Little Love is coming your way!!! Frosty Rays is the perfect thread this month for our tiny bottle of steamy Valentine
Love! Lots of metallic pink and black on an opalescent 10ct Tula...
the little Potion label is hand-made just for us!
Mona has made us a
cube stand-up, and shared her recipe for Cranberry Bark! |

December 2007
Winter Fields
It's our little farm scene again... only blanketed crystals and icy snow! The one-horse open-sleigh is Fyrewerks, the horse is Velvet... the barn is the same, but now the trees are bare, and decorated with Arctic
Rays snow flakes! Terry, one of the shop gals supplied us with her
old-time-favorite peanut butter and cornflake cookies... something fun to
make on a cold, blustery day!!! |

November 2007
Ready for Santa!
All except for that FIRE in the fireplace!!! Our little scene this month sports lush Very Velvet and Fyrewerks greenery, and a pair of handmade stockings hanging from the mantel!! 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, we stitched the fire with Arctic Rays... and it looks alive!
Kit shipping this month is being delayed till next Monday. I am in 'time-denial-mode!' Just returning from the Houston Quilt Festival on Monday... our Camp Wannasew Ladies arrive Thursday morning... just behind the late-arriving kit threads!! 
Secret Needle Night looks calm and peaceful, organized and ready... an inspiration!!! Mona has delivered a Quick 'n Easy Easel Stand-up this month, with the most luscious metallic fabric!!! I have to tell you that the back of this piece is just about as lovely as the front!!! |

October, 2007
Autumn Fields
Designed by Brooke Nolan
A darling miniature farm scene... I don't think the scarecrow is scaring that little bird on the fence post! Lots of luscious Fall color in the #5 Pearl Cotton this month, it's easy stitching, and we love all those fun pumpkin and squash buttons on there.
Mona found luscious fabric to finish the pillow... I'm not sure if the raffia in the bow is actually the hay from the fields!! Tonight's pillow is finished using Mona's Single Flange Pillow style. Mona's finishing kit contains same fabric, bow and twisted cord that she has already tied and twisted for you, and the assembly instructions and secrets! |

September, 2007
Bring Your Own Broom!
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Mona and I had a great time choosing all sorts of bright greens, purples and orange threads this month... and there was great debate in the shop about various hat shapes... we present our final product!! 10ct, lots of Frosty Rays and Fyrewerks... the confetti beads were my idea!

Mona's finishing is a hollow wedge -- ribbon on the right-hand edge fills the cavity.
Notice the little broom??? She made that, and it's included in the finishing kit! Happy Halloween! |

August 2007
The Little Mermaid
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Our August Mermaid should bring to mind refreshing, tropical water, and maybe a lush vacation! We've stitched her on Opalescent Tula, using metallic ribbons and added lots of bead embellishments for sparkle. Mona's finishing treatment is a triangular stand-up -- notice the pearl feet? Too Cute!
Tonight's recipe is for an olive 'bruschetta'... something PERFECT to serve during a summer evening of entertainment that is cool and classy! |

July 2007
Ho Ho Santa,
Designed by Brooke Nolan, Threads by Lindy and Mona
It's Christmas in July around here... Brooke has designed us a cheerful little guy holding up his greeting of his season!!! Stitched on 10ct Linen, we've used Silk 'n Creams, Fuzzy Stuff, Angora and Velour threads, along with some Just Another Button Co buttons.
Mona's box is available through her finishing kits, and tonight's recipe is something fun that we've affectionately named Jingle Bites! |

June 2007
Wings of Freedom
Designed by Brooke Nolan, Threads by Lindy and Mona
Today's design is definitely patriotic in theme... it's the June Kit, celebrating July! What is more classic than an eagle along with stars and stripes???
Lots of DMC Pearl Cottons and Rainbow Gallery Metallics, 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, and a cool Standing Cube by Mona -- complete with tiny painted feet!!! |

May, 2007:
Laundry in Paradise
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Threads by Lindy and Mona
Well, MY laundry room doesn't look like this... but I wish it did! Our swaying coconut palms, complete with overdyed fronds, are keeping the tropical shirt, flip-flops and lei safe from the billowing Softsheen Fyre Werks waves and handmade sea life below! Check out that little crab and the wooden coconuts! We chose a holographic yellow metallic for the sun -- to make it look 'extra sizzly!' Mona's Quick 'n Easy Easel Stand-up finishing kit this time includes the organza wired ribbons in yellow, seafoam and blue... to match the waves!

April, 2007:
Ladybug Garden
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Threads by Lindy and Mona
Something crisp and colorful for Spring... our little ladybug brings a bouquet of yellow flowers to your garden! We gave her Frosty Rays for sparkly wings, and an exclusive yellow flower in her 'hair!' to match her bouquet. Bright green Very Velvet Springtime greenery, and Mona's Quick 'n Easy Easel Stand-up finishing... tonight's recipe comes from Charlotte Dudney of Designs from the Pep'r Pot. Strawberry Cake... (we're getting great berries in the stores in Oklahoma right now!) it's red and matches our Ladybug!!!
Brooke Designs, Mona and I choose threads, model is stitched 3-4 times,
proto-type is sent for embellishment design, threads and fabric are
ordered, charts finalized, finishing determined, model photographed for
instructions that I write and the web pic, recipe tested, threads sent out
for bundle assembly, and kits finally produced in the shop the Saturday
before Secret Needle Night! *Every Month!... Only for Secret Needle Night!!!* |

March, 2007:
The Easter Cottage
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Our darling little Easter Egg Cottage is a sugary confection of Rainbow Gallery's Frosty Rays, decorated with Pearl Cotton flowers, beads, bunnies and birds... complete with sprouting Carrot Shrubs! 10ct Opalescent Tula, Mona's little cube box features tiny egg feet!
Tonight's recipe features a chocolate trifle... something the Easter Bunny left in my basket last year!!! |

February, 2007:
Happy Rainbow's End
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Think Green!!! The lucky pot of gold is here, catching the rainbow's bounty! We've used lots of Fyrewerks metallics, Arctic Rays and beads in that little pot, and added a perky little Shamrock button, to boot! Mona has outdone herself with an under-pillow, and tie-around sham treatment
this month! A fun pillow, great colors, and chocolate in tonight's Italian
Truffles recipe! Life is Lucky!! |
January, 2007:
I'm Yours, You're Mine!
Designed by Brooke Nolan
Our little lovebirds this month are huddled together in a rain-shower of Valentines! Very Velvet birds, and glass bead raindrops, we've created a special clay Valentine Heart button embellishment, tucked down by the verse.
Mona made our Lovebirds into a picture frame, so you can add a favorite photo... or two, or three! Since we're 'chocolated-out' from The Holidays, tonight's recipe is for a delicious tomato soup, warm on a winter evening, and red for Valentines! |
December, 2006:
Winter Snows Me
Designed by Mona Bost
Our final 4th-season, you get a dusting of snow, a cute snowman, and the
most darling penguin sledding along for the fun of it! Using 10 Count Betsy
Ross, metallic for the sled, pearl cotton, velvet velour for Mr Snow's hat
and fuzzy threads for his scarf, we added Arctic Rays for the fluffy
snow. The 'star attraction'... the little penguin was handmade just for
our design! |

November, 2006:
Home Sweet Home
Designed by Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books
Someone STOP this little mouse from eating his tasty gingerbread house before its all gone!!! He needs a place to stash all his Christmas goodies!
Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross, Brooke designed us the little cottage, and we chose the colors and types of threads. Lots of metallic Fyrewerks for the candy and snow, some furry Wisper for the hungry visitor, we've added a few Mill Hill snowflakes to float in the sky!
Mona has made a Quick 'n Easy Easel for us, and tonight's recipe -- Harvest Pumpkin Crunch -- comes from Celia -- one of the shop gals. (Should be a gingerbread house recipe... but we're still in a Fall mood around here!) Enjoy your Home Sweet Home for the Holidays! |

October, 2006:
Autumn Awes Me
Designed by Mona Bost
Lots of Fall Color, cute JABCO clay buttons, overdyed Weeks Perle, lots of
Rainbow Gallery Fuzzy Stuff and Very Velvet threads, not to mention a great
recipe, this month's design is our third season... and bursting with
enthusiasm! Stitched on 10ct Country Mocha Tula, its a quick stitch --
which gives you more time to bake the super-easy cake recipe! Mona's
finishing kit provides you ALL the same fabrics, cording and pretty ribbons
we have on our model!
NOTE: We are now offering the Secret Needle Night option of receiving one
of Magic By Mona's finishing kits at the same time, and right along with
your SNN kit! The finishing kit will contain the exact fabrics and trims
we used on the pictured piece, (Mona even makes the cord and pre-ties the
ribbons for you!) and complete instructions for making your stitching look
just like ours! (and might I say... it will look beautiful and
professional!!!) |
September, 2006:
Mr Frank N. Stein
Designed by Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books
Introducing Mr Frank N. Stein... wishing you a Happy Howl-ween! Stitched on 10ct Sand Tula, he features a purple metallic jacket, lovely green coloring, and even silver screws and a tooth!
Guest Designer Brooke Nolan of Brooke's Books Publishing treated us to this charming design this month... 'Frankly', I think he's quite dapper. Check out his hair!!! Tonight's Recipe is a yummy Trail Mix combo with dried cranberries and flavored with pumpkin pie spices... a sweet/salty crispy/crunchy confection!
Mona's finishing this month is a Quick 'n Easy Easel Stand-up, complete with monsters on the fabric! Sorry, already sold out this time! |
August, 2006:
Summer Suits Me!
Designed by Lindy Legener
All the bright metallic Fyrewerks colors this month, and those cute little Just Another Button Company clay fish... I'm ready for that cool swim! Worked on 10ct Opalescent Tula this month, we've added a swirl of gold and silver ice beads in the middle of the sun. I'm not sure that shows up in the pic, but it makes the whole piece 'sizzle!' Tonight's recipe is a cool gazpacho dip... perfect for a summer gathering, or fun to take to work for a break-room snack! |

July, 2006:
The Little Fir Tree
Designed by Lindy Legener
It's time for Christmas in July!!! We did a little fir tree, complete with
bits of green sparkle, snow, and even presents!!! (I KNOW... outside trees
don't usually have presents underneath... but... wouldn't that be
fun? Stitched on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen, we're very subtle this
month... an elegant Christmas touch.
Tonight's recipe has chocolate and cashews... and Mona has another finishing kit for The Little Fir Tree,
complete with jingle bell feet... so life is good!!! |
June, 2006:
Miss American Pie!
Designed by the Secret Needle Night Gals!
Celebrate the 4th of July this month with such a cute American Pie! Birthday candle and all! Stitch a Very Velvet melange (Can't spell that), glitzy Fyrewerks metallics into the fireworks, and enjoy the patriotic colors. You'll be ready for the party! Tonight's recipe is for a blueberry/cherry crisp -- it follows that red, white and blue theme! Mona's finishing kit, available separately, even includes that lavish bow! |

May, 2006:
Lighthouse Teapot
Inspired by one of Mona's teapots in her kitchen!
Such a common name for such a cute lighthouse!!! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross in lots of overdyed Pearl Cottons, the light and windows are Frosty Rays... and notice the new Just Another Button Company seagulls on
here! We special-ordered coffee-dyed birds to go with our fun nautical
colors. Stitch the lighthouse with or without the stone spout and rope
handle... depending on whether or not you want the teapot option!
Mona has made a Tall Triangle Stand-Up... her super-complete finishing kit
includes the little wooden feet, and even the already-tied wire ribbon bows
and twisted cord!!!
And... tonight's recipe is for an unbelievably delicious Crab Dip... we
just had to do something 'ocean-y!' |

April, 2006:
May's Pizzaz!
Designed by Natalie Legener
Don't know if you have Tulips now or in a few weeks... but ours are blooming with personality! 10Ct Opalescent Tula, we've used lots of Frosty Rays and bright colors, some fun little micro-buttons... I just love it! Mona has made a Box Stand-up... and tonight's recipe makes a Banana Butterfinger Cake! Enjoy! |

March, 2006:
Spring Bugs Me!
Designed by the SNN Team
It won't be long till all those creepy little things start coming out in the garden... you start walking through spider webs... and little green worms dangle from the trees and get caught in your hair!!! Your dog comes in the house all muddy... gosh... Spring Bugs Me!!!
Our design this month is on Betsy Ross Linen, and uses lots of Rainbow Gallery specialty threads. The little caterpillar is even wearing red high tops! We're going to do all four seasons like this in 2006. If you're hesitant to do the auto every month... just get those 4 that are coming this year! |

February, 2006:
Paddy O'Needle
Designed by the Silver Needle SNN Team
Our lucky-to-stitch leprechaun Paddy O'Needle is ready for St Pat's Day... dressed with his lucky hat and holding his gold needle! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen in Velvet, metallic, silk and Wisper, he's finished into one of Mona's Quick 'n Easy Easel Stand-ups. Tonight's recipe is a Santa Fe Spinach Dip! It's not a desert... but it DOES have green in it! We're stepping out of the box a little! |
January, 2006:
Tea... With Love!
Designed by Lindy and Mona
Welcome to Secret Needle Night! Our Valentine Teapot bursting with a bright, glitzy heart is waiting for a bit of friendship, or love, to serve it's Valentine's Tea! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross this time, we've decorated our pot with Mill Hill's Magnifica beads and a pink crystal heart Treasure. The pot features Silk 'n Cream, and lots of Fyrewerks from Rainbow Gallery. Mona's finishing kit will transform your pot into the little cube stand-up as shown; her kit, available separately from our SNN kit, even contains the twisted cords and fun ribbons for the top! Tonight's recipe is for Oreo Balls... dipped in chocolate -- ABSOLUTELY TO DIE FOR!!! |
December, 2005:
The Dancing Snowman (aka: ICE BOY!)
from The SN Team
This little guy, delightfully dressed in wild, wintry woolens, and precariously perched on slippery skates, juggles his snowflakes superbly!!! He's worked in opalescent metallic and features the season's favorite hot green, orange and cherry red wools and Fuzzy Stuff threads. Fun glass bead 'charcoal briquette,' and that 'sticky-out' carrot nose... he measures approx 5 x 5 on 10ct Betsy Ross. We've added a bit of Turkey-work on his fringed scarf, too! |
November, 2005:
Jingles - the Elf
from The Silver Needle Gals
Our darling Holiday Elf, bearing gifts, is brought to us by Guest Designer Full Circle Designs this month!!! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross, Jingles - the Elf is sporting a Pearl Cotton outfit, adorned with Fancy Fur trim. His skinny package -- a charming handmade clay button -- matches his skinny little tree, and his skinny little legs!
Tonight's recipe will NOT keep you as skinny as Jingles - the Elf, however, unless you stitch instead of eating!!! Mona has once again, made a finishing kit for Jingles - the Elf... complete with ribbons, twisted cording, precut forms, the whole deal... details are inside this month's kit! Enjoy! Finishing kits for Jingles - the Elf will be available for only a few months, and are $27.00. |
October, 2005:
Give Thanks For Best Friends
from The Silver Needle Gals
Check out this darling set of Best Friends! Our Pilgrim and Indian are stitched in Very Velvet, and have an awesome array of sparkly and furry feathers. We dressed them a bit with teeny beads and buttons, and added some Thanksgiving Bounty clay vegetables for their dinner table!
This was a really fun design to create this month... but we chose 20 different threads -- so the kits are really miniature masterpieces! (Mona's Quick 'N Easy Easel finishing kit will be available for just a couple of months, till the fabrics run out.) Tonight's recipe is for Spicy Pecans -- a sweet treat that I make every year because everyone loves them! Enjoy your best
friend... the stitching... and the pecans! |
September, 2005:
from The Silver Needle Gals
Our Halloween teapot is ready for the season!!! Little Jack-the-Teapot features ghost-ly steam!!! Worked on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, he's stitched with Very Velvet, Weeks overdyed perles and bits of metallics. Clay from Just Another Button Company adds lots of character! Mona has finished Jack into a triangular stand-up -- same as a little wedge-shaped thing... and made the finishing kit as well. As usual, it contains everything you need to duplicate this wonderful wedge standup. Tonight's recipe is for Chocolate Trifle... chocolate, Kalua and toffee... what else could you want?! |
August, 2005:
Let it All Hang Out!
Guest Designers: Raise the Roof Designs
We're featuring celebrity, guest designers -- Teresa and Sue from Raise the Roof Designs -- and thrilled about it! Tulsa and half the country is in the middle of a horrible heat wave, so this month's project is pretty appropriate! (Except that maybe some shouldn't follow this advice literally!) Stitched on Summer Yellow 10ct Tula by Colorscapes, we've used lots of electric Sparkle Rays, beads and some cute Just Another Button Co buttons. Thanks so much to Teresa and Sue from Raise the Roof for their humor and design for this month.
Tonight's recipe is a shop favorite -- cucumber dip. Something perfect for these hot days! |
July, 2005:
Peppermint Santa
Designed by the Silver Needle Gals
Our chubby little Santa puts you in the mood for Christmas in July!!! Lots of special treats this month... we've used hand-dyed Colorscapes Tula by Picture This Plus... and had the peppermint buttons tea-dyed by Just Another Button Company. Santa's beard is fluff that is just tacked on... and most of him is stitched in half-stitches this time around... so he was actually quite quick to stitch! Tonight's recipe for Turtle Cake comes from Robin of Olde Willow Stitchery! (Who... has beautiful new overdyed linen flosses that have just been released!)
Mona has made another cool finishing kit this month... it's for her Quick 'n Easy Easel Standup! Her finishing kit includes the Mona-made twisted cord, the Mona-made PRE-TIED bow, and even a Mona-made clay candy cane to match Santa!!! You'll get complete instructions, the pre-cut board pieces and necessary templates, the backing fabric, and all those decorative treats I've just mentioned! Pretty Cool Deal... $26.00. |

June, 2005:
Designed by the Silver Needle Gals
Our little patriotic beehive is buzzing with excitement this month!!! It was originally going to say 'Old Glory' until Tara -- one of the shop gals -- took it home to stitch the model... and named it 'Liberbee!!!' The hive is Frosty Rays done in satin stitches... and embellishments come from Just Another Button Co. Tonight's recipe is a yummy refrigerated Oreo Cookie Bar thing... lots of whipped cream and Oreos... need I say more? Mona's Box Finishing Kit has the pre-tied bow, Already-Mona-Made twisted cording... etc! Wow! |
May, 2005:
The Jeweled Dragonfly
Designed by Mona Bost & Lindy Legener
Our sparkly-winged dragonfly is ready for your sunny garden or the breezy lake! Quite elegant, stitched in various types of Fyrewerks metallic ribbons, we've trimmed her with larger round and 'niblet' shaped glass beads. On 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, Mona has, once again, outdone herself with a flourish of ribbon and yummy backing fabric to create the finishing kit for this Quick 'n Easy Easel stand-up.
Tonight's recipe is shared by Ellen Chester of With My Needle Designs... it's for Seven Layer Cookies. The
dragonfly and recipe are included in your SNN kit; Mona's finishing is
offered separately! |
April, 2005:
Trip Around the Tulip
Designed by the Silver Needle Gals
We thought we'd bring you a spring tulip this month... appliqued onto a quilt block for a bit of fun! Stitched on 10ct Tula, the tulip is made of Weeks hand-dyed wools, and the little bee adds an early spring touch! The Trip Around the World pattern is stitched on each corner of the quilt... and decorated with that rose tulip. Turn your block horizontally if you wish... make your tulip smaller if you want... just enjoy the pretty soft perle and wool colors! Tonight's recipe celebrates our own Angie -- one of the shop gals -- it's her '100 Pound Cake' -- special, because Angie has just lost her 100th pound... and this cake helped!
Mona has made a finishing kit for your little quilt block, that will finish it just like the pic! Her kit contains the pre-cut boards, batting, backing fabric, Mona's OWN hand-made pre-twisted cording, along with the little tassel and complete finishing instructions! |
March, 2005:
Designed by the Silver Needle Gals
Happy St Pat's Day!!!
Our super-duper carrots make quite a welcoming garden for a special bunny!!! Stitched this month on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, we've chosen a Fuzzy Stuff rabbit, Flair carrots, Silk'n colors for the wording... and a bright JABCO clay flower button! Mona's 'ravioli pillow' is available as a finishing kit, as well. It reminds me of peas and carrots!!!
Mona's finishing kit this month is for the cute 'Peas & Carrots Ravioli Pillow!' Our stitching measures approx 6 x 6, while the completed pillow will measure almost 12 x 12. Her kit contains all the necessary assembly instructions, the cute orange and green fabrics, the already Made-By-Mona twisted cord, interfacing... and even the four orange fabric covered buttons! It's $27.00 and will be available for three-ish months... or until the fabric is gone. |
February, 2005:
Plaid Shamrock
Designed by the Silver Needle Gals
Happy St Pat's Day!!!
Getting you ready for the "wearin' o' the green"... is our delightful plaid Shamrock!!! 10Ct Betsy Ross, luscious green perles, along with gold and purple metallics, the little pot of gold embellishment was especially made for us by Shepherd's Bush! Our plaid stitching technique can be formulated to any color scheme or pattern... details are in your kit! Tonight's recipe is very chocolate-y and full of mint flavor... so what could be better???! Happy Stitching! |
January, 2005:
Hearts of Gold
Designed by Melinda Billam
We have a Valentine's Day inspired design this month, that is full of overdyed raspberry, gold metallic and opalescent greens! Stitched on 10ct Gold Tilla in Fuzzy Stuff, Perles and Metallics, our project finishing this month sports the cool metal finishing forms we discovered last summer! A pretty presentation for February... this is a 'quick stitch!' Tonight's recipe is for a pink (we had to do something pink!!) cheese spread, that's wonderful on crackers or little toasts. Details are in your kit this month! Happy Stitching to all our Silver Needle Stitching Valentines!!! |
December, 2004:
Frosty Mittens
Designed by Linda Stolz
Your pair of fluffy mittens is ready for the snowy weather! Stitched on 10ct Tula, our snowmen are Fuzzy Stuff, and are dressed with yarn scarves, and even a bitty heart button! Cuffs are worked with Very Velvet -- a velour thread -- and the whole creation is finished into a flat-stand-up, by our Mona! Tonight's recipe comes to us from Lizzie Kate's Linda E... it's a Chocolate Fudge Pie that always gets devoured everywhere she takes it!!! |
November, 2004:
Designed by Lindy Legener and Jill Sandberg
Something cute for the Holidays this month... our candy canes are stitched in Pearl Cotton, and dressed up with a glorious handmade Santa Face from Just another Button Co! Worked on 10 ct creme Tula, the wispy tree is Arctic Rays. Tonight's recipe comes from Marcia M of Oklahoma City. Millionaire Pie... it's easily made with hi-carb/no-carb... lots of sugar/no sugar... just whatever your tastes are at the moment! Anyhow, Jingle finishes approx 4 x 7... very festive!
Mona also has a finishing kit this month for Jingle! It's one of her famous Flange pillows, also referred to as a Ravoli Pillow! The complete kit includes the fabrics, ready-Mona-twisted cording, ribbon embellishments, and instructions. All you supply is the stitching, and the stuffing! |
October, 2004:
The Awesome Acorn
Designed by Linda Stolz, Threads by The Silver Needle Gals
I just love the Autumn season... all the colors are just the best! We had a terrible time choosing our favorites this time, because this little acorn looked so good in so many different color and thread choices! Stitched on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen, it features a Fuzzy Stuff squirrel, a Velvet checkerboard cap, and a Holographic Fyrewerks heart, just for a bit of jazz! Mona finished this into her Quick and Easy Easel Stand-up this month... her new technique cuts the sewing time IN HALF! Our recipe this month is a snack-mix that's tangy and quick, (and full of Autumn color!) |
September, 2004:
#13 Witch Way
A collaborative design by Linda Stolz, Mona Bost and Lindy Legener!
Happy Halloween... in September! #13 Witch Way is a charming residence, full of Halloween flavor! We used a blend of overdyed Pearl Cotton along with a solid color to achieve an old brownstone look, and embellished with bits of novelty threads and clay buttons. Finished into one of Mona's box stand-ups... this is one of our favorites! Every year, we love the little Ghost Cookies I bring to work, so that's our featured recipe this month!
Mona's finishing kit includes the pre-cut board pieces, purple fabric, batting, pre-made twisted cording (I think she must make a mile of it at a time!), the colored raffia ties and complete assembly instructions.
August, 2004:
August Glory
Designed by Lynda Watkins
Ooohhh, this month's bright sunflower is full of color and texture! Stitched on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen, the flower middle is super-duper fuzzy/metallic with touches of bright green beads! Our highlight is the set of three Weeks Dye Works wool leaves that decorate your flower! We've given you three coordinating herringbone, houndstooth and solid wools, and added a little red ladybug, just for fun! Thanks to Lynda Watkins of Full Circle Designs for our project this month!!!
Mona has created a finishing kit this month for our finished 'Ravioli Pillow!' It's available for a few months... so just let us know if you'd like one! |
July, 2004:
Evergreen Santa
Designed by Linda Stolz
Our Christmas in July project is a fluffy Santa stitched in lots of Fuzzy Stuff, Fyrewerks and Silk 'n Creme! Delicious colors and textures, he features clay tree lights and lots of charm!!! Stitched on 10ct Creme Tilla... the sparkles in the fabric accent his gold metallic touches! Mona has built a finishing kit for our Santa -- you can choose it in the dropdown up above.
June, 2004:
Let Freedom Ring
Designed by Linda Stolz
We've stitched The Liberty Bell in silvery Frosty Rays, with a wooden topper of Weeks Dye Works Pearl Cotton. A billowy red banner waving, and a gold Mill Hill star button, just for dress, appropriatley, it's stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen! Mona has created a wedge finishing kit, so yours can look just like our model! Details inside your kit.
Please note the Frosty Rays used in the bell are half stitches. Remember -- don't pull too tightly.
May, 2004:
A Port Hole View!
Designed by Linda Stolz, along with Lots of Stitching Love and Creativity from The Silver Needle Gals!
Look out the ship's window to find a few sea critters among the waves along with a welcoming lighthouse! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen in translucent Flair, pretty perles and a touch of Frosty Rays... our favorite part is that little hermit crab in his own little shell!!! There's a darling mermaid available separately if you want her. If you purchase her... simply add her to her beach after the pillow is made! Our little mermaid measures approx 2 inches from head to tip of tail... (someone suggested the name of 'Voluptua' because she has a teeny-weeny bust the size of TX!!!)
Mona's finishing kit is complete except for the stuffing, and runs $26.00.
April, 2004:
May Flowers
Designed by Linda Stolz, Thread Selections by Diana Payne, Model Stitched by Angie Phillips, Finishing by Mona Bost, Kitting by Jonathan Bost, Diana Payne, and the Saturday Silver Needle Girls, Pics and Paperwork by Mary Bolack, and Coordination of it all by me, Lindy Legener!!!
Bumble bees and flowers... Spring must be around the corner!!! Pearl Cotton and velvet flowers on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen... Mona has created an Easel-Stand-Up this month... and Terry has supplied a 'To Die For' chocolate Trifle recipe!!! Definitely a group collaboration... and something fun for a sunny windowsill!!
March, 2004:
The Jelly Bean Tree
Designed by Linda Stolz
Our little Easter Bunny is stitched in Rainbow Gallery's Fuzzy Stuff, features a pink velvet ear, and a furry little tail! Selecting just the right jelly beans is the highlight of his day! Stitched on 10ct Buttermilk Betsy Ross Linen, Mona finished him into a cool stand-up!
February, 2004:
Irish Kisses!
Designed by Linda Stolz
A St Patrick's Day wish... I bet this'll work even if you're not Irish!!! Stitched this month on 10ct Metallic Tilla, our little frog is Velvet and Soft-Sheen Metallic, and is wearing a gold crown topped with Mill Hill beads! Fun colors, quick to stitch... he's just so cute!
January, 2004:
All My Love to You!
Designed by Linda Stolz
A very Victorian patchwork Valentine stitched on 10ct Tilla, we've used rich navy, burgundy, black and gold to create a velvety look and embellished with some lavender beads and brass heart charms! Mona finished our model into an 'over-the-edge' beaded velvet hanging... quite a presentation!
Mona has made a finishing kit for this month's Secret Needle Night project! A banner, your finishing kit will contain the black crushed velvet fabric, pre-made beaded trim, finishing ribbons, inside batting, Very Cool!!!
December, 2003:
Let It Snow
Designed by Linda Stolz
Let it snow, so we can build a snowman!!! Stitched on 10ct Blue Ridge Betsy Ross Linen with Weeks overdyed perle, opalescent Soft Sheen Fyrewerks and a few other yummy threads... we've embellished with Mill Hill snowflakes and a clay nose... just to get ready for our snowman!!!
November, 2003:
The Little Fir Tree
Designed by Lynda Watkins
Quite the festive little tree this month, you're stitching with lots of #5 Pearl Cottons, metallics, and a touch of opalescent thread. We've used the new Mill Hill larger size 8 beads as embellishments -- a perfect fit on the 10ct Betsy Ross Linen that we like so well for these projects! The little tree finishes approx 6 x 9, and is finished into one of Mona's banner hangings. Such pretty colors and so much personality!!!
October, 2003:
The Acorn Teapot
Designed by Lynda Watkins
A splash of Autumn color in a charming upside-down acorn-shaped teapot... you're stitching on 10ct Heatherfield in rich golden colors of #5 Pearl Cottons with some of the newest frosted metallic accents. We found tiny glass marbles for the lid handle... and a wonderful Halloween Pizza recipe that's full of chocolate and great Halloween color!!!
September, 2003:
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!
Designed by Linda Stolz
We've stitched a delightful Halloween Witch shoe this month, full of Fyrewerks -- the new Soft-Sheen, touches of Holographic, and a bit of the shiny that we love so much! Stitched on 10ct Lambswool Betsy Ross, there is a clay spider button in the 5 x 6 design, as well as a glistening web of Crystal Rays. Mona has done a banner finishing kit this month -- the finished product measures 13 x 14, and our recipe is a continued favorite we discovered years ago at Camp Wannasew -- Pumpkin Buckle!
August, 2003:
Tea is for Teacher
Designed by Linda Stolz
Tonight's design announces Back-to-School Season!!! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, in red-delicious Silk 'n Cream and Pearl Cottons, your 5 x 6-inch teapot features a Mill Hill pencil embellishment and a touch of uniform-plaid ribbon! Fun for a special teacher, or a cute seasonal decoration. We're featuring a wonderful triple-chocolate bundt cake confection as this month's recipe... perfect for an after-school snack!!! Happy Stitching!
July, 2003:
Sugarplum Stocking
Designed by Lynda Watkins
We're celebrating Christmas in July this month with a Sugarplum Stocking designed by Lynda Watkins of Full Circle Designs! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, the Pearl Cottons in the stocking are highlighted with Faux Fur French Knot trim, some hand-dyed buttons, a brass jingle bell that really jingles alot!!!, a Mill Hill star button, and yummy silk ribbons from Rainbow Gallery! We've tucked in a few metallics, and Mona has out-done herself with a festive banner! Tonight's recipe comes from Terry -- one of our shop gals -- it has no name, and has no specific measurements for the ingredients... and no definite pan size... but it's REALLY GOOD!
June, 2003:
Celebrate the 4th!
Designed by Linda Stolz
Our little banner is filled with 'Faded Glory' charm! Stitched on 10ct Hickory Heatherfield, we've used lots of Weeks Dye Works Pearl Cotton, some Rainbow Gallery threads, and added a cute clay sailboat button. Mona has made a banner finishing kit this month as well, so yours can look just like our model. Tonight's recipe makes a wonderful summer-time cake... lots of flavor variations, too!
May, 2003:
Welcome To My Garden
Designed by Linda Stolz
Hi Everyone!
Our bright ladybug this month is stitched on 10ct White Tula in lots of brilliant red, and black wool, with green and overdyed yellow Pearl Cotton. She sports lots of spots and personality... and her kit includes our recipe for "Snicker Salad!" Something fun to hang in your summertime kitchen, and something totally over-the-top for desert!!!
April, 2003:
April Showers
Designed by Linda Stolz
Check out this month's little rubber ducky taking a swim in the April Showers! Our upside-down umbrella, stitched on 10ct Buttermilk Betsy Ross Linen, is a checkerboard of wools, the flowers -- pink and yellow overdyeds, with Mill Hill crystal middles -- and the raindrops are shortcuts -- iced aqua glass bugle beads! So colorful, it's definitely one of my favorites!
Tonight's recipe from Maureen Read, is a wonderful, heavy cake piled high with cream cheese frosting... no oil for the extra fat... just pineapple... Mexican Fruit Cake... it's definitely NOT like Christmas fruit cake!!!
March, 2003:
Easter Block Party
Designed by Linda Stolz
We've stitched an Easter Box decoration that features the sweetest handmade clay Easter Basket embellishment from Honey Bee Creations... complete with a decorated chocolate egg! The bunny and chick are stitched in Fuzzy Stuff from Rainbow Gallery, the bunny's tail is a fluff of wool, and we've used lots of overdyeds as well. Tonight's recipe is an egg casserole that is one of my family's favorite; we thought it'd be fun to give you a recipe to serve for Easter Brunch!
We have a finishing kit available this month, too! Magic By Mona has put together instructions and all the necessary fabrics and instructions for you to finish your Easter Block just like our model.
February, 2003:
A Spot of Irish Tea!
Designed by Linda Stolz and the Silver Needle Gals
Our St Pat's Teapot is a festive little thing! Stitched on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen in Silk 'n Creme thread with Kelly green Velvet shamrocks and Gold Rush trim... your kit includes all the fabric and threads, and features 7 Mill Hill glass and crystal Treasures to adorn the pot. Tonight's recipe for Creme de Menthe Brownies seems fitting for the upcoming holiday -- we had to do something green to eat! They are wonderful!!! Happy Stitching! |
January, 2003:
More Sweets to Die For!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Designed by Linda Stolz
A companion to one of our most popular SNN's from a few years ago... stitch this cute box of chocolates in rich shades of silk and metallic! On 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, even though it looks good enough to eat, the gold sprinkles are Magnifica glass beads, the frosting rose is actually clay from Honey Bee Creations, and the lace doily edge is really Pearl Cotton and beads!
Tonight's recipe isn't chocolate, but it did come from *my* Sweetheart -- my husband, Craig! Cajun Turkey Stuffed Mushrooms... he says to try ham in them sometime, too!
December, 2002:
New Year's Eve Silhouette
Designed by Lara Holden
This month's design comes from one of our SNN contest winners: Lara Holden of MO! Stitched on 10ct Silver and White Tilla, you'll have lots of bugle and seed beads to make party confetti and a crystal to dress the lady's ear, as you stitch this festive Holiday decoration! Glitzy royal blue, purple and silver metallics really pop out against the black silhouette! We just love this one! Tonight's recipe comes from Harriet Kuykendall -- a 3-ingredient peanut butter cooky recipe that is too easy to be true! Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!
November, 2002:
Holiday Tea With Santa
Designed by Linda Stolz
This month's Holiday teapot is stitched on 10ct Dark Green Tula, using silks, cottons and metallics! At first glance, his face is a little pale... but when he's done... and you step back to enjoy him... he'll really 'pop out' at you! Mona has finished him into a box-shaped stand-up... perfect for your kitchen counter!
October, 2002:
An Autumn Moon
Designed by Linda Stolz
Our scarecrow is almost finished with his summer work... that big fat moon is his reward! Stitched on 10ct Hickory Heatherfield, you're using lots of Medici wool this month, along with overdyed flosses and Pearl Cotton touches. The birds and pumpkins come from Just Another Button Company, and the cool pillow we used for finishing is one of the pre-mades! Those pillows are great for so many projects... just button on your stitching, and it's done! If you want to finish yours this way, too... you can order the pillow and buttons below. Tonight's recipe comes from Cindy Munson. It's a yummy hot corn dip recipe that feels so good to eat this time of year! Enjoy!
September, 2002:
The Halloween Hat
Designed by Linda Stolz
Get ready for Halloween! Our little hat is stitched on 10ct Sand Tula, using metallic Fyrewerks, and touches of Twedie and Velvet... all from Rainbow Gallery. We've tucked on Just Another Button Company
bat and spider buttons as well! Brilliant colors, this was easy to stitch, and has a lot of visual impact! Tonight's recipe: Peanut Butter S'Mores. It's one of those recipes that's been floating around
the shop, everyone loved them, so we thought we'd share! (Next month's kit: a harvest theme!) |
August, 2002:
County Fair!
Designed by Linda Stolz
This month you're visiting the fair, and stitching our little prize-winning pig and cow in Velvet on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen! We used 8 different metallic colors for the cars on the ferris wheel, and added
lots of Pearl Cotton as well! I know the tent seems mighty bright... but that's what makes The Fair fun! Mona has finished the 7 x 7" design into a neat wall hanging -- complete with animal buttons
as decorations, and tonight's Recipe is from our own Terry -- a Carmel Corn recipe that is so good! Have fun! |
July, 2002:
No Peeking!
Designed by Linda Stolz and The Silver Needle Gals
Stitch your Christmas "Warning Sign" now so you'll be ready when the holidays arrive! On 10ct gold-metallic Tilla, we've used Rainbow Gallery's Fuzzy Stuff and Arctic Rays for the fluffy evergreen
trees... and loaded the bottom of the design with five handmade clay packages from Just Another Button Company! So cute and super quick! Enjoy Christmas in July! |
June, 2002:
Stars & Stripes
Designed By Nancy Wigman of 4 My Boys
Adapted by The Silver Needle Gals
This month's patriotic design is stitched on 10ct Federal Blue Betsy Ross Linen, using frizzy Arctic Rays and metallic Fyrewerks both by Rainbow Gallery, and lots of overdyed Pearl Cotton from Weeks Dye
Works! Devra finished our model into a hanging pillow, complete with the Arctic Rays in the twisted cord edging.
Tonight's recipe comes from Sarah Heyl, via Judy Whitman of JBW designs! Thanks Ladies!!! |
May, 2002:
Surf's Up!
Designed By Linda Stolz
Threads, Stitching & Finishing by Diana, Angie & Mona of The Silver Needle
Our colorful beachbag is stitched on 18ct Lambswool, in bright summer colors! On the front of a bag, or something cute hanging in a bath or sunroom, we've used lots of Frosty Rays from Rainbow Gallery,
and overdyed perle from Weeks Dye Works, to make it look like a straw bag! Something fun for summer, which is right around the corner!!!
Tonight's recipe: Millionaire Pie. Yummy, and a perfect summer treat! |
February, 2002:
A Little Irish Blessing
Designed By Linda Stolz and Angie Phillips
Finishing by Mona Bost
face="Arial" size="2">
Stitch our little Irish Blessing -- on 10ct -- just in time for St Pat's Day! Mona made us a quilted wall hanging this month that sets off the bright blue, green and purple colors! We've used silk, velvet
and metallics, and added lots of Mill Hill Treasures as embellishments. Approx finished size: 3 x 8," our hanging measures 9 x15." Tonight's recipe comes from Sue Jeffrey, one of the gals who
works in the shop. Grasshopper Pie... it's green -- which was a must this month -- yummy, and so fast to make! Enjoy them both!
Note on this month's chart... On the heart
at the bottom, the hollow square on the chart is the light green splendor.
January, 2002:
A Sampling of February
Designed By Linda Stolz
Finishing by Mona Bost
A fun sampling of the holidays we celebrate in February -- you'll need to add eyes to your ground hog if you want him to see his shadow! Stitched on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen, with lots of different
wools, cottons and silks... Abe Lincoln's cherry tree is embellished with 13 cherry-red Barbie buttons, and the Valentine heart is full of festive Fuzzy Stuff thread! Tonight's recipe comes from Pam Adams
of Owasso, OK. After all the sweets of the holiday season, her Hot Spinach-Artichoke Dip has been a real hit! Enjoy!
Correction for this month's SNN: The symbols for the Light Green
and the Dark Green need to be reversed. |
December, 2001:
Happy New Year!
Designed By Linda Stolz
Finishing by Mona Bost
You'll be ready for the new year with this festive little decoration! Stitched on 10ct gold metallic Tilla, we've added touches of Magnifica Beads and gold star charms as confetti to highlight our Grandfather
Clock! It measures approx 3 x 7"... and it was really fun to stitch!
Tonight's Recipe: Black & White Brownies! Pretty decadent!
October, 2001:
Be Ye Thankful
Designed By Linda Stolz
Especially appropriate this year, we think! Your Pilgrim Hat is stitched on 10ct Natural Betsy Ross Linen. The hat is Alpaca Wool, the golden leaf and rusty pumpkin are Daisies Wool from Australia, the
words are stitched in yummy tweedy shades... and the clay pumpkins come from Just Another Button Company. I always love these fall colors... hope you enjoy stitching with them! Tonight's recipe comes
from Georgette Mingle. The chocolate cake part has been a favorite recipe of mine for years... it has no eggs in the recipe! I'd just never thought of the gooey cream cheese addition -- so yummy!
August, 2001:
The Snazzy Apple
Designed By Natalie Legener
Thread Selections By The Silver Needle Gals
This month's project is a big, juicy apple -- full of fun threads and some textured stitches! We've
cleaned the thread companies out of red thread between last month's Santa hat, and this month's apple! Great fuzzy and metallic contrasts, we've included velour, and glass bugle beads as well!
recipe: Caramel Pecan Bars from our own Linda Coats. So easy, so, so, so good!
July, 2001:
Hatty Holidays
Designed By Linda Stolz
Thread Selections and Finishing By Mona Bost
Welcome to Christmas in July!!! Our fun Santa
Hat is so glisteny... and the fir trim so fluffy... it was loads of fun to stitch! Worked on 10ct Betsy Ross Linen, it's a checkerboard of "Fuzzy Stuff" and silk threads in deep burgundy reds,
with clean white Angora accents. Tonight's recipe: Raspberry Cheese Bars! Oats, cococut, brown sugar and raspberry jam... I could just eat the recipe card!
June, 2001:
Boston Tea Party
Designed By: Mona Bost & Cross-Eyed Cricket
This festive teapot is full of 4th Of July Spirit! Stitched on 10ct white Tula, in rich garnet and navy Pearl Cottons, we've added gold metallic trim, and fun red stars shooting like fireworks out of
its spout! Originally a Cross-Eyed Cricket free chart years and years ago... Mona completely re-did it, right down to the stars and stripes!
Tonight's recipe comes from Jennie Wiseman of Pennsylvania!
It's a yummy chocolate cake full of caramel and toffee... just to die for! Happy 4th Of July!!!
May, 2001:
Summer at the Seashore
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
Welcome to Summer! Our nautical lighthouse
is perched on a sandy beach, complete with a few handmade clay sea creatures to tuck into the design! Stitched on 10ct Chambray Heatherfield, it features lots of Weeks Dye Works Overdyed #5 Pearl Cottons,
and a furry, Angora pelican. Finishing approx 4 x 5"... it'll be a cute summertime decoration! Just a hint of red, white, and blue, too!
Tonight's recipe, Candy Bars, comes from Beth Ruth
of Bethlehem, PA. Chewy, gooey brownie-type bars, you use your favorite candy bar as one of the ingredients! Snickers, Butterfingers, Baby Ruths...!
January, 2001:
The Love Letter
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
Tonight's recipe, German Chocolate Bars, came from super-stitcher Janice Anderson from springfield, Missouri -- it's YUMMY!
December, 2000:
Winter Games
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
Tonight's recipe is kind of fun for this time of year: "Sand Art Brownies." You can layer the dry ingredients into a glass jar, to give as a quickie, yummy gift! Enjoy!
November, 2000:
Joyful Holidays
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
October, 2000:
Give Thanks
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
September, 2000:
Patch Pals
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
Tonight's recipe comes from Sharyn Ruttgers: Ooey, Gooey Chocolate Cake! Full of chocolate, sweetened condensed milk, whip creme, and toffee pieces... absolutely
July, 2000:
Sugarplums Dancing
Designed By: Linda Stolz, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
face="Arial" size="2">This month, we're celebrating "Christmas in July!" Our little stocking is full of yummy threads, and delicious looking candy! Stitched on Betsy Ross Linen, in sparkling metallics
and silks... we've included handmade clay candies from Just Another Button Company. There is an alphabet included for personalization, too!
JUNE, 2000:
Ready For The Parade
Designed By: Linda Stolz, Erica Michaels Designs, for The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night
This is the neatest Uncle Sam! He's worked on 10ct Hickory Heatherfield, in luscious shades of blue overdyeds, Impressions, silks, and metallics. He
stands approx 7 inches high, and is holding a clay flag, handmade by Just Another Button Company. I think he has 14 different threads in him this month... a real challenge to kit!!! Sam is one of our
favorites, so enjoy him, he's full of 4th Of July Spirit!
We designed Betsy Ross as Sam's companion, and introduced her at our Spring Camp Wannasew Weekends this past March and April. We've made
her kits available to you, so that you'll have a patriotic pair! Her kits are all ready to go, and are $22.00 each (plus shipping).
Betsy is stitched with matching threads and colors to Sam,
and features a glass Mill Hill star treasure on her dress. Her kits include full cards and skeins of each of the threads needed for her, and your June Secret Needle Night kit includes the names of our
shop finishers, who can transform your stitchery into these fun little stand-ups we're showing here!

MARCH, 2000:
Easter Treasures
Designed by Linda Stolz of Erica Michaels Designs!
Have fun this month stitching a full little Easter Basket! Your
eggs are of silk, with opalescent Alabaster thread, and Magnifica Bead decorations. The grass is frizzy Arctic Rays thread -- kind of a fun texture to stitch with! The little jelly beans, the glass flower
and silky ribbon bow are all the extra, fun touches we included this month. Stitched on 10ct Antique White Betsy Ross Linen, it'll finish about 4" x 5."
Thanks go to Joan Melberger for
this month's recipe: Pan Creme Puffs... I had to make an extra batch to leave at home... besides the one that went to the shop for Secret Needle Night! Any of the rest of you have a favorite recipe to
share??? We'd love to use it!
Luck O' the Irish
Designed by Linda Stolz, aka Erica Michaels Designs!
month's design is a classy leprechaun hat -- stitched in Rainbow Gallery's Very Velvet with metallic touches. We've chosen 9 ct canvas aida -- and added a clay heart from Just Another Button Company.
recipe: Tonight: recipe is for Pecan Bars from JBW Designs -- Judy Whitman. I love them!
Snowbirds Gone South?
Designed by Linda Stolz, aka Erica Michaels Designs!
fourth in the seasons series is stitched on 10 ct Twilight Blue Betsy Ross Linen in yummy quiet overdyed shades of green and blue -- with a touch of shimmery white snow. Embellishments include Mill Hill
enameled snowflakes and a Debbie Mumm Cardinal button!
Tonight's recipe: Toffee bars! (Too delicious!)
Autumn Colors
Designed by Linda Stolz
deep, rich...these fall colors are just indescribable! "Autumn" is stitched on 10ct Hickory Heatherfield, and features a new yarn: Daisies -- a hand-dyed wool from Australia. We've stitched the season
in overdyed floss, and added an antique brass leaf, just for fun! |
Part of a series of the 4 seasons... any of the missed seasons will be available to SNN subscribers at the end of the year, so you don't miss out on your
Tonight's recipe: Pumpkin Cheesecake (with chocolate embellishments!)
Jewel Angel
Designed by Linda Stolz
regal little angel has rich jewel-tone colors of cranberry and green, trimmed with purple and gold metallics! Her wings have wispy white Arctic Rays; her gown -- gold Mill Hill beads; and her jewel heart
-- a crystalline glass treasure that reflects all her gown's colors! |
JULY 99:
Summer Days
Designed By: Linda Stolz
A cute
little red clay crab and his golden brown buddy are hiding on the beach beside a sand castle stitched in Medici Wool. "Summer" is worked in overdyed floss, and all of it looks charming on 10
ct. chambray Heatherfield! |
JUNE 99:
Hats Off to the USA
Designed By: Linda Stolz
a festive Uncle Sam Hat, stitched in overdyeds, with fun touches of metallics. We've added clay stars and a "fizzy" Arctic Rays candle to wish the USA a happy birthday. The photograph doesn't do this
one justice. |
Tulip Time
Designed By: Linda Stolz
rose silk tulips are stitched on 10 ct Betty Ross linen, with touches of soft green Pearl Cotton on lavender silks. We've added a frosted glass tulip treasure from Mill Hiss ... and will be doing the
four seasons! |
A Lucky Charm
Designed By: Linda Stolz
A pretty charming little shamrock stitched in overdyed greens, with an awesome sparkly rainbow splashed across it. The little pot of gold
has pebble beads for nuggets, and a little clover charm for good luck! |
Honey, Bee Mine
Designed by: Linda Stolz
made a Frosty Rays beehive, and used some cute Mill Hill bee buttons. We just love this one! |

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Store Hours: 10 - 6 CST, Monday - Friday 10 - 4 CST, Saturday
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